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Феминизм курильщика: https://reason.com/archives/2019/01/28/the-future-is-female-and-shes "The Future Is Female. And She's Furious. Is rage the future of feminism? In October, a few days after Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice, The Washington Post published one woman's account of channeling her rage into half an hour of screaming at her husband. "I announced that I hate all men and wish all men were dead," wrote retired history professor Victoria Bissell Brown, entirely unapologetic despite conceding that her hapless spouse was "one of the good men." While Brown's piece was more clickbait than commentary, it was an extreme expression of a larger cultural moment. 'Tis the season to be angry if you're a woman in America—or so we're told. The storm of sexual assault allegations that nearly derailed Kavanaugh's confirmation was just the latest reported conflagration of female fury. The Kavanaugh drama coincided with the first anniversary of the downfall of the multiply accused Hollywood superpredator Harvey Weinstein. But this decade's wave of feminist anger had been building for several years before that—from the May 2014 #YesAllWomen Twitter hashtag, created to express women's vulnerability to male violence after woman hater Elliot Rodger went on a shooting and stabbing rampage in California, to the November 2016 election, in which the expected victory of America's first woman president was ignominiously thwarted by a man who casually discussed grabbing women's genitals. While the "female rage" narrative does not represent all or even most women, there is little doubt that it taps into real problems and real frustrations. The quest for women's liberation from their traditional subjection is an essential part of the story of human freedom—and for all the tremendous strides made in the United States during the last half-century, lingering gender-based biases and obstacles remain an unfinished business. But is rage feminism (to coin a phrase) the way forward, or is it a dangerous detour? The case for rage is made in two new books published almost simultaneously in the fall: Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger, by activist Soraya Chemaly, and Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger, by New York columnist Rebecca Traister. Traister's book is, despite its forays into the history of American feminism, very much of the current moment. It is dominated by the 2016 presidential race, the Women's March, and the #MeToo movement. Traister believes that Donald Trump's election woke the "sleeping giant" of female rage at the patriarchy. (Along the way, she seems to suggest that pre-2016 feminism was a mostly "cheerful" kind, with a focus on girl power and sex positivity—an account that airbrushes not only #YesAllWomen but many other days of rage on feminist Twitter and on websites such as Jezebel.) She wants women to hold on to this anger and channel it into a struggle for "revolutionary change," rather than to move on and calm down in deference to social expectations. "Our job is to stay angry…perhaps for a very long time," Traister warns darkly. Rage Becomes Her provides a broader context for this anger. Chemaly, the creator of that #YesAllWomen hashtag, sets out to count the ways sexist oppression continues, in her view, to permeate the lives of women and girls in America. Her indictment includes inequalities in school and at work, ever-present male violence, rampant and usually unpunished sexual assault, the sidelining of women in literature and film, male-centered sexual norms, subtle or overt hostility toward female power and ambition, and a variety of petty indignities, from "mansplaining" to catcalls to long bathroom lines. Like Traister, Chemaly sees women's long-suppressed anger as a necessary driver of change.[...]"
#Y7RQL2 (0+8) / @o01eg / 2184 дня назад
Феминизм здорового человека: https://www.libertarianism.org/columns/feminism-does-not-demand-collectivism "Feminism Does Not Demand Collectivism by Elizabeth Nolan Brown Libertarian feminists offer a thoroughly individualist version of feminist thought rather than the common collectivist understanding. Collectivism: the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it Individualism: a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control “But…isn’t feminism collectivist?” As a self-proclaimed libertarian feminist, that’s a question I’m confronted with frequently—and not without some good reason. After all, libertarianism is a political philosophy concerned with maximizing individual liberty, while feminism in its most prevalent form today tends to be heavy on groupthink, government solutions, and prioritizing an alleged greater good over freedom of expression, free association, and personal autonomy. Yet there’s nothing inherent in feminist philosophy and activism that says it has to be this way. Throughout the history of modern feminist movements, tensions have arisen between individualist or libertarian feminists and their counterparts of more collectivist and socialist bents. Within these divisions lie disagreements that are prone to plague many movements. Consider a set of related questions: Should social change come from voluntary action or top-down tactics? Can we count on spontaneous order and markets to produce equitable conditions for different groups of people? What is the end goal, actually—equality of opportunity or equality of outcomes? How much should identity matter under the law? Feminists have also been long divided over questions of womanhood and manhood, femininity and masculinity. Consider another set of questions: Is biology destiny? Are ladies from Venus and men from Mars? Is gender a construct? A binary? Will boys be boys? Can women “have it all?” To libertarian feminists, the first set of questions is simple. The only way true social change can happen is without the use of government force—i.e., by changing hearts and minds, rather than changing the laws. In policy terms, our goals are to tear down state-sanctioned sexism where it still exists—whether that sexism seems to benefit men or women more—and advocate for systems where sex and gender are irrelevant to how one is treated by agents of the state. Equality of outcomes is an okay thing to desire but not an okay thing to accomplish through legislative fiat (from a moral or practical perspective). While often framed as well-intentioned attempts to correct for historic discrimination, trying to officially give women a “leg up” over men only winds up enshrining a separate-but-equal status under the law—a status that will backfire against women ultimately. Considering all of this, our answers to the second set of questions are somewhat irrelevant. Sure, individual libertarian feminists might have strong and differing opinions on them. But when we get the state out of sex and gender, we rightly return these topics to the realms of science, philosophy, business, religion, and personal relationships.[...]"
#50387T (1+8) / @o01eg / 2184 дня назад
Проклятые мизогинистские литералли Гитлеры расстреливают угнетённых женщин_ок: https://breaking911.com/just-in-ariz-homeowner-opens-fire-shoots-4-home-invasion-suspects-killing-woman-sheriff/ "YUMA, Ariz. – On Thursday, January 3, 2019, at 1:38 a.m., the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office responded to the 3800 block of East County 18 ½ Street in reference to a home invasion. Upon arrival, deputies learned that the home occupants had been woken up by noises outside of their home and unknown subjects attempting to gain entry into their home. The subjects made entry into the home and during the process of the home invasion and burglary, an occupant of the home fired several rounds, striking all four of the subjects. Subject 1: Edith Guerrero, 36, of Somerton, was transported to Yuma Regional Medical Center with a gunshot wound and later flown to a Phoenix area hospital. Subject 2: Jaden James, 18, of Mesa, AZ, was transported to Yuma Regional Medical Center with a gunshot wound. Subject 3: Leonardo Gonzalez, 27, of Yuma, self-transported to Yuma Regional Medical Center and was later flown to a Phoenix area hospital. Subject 4: Jessica Aynes, 28, of Yuma, was pronounced deceased at Yuma Regional Medical Center. Next of kin has been notified."
#TF5F36 (0+9) / @o01eg / 2208 дней назад
Очередная победа союза феминизма и Медузы: https://t.me/whalesgohigh/3677 "​​Как раз недавно писал, что SJW-редакция феминизма и #metoo порождают феномен "нового викторианства", в рамках которого отношения мужчин и женщин признаются опасными, обрастают кучей ограничений и формальностей. И вот пожалуйста - прогрессивное издание рапортует о новых правилах общения М и Ж. "Не оставаться наедине", "не звать на обеды", "встречаться только в присутствии маменьки или гувернантки". В общем, в 19-ом веке бы, наверняка, одобрили. Прогрессизм обращается в консерватизм, лихо приложив подковой по лбу своих сторонников." https://telegra.ph/file/c2963d24d446a5e7621f6.jpg
#WN4CQS (4+9) / @o01eg / 2239 дней назад
Очередная победа феминизма: https://www.dailywire.com/news/38839/transgender-woman-sues-chicago-banning-nude-hank-berrien "Transgender Woman Sues Chicago For Banning Nude Performance A transgender woman in Chicago named Bea Sullivan-Knoff is suing the city because it won’t permit a performance in which Sullivan-Knoff, 26, would perform nude in places that serve liquor. Sullivan-Knoff believes that the fact that men can go bare-chested but women cannot is an imposition, but it’s more than that; Sullivan-Knoff also wants to challenge how “female breasts” should be defined when one is transgender and if laws based on binary gender should be applied to gender-non-conforming people. She said in 2016, "They don't define what 'female' [breast] means. As soon as you look at anyone in the trans or intersex community, it can throw a wrench in a seemingly straightforward and simple statement. . . If a trans woman has undergone hormone replacement therapy, and hasn't done documentation to change [legal] gender, then is it a male breast? I don't think they have had to consider it before..."
#BMUNFW (3+8) / @o01eg / 2240 дней назад
Очередная победа феминизма: https://www.dailywire.com/news/38105/transgender-woman-files-human-rights-complaints-amanda-prestigiacomo "Transgender Woman Files Human Rights Complaints Against 16 Women For Refusing To Wax His Male Genitalia The male-to-female transgender individual claims he was discriminated against. Sixteen Canadian women have had human rights complaints filed against them by a male-to-female transgender individual for alleged "gender identity" discrimination after they refused to wax his male genitalia. John Carpay, a lawyer and the president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, is representing two of the women who are being targeted by the complainant, who is referred to only as "JY." In accordance with an order from the BC Human Rights Tribunal, the transgender individual must be kept anonymous. "In recent months, JY approached 16 Vancouver-area female estheticians who only serve women, requesting a 'Brazilian' bikini wax on his groin area," revealed Carpay on Tuesday. "In spite of the fact that JY is able to obtain a Manzilian in Vancouver, JY has filed 16 complaints against these women at the BC Human Rights Tribunal, claiming discrimination on the basis of 'gender identity.'" The female estheticians in question only serve women and do not offer so-called "Manzilians" — the male equivalent to a Brazilian wax. "The procedure for providing a man with a 'Manzilian' is quite different, using a different kind of wax and a different technique," noted the lawyer."
#I9AXTA (1+8) / @o01eg / 2265 дней назад
Центральный Комитет Международной Феминистической Организации™ негодует и просит сдать партбилеты: https://twitter.com/monaeltahawy/status/1060144528366166016 "White women: footsoldiers of the patriarchy. Brian Kemp: 76% Ted Cruz: 59% Ron DeSantis: 51%"
#TS8GJO (2+8) / @o01eg / 2266 дней назад
Новые открытия гендерных наук: https://pp.userapi.com/c848636/v848636897/b160f/_3_gKUXpMy0.jpg
#YS1EJQ (3+8) / @o01eg / 2268 дней назад
Очередная победа феминизма? А не, это крававые мизогинистские трамписты: https://www.newsweek.com/teenager-daughter-forest-city-north-carolina-rutherford-county-boyfriend-1072288 "15-Year-Old Who Learned Gun Safety from Late Father Defends Mother by Shooting, Killing Boyfriend As He Choked Her In a matter of two gunshots, a teenage daughter neutralized a convicted maniac who was strangling her mother and saved her siblings from harm. The 15-year-old girl defended her mom and two siblings minutes past midnight last Wednesday inside their Lakeview Drive home in Forest City, North Carolina, by firing two rounds and striking 46-year-old Steven Kelley twice in the chest, Rutherford County Sheriffs and the District Attorney’s Office confirmed in a release of the incident. After reviewing the evidence in the homicide, the release goes on, prosecutors cleared the girl and ruled the "shooting justified" and declared that "no charges will be filed." A relative told Newsweek that it was thanks to the girl’s father, who imparted to her and her siblings safe gun-handling techniques before losing to a bout of cancer in 2017. “Her dad, when he was healthy, he taught them the respect for guns and how to use them,” the relative, who asked to remain anonymous, said. “She wasn’t an avid user of guns, but she did enough to feel comfortable.” The hero didn’t flinch that night. The mother’s boyfriend, Kelley, was attacking her again. This time, he was choking her and shouting “he was going to cut her throat" and “kill everyone in the house,” the release states. The mom’s quick-thinking 12-year-old son dashed to grab a gun. Then, the 15-year-old daughter “took the gun from her brother and fired it twice,” felling Kelley, according to the release. Kelley, who hailed from Indiana, was pronounced dead on arrival as a result of gunshot wounds, the authorities said."
#9FK3KS (4+9) / @o01eg / 2268 дней назад
Совсем забыл про эксперта по Латинской Америке и ненастоящей™ феминистки, статья написана до победы Болсонару: https://www.kittysanders.com/4914 "Много вопросов у прогрессивной общественности вызывает позиция Болсонару по образованию: он категорически против гендерного образования в его нынешнем виде, против квот в университетах и за деидеологизацию образования (школьное образование в Бразилии, да и в большинстве стран Латинской Америки, очень левое, оно сильно концентрируется на «антиимпериалистическом» пафосе и в меньшей мере уделяет внимание собственно знаниям.) Лично я не вижу в предложении Болсонару ничего дурного: либерал-фундаментализм левой ориентации, навязывающий детям примитивные и довольно сомнительные теории, «объясняющие все секреты и тайны человеческого существа без регистрации и смс» («пол не имеет значения, есть гендер, но и его как бы нет, потому что ты его выбираешь самостоятельно, а ещё ориентация врождённая, ну возможно кроме гетеросексуальной, потому что поганые белые христианские гетеросексуальные мачистские патриархальные доминанты, топчущие всё светлое и прекрасное, вот почему»), ничем не лучше реакционерского фундаментализма, который внушает детям, что нашей планете несколько тысяч лет, динозавры и мамонты это выдумки масонов, прививки зло, а трогать себя — грех. И то, и другое формирует в детском сознании неадекватную картину мира, от которой человек будет страдать всю жизнь. В моём понимании задача системы образования — социализировать ребёнка, дать ему адекватную картину мира и уменьшить количество ошибок и страданий, через которые ему предстоит пройти. А не экспериментировать над ним, втюхивая доверчивому маленькому созданию какой-то злобный революционный и болезненно сексуализированный бред, разведённый вдобавок феминистскими неврозами, после которого выпускник школы будет всю жизнь страдать от социальной неадаптированности, тревоги и депрессии. Подросткам на самом деле интересно сексуальное образование. Но, если им оказывать ненавязчивую поддержку, они сами разберутся в своей ориентации, а когда им понадобится помощь взрослых — важно, чтобы они обратились к нормальным взрослым, а не к тем, кто выдаст им тираду про Че Гевару как образец для подражания, «учение Маркса-Энгельса, которое объясняет вообще всё, включая проблемы взаимоотношения полов», а также про тяжёлое положение меньшинств, которые не ходят на митинги и парады. Нормальное сексуальное образование должно включать в себя доброжелательный, терпеливо проработанный, специально составленный под детей курс базовых медицинских, гигиенических, философских и культурологических знаний, изложенный нормальным живым языком, который поможет ребёнку самостоятельно определиться с самоидентификацией любой сложности, от сексуальной до субкультурной, избавит от нежелательных беременностей в раннем возрасте, а заодно и от риска ЗППП. Причём эта информация должна подаваться не «сверху вниз», а через диалог, в котором лектор играет роль «первого и самого опытного среди равных», когда подростки настолько доверяют лектору, что забрасывают вопросами, в т.ч. такими, которые, наверное, не стали бы озвучивать в другой ситуации. Также этот курс должен содержать часть об уважении и взаимопонимании, но поданную не слащаво и в духе ток-шоу о проблемных детях, а живо, резко, в связи с границами и инаковостью Другого, межсубкультурной коммуникацией и самообороной (физической и психологической.) Всё это должен доносить адекватный учитель — желательно молодой, разбирающийся в субкультурах (а лучше бывший их частью), мемчиках и юморе, и при этом удерживающийся от политизации того контента, который он выдаёт слушателям. Это сложно. Но это и есть настоящие образование и воспитание, как я их вижу. А бесцеремонное впихивание в головы какой-то «объясняющей всё» теории подросткам и детям, да ещё и со стукаческими угрозами за неверие в эту теорию («ваш ребёнок допускал нетерпимые высказывания, есть подозрение, что в вашем доме царит нездоровая атмосфера и недостаточно внимательно относятся к проблемам меньшинств, мы пришлём соцработника, он вас проверит») — абсолютно недопустимо. Жаир Болсонару в данном вопросе предсказуемо выступает как консерватор, не желающий допускать централизованной пропаганды каких-либо идеологий (левых, правых, центристских) в школах и отстаивающий право на детство."
#3JEOV1 (1+8) / @o01eg / 2269 дней назад
Очередная победа феминизма? А нет, это крававый мизогинистский Трамп хочет расколоть женское движение: https://twitter.com/tictoc/status/1058846357111427073 "For the first time in U.S. history a woman will lead the largest command in the army"
#7XFTA1 (0+8) / @o01eg / 2269 дней назад
Очередная победа феминизма: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/11/02/brett-kavanaugh-rape-accuser-admits-she-made-up-her-story-doj-fbi/ "Brett Kavanaugh Rape Accuser Admits She Made Up Her Story The Senate Judiciary Committee has referred a Kentucky woman to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after she admitted making up an accusation that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had raped her. According to the referral, the woman, Judy Munro-Leighton, contacted the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding a letter presented by Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) from “Jane Doe” of Oceanside, California, who claimed that Kavanaugh had raped her “several times.” As Breitbart News reported last month: According to committee transcripts released Sunday, the accuser, who signed the mysterious letter as “Jane Doe,” alleges Kavanaugh and a friend raped her “several times” after giving her a lift home from a party — making no attempt to claim a time or place for the lurid story. The accuser claims Kavanaugh groped her, slapped her, and force her to perform sexual acts. “They forced me to go into the backseat and took 2 turns raping me several times each. They dropped me off 3 two blocks from my home,” the accuser wrote, claiming the pair told her, “No one will believe if you tell. Be a good girl.” The letter, marked with the word “urgent,” did not include a return address, nor did it offer clues regarding the accuser’s background. “A group of white men, powerful senators who won’t believe me, will come after me” if I reveal the incident, the accuser wrote, prompting observers to speculate the sender could be a minority. Munro-Leighton contacted the committee via e-mail, claiming that she was “Jane Doe” and that Kavanaugh had raped her. However, she later admitted that she was not “Jane Doe” and had never met Kavanaugh..."
#2UT1FG (0+8) / @o01eg / 2270 дней назад
http://teatr-aktor.kiev.ua/7_rozgnivanyh_gentlmeniv "«Скільки хороших чоловіків опинилося під мостом через жінку» Чарлз Буковскі Жінки... Причини світових конфліктів і геополітичних змін ще з часів Троянської війни. Жіноча стать завжди була основним рушієм історії, бо найбільші дурниці чоловіки роблять через кохання та пристрасть до слабкої статі. Але без них існування людства було б неможливим. «Сім розгніваних джентльменів» — антифеміністична комедія, в якій у нареченого з незрозумілих причин зривається весілля, і всі гості вирушають на пошуки справедливості. Сім брутальних чуваків, сигари, костюми, віскі, пістолет, відбірна лайка, бійка, заручник і відверті розмови про секс. Та, як буває у голлівудських комедіях, усе закінчиться хепі-ендом."
#B555ZS (0+8) / @o01eg / 2270 дней назад
https://fee.org/articles/how-free-trade-liberated-women-from-housework/ "How Free Trade Liberated Women from Housework Chelsea Follett US tariffs will thus target and raise the cost of appliances that have been key to women’s empowerment historically. t is an underappreciated fact that women are hit particularly hard by the United States’ ever-increasing tariffs on imports and burgeoning trade war with China (and, possibly, other countries as well). Recently another set of tariffs on imports took effect, raising prices on hundreds of goods especially important to women, including foodstuffs and appliances. It may sound trite—or worse—to associate these goods primarily with women. But economic history clearly shows that labor-saving appliances and ready-made food products save women time, thereby expanding their opportunities, and allowing them to improve their education and skills, pursue employment outside the home, and do other things they value. The Market Freed up Women's Time Consider just one appliance that the administration’s tariffs have hit especially hard: the washing machine. Just a century ago, women would spend at least one full day of their already overburdened week soaking, stirring, boiling, wringing, hanging, deodorizing, starching, and then folding and ironing their household laundry. Today, the washing machine reduces the amount of weekly active work on laundry to around an hour. As University of Cambridge economist Ha-Joon Chang has noted, “Without the washing machine, the scale of change in the role of women in society and in family dynamics would not have been nearly as dramatic.” Yet the US recently placed a 25 percent tariff on Samsung and LG washing machines from South Korea and has tariffed the foreign steel and aluminum used in American-made washers. As a result, the price of these machines has already increased by 17 percent. The new tariffs will increase the cost of countless goods that have freed women’s time and dramatically improved gender equality, helping make two-earner households possible. Consumers will see heftier price tags on vacuum cleaners, sewing machines, refrigerators, dishwashers, kitchen waste disposers, blenders, food processors, toaster ovens, microwaves, kitchen ranges and ovens, slow cookers, and virtually all other appliances. (The full list of products targeted by the latest tariffs is 194-pages-long.) The increase in cost will represent an abrupt change for the worse after global trade liberalization previously lowered the cost of many those same goods over the past decades. Reducing the Burden of Housework The tariffs will thus target and raise the cost of appliances that have been key to women’s empowerment historically. Thanks in part to the affordability of everyday kitchen appliances, cooking has changed from a necessary, labor-intensive task to a largely optional activity in the United States. Back in the days of churning butter and baking one’s own bread, food preparation consumed as much time as a full-time job. But by 2008, the average American spent around an hour on food preparation each day, and from the mid-1960s to 2008, women more than halved the amount of time spent on food preparation. Yet women still cook more than men in the United States, and so any increase in the cost of kitchen appliances is a tax on items that women use the most..."
#AYVEX6 (6+8) / @o01eg / 2272 дня назад
"Ого! На ОБЖ детям уже на полном серьёзе преподают телегонию. Скоро на медфаках будут читать лекции про волновую память матки, если ещё не читают." https://www.facebook.com/mpavlov1/posts/2306392299433168
#E6LQTE (0+8) / @o01eg / 2274 дня назад
Очередная победа феминизма: https://www.dailywire.com/news/37641/awwwkward-hbo-have-intimacy-coordinator-set-all-paul-bois "Awwwkward: HBO To Have An ‘Intimacy Coordinator’ On Set For All Sex Scenes Now "We were asking a lot of actors and directors and crew in terms of professionalism" HBO has so many sex scenes on its shows, the cable channel has hired one more staff member to keep it under control. The position is called an "intimacy coordinator," and the person will now be on set during all Skinemax scenes to ensure no harassment or abuse takes place. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the "intimacy coordinator" made their debut on the set of "The Deuce," (starring #MeToo violator James Franco) and will now be installed on all sets requiring their presence, which is pretty much every show on HBO. HBO announced the new profession on its public relations Twitter account on Thursday shortly after Rolling Stone reported on "Intimacy Coordinator" Alicia Rodis's work on "The Deuce," a show about the 1970's porn industry in New York. "As reported in @RollingStone, all @HBO programs with intimate scenes will be staffed by an intimacy coordinator," HBO PR tweeted. Alicia Rodis has made quite a name for herself as an "Intimacy Coordinator" it seems, having already worked on the upcoming "Deadwood" movie and "Watchmen" series."
#KI9FB4 (3+9) / @o01eg / 2275 дней назад
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