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The U.S. healthcare system does not align with the principles of capitalism, especially when examined through the lens of the core features that define a capitalist economy. According to the general understanding of capitalism, key components include capital accumulation, competitive markets, price systems, private property, the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange, and wage labor. While these features are commonly observed in other sectors of the U.S. economy, the healthcare system is an outlier in many respects, failing to fully embody several of these fundamental characteristics. One major shortcoming of the U.S. healthcare system is the absence of truly competitive markets. In a typical capitalist system, competition is supposed to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and lower prices. However, the U.S. healthcare market is highly fragmented and dominated by large monopolistic or oligopolistic corporations, including pharmaceutical companies, insurance providers, and hospital chains. This concentration of market power reduces competition, limits consumer choice, and drives up costs. For example, in many areas of the country, a small number of insurance companies control the majority of the market, which reduces the ability of consumers to shop around for better coverage or prices. Additionally, healthcare providers often have limited incentive to compete on price due to a lack of transparency in medical costs. Another capitalist feature notably absent in U.S. healthcare is the efficient use of price systems. In a typical market economy, prices reflect the balance of supply and demand, helping consumers make informed choices about how to allocate their resources. However, the price system in U.S. healthcare is deeply distorted. Many medical procedures, medications, and treatments are priced without clear transparency, and patients are often unaware of the costs they will face until after receiving care. For example, the price of a simple hospital visit or a routine surgery can vary significantly depending on the hospital, geographic location, and even the patient’s insurance plan. This opacity in pricing makes it impossible for consumers to shop for the best value, a fundamental feature of a capitalist economy. Furthermore, the principle of voluntary exchange is undermined in the U.S. healthcare system. In capitalism, voluntary exchange refers to the idea that both parties in a transaction agree to the terms freely and with full knowledge of the consequences. In healthcare, however, many individuals are compelled to seek medical care in emergency situations or because they are required by law to purchase health insurance under certain circumstances (such as through employer mandates or government programs). Additionally, many people are forced to accept treatments and procedures without understanding or consenting to their full costs. The power dynamics in healthcare transactions, where patients often have limited options and urgent needs, hinder the free exchange of services that is supposed to characterize a capitalist system. A direct consequence of these deficiencies in capitalism is the exorbitant cost of medical care in the U.S. The high prices for medical services, prescription drugs, and insurance premiums make healthcare unaffordable for a significant portion of the population. For instance, the U.S. spends more on healthcare than any other nation, yet it ranks poorly in terms of outcomes such as life expectancy and infant mortality. Many individuals struggle to pay for necessary treatments, and healthcare-related expenses are one of the leading causes of personal bankruptcy in the country. In stark contrast, people in other countries—such as Canada or Mexico—can often access medical care at a fraction of the cost. In Canada, healthcare is primarily publicly funded and provides most medical services at no direct cost to the patient at the point of care. As a result, Canadian citizens typically pay far lower rates for healthcare services compared to their American counterparts. In Mexico, private medical care is available at a fraction of U.S. prices. For example, a dental procedure in Mexico may cost one-tenth of the price in the U.S., and many individuals from the U.S. travel abroad to receive cheaper healthcare services. These examples highlight how the U.S. healthcare system deviates from capitalist principles, particularly in terms of price transparency, market competition, and the basic functioning of voluntary exchange.
#ZZD9KE (0) / @l29ah / 70 дней назад
Небольшая подборка тайтлов из прессы (таких куда больше): America's school lunch crisis Schools ended universal free lunch. Now meal debt is soaring 'Stop penalizing hunger': the push to cancel US school lunch debt How School Lunch Debt Creates Shame and Inequality The concept of "school lunch debt" is obscene Utah students plagued with over $1.7 million in school lunch debt School lunch debt is a huge issue across the country Raise funds to help pay off school lunch debt Can We Stop Kids From Being Shamed Over School Lunch Debt? Many Indiana students have to pay for school lunches again How You Can Help Erase School Lunch Debt Debt Collectors Over Kids' School Lunch Bills? It's Real Student lunch debt is a growing problem in American schools. School lunch debt: Would we rather feed children or feed bureaucracy? As school lunch debt climbs, advocates push to make sure kids don't go hungry at school
#MBLR0H (0) / @l29ah / 483 дня назад
Возрастная статистика по жмурам за 2020: https://wisqars.cdc.gov/data/lcd/home
#IOB11R (1+1) / @l29ah / 906 дней назад
А петушилы кукарекали, что Путин не коммунист: https://twitter.com/JMichaelWaller/status/1283223269462740993 "Putin says “President Biden” when his RT propaganda shop puts the US Communist Party’s Angela Davis in camera to tell her cadre why they should back @JoeBiden"
#74DKWR (0+8) / @o01eg / 1715 дней назад
Очередная победа феминизма: https://twitter.com/ACLU/status/1275585932482220032 "When we say abortion access for all, we mean EVERYONE who can get pregnant, not just women."
#5G56QE (1+7) / @o01eg / 1733 дня назад
#7DP1VJ (0+8) / @o01eg / 1747 дней назад
Очередная победа антифашизма над феминистками: https://sun1-86.userapi.com/toyV1yuctrPGUghIr41aoLyepieIsMKwQgLKwQ/9JLJSPHGaqQ.jpg
#GS8HE7 (0+7) / @o01eg / 1751 день назад
Увидев, что феминистки отважно проглотили свой MeToo, Байден теперь за негров взялся.
#PQ76HC (7+8) / @o01eg / 1769 дней назад
Самолёт, полный феминисток, летящий по курсу Партии: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EXW3v_UUwAAK2mw?format=jpg&name=orig
#FW9IQ2 (0+9) / @o01eg / 1785 дней назад
http://deaddrop.ftp.sh/3cJn3KSdyjSO.jpg http://deaddrop.ftp.sh/wY_b_6ET-AAV.jpg Я чет не понял, они так по-тупому задним числом 3.7к трупов добавили чтобы сказать что пик пройден или это лаг и на 15-16 надо ждать таких же изменений в ближайшие дни?
#4AR6I6 (5+1) / @anarchy / 1805 дней назад
"Хорошо lockdown лесбиянка ничем не отличается от обычной женщины." https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/04/coronavirus-roommate-loneliness-sex.html "Coronavirus Diaries: I’m a Lesbian. But Since the Lockdown, I’ve Been Sleeping With My Male Roommate. The loneliness of isolation has meant that identity is less important than intimacy."
#4JG2G3 (0+8) / @o01eg / 1810 дней назад
Очередная победа феминизма: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIlq85dL0C4 "A growing number of school administrators want to silence women and girls who dare speak out about the ways transgender policies are harming them—but these brave young women refuse to be bullied or made to believe their concerns are hateful. They don’t hate anyone. These girls were among the best high school athletes in their region—excited to earn scholarships and opportunities by working hard to perfect their talents on the track. All of that changed suddenly when they were forced to compete against transgender athletes."
#62LS9B (0+8) / @o01eg / 1862 дня назад
Очередная победа феминизма: https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/02/14/biologically-male-runner-to-compete-in-usa-womens-olympic-trials/ "A biologically male marathon runner who identifies as a transgender woman is set to compete in the USA Olympic trials later in February. Megan Youngren “is set to make history on Feb. 29 as the first openly transgender athlete to compete at the U.S. Olympic marathon trials,” Sports Illustrated reported. Youngren qualified for the trials after a strong performance on Dec. 8, 2019, in the California International Marathon. “People will try to put it down by saying, ‘That’s too easy because you’re trans.’ But what about the 500 other women who will qualify?” Youngren told the magazine. “There’s probably someone with the exact same story.” “I trained hard. I got lucky. I dodged injuries,” Youngren added. “I raced a lot, and it worked out for me. That’s the story for a lot of other people, too.”"
#3HYTYD (1+8) / @o01eg / 1865 дней назад
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELb4_YgWsAE2ZKF.jpg:orig https://www.bbc.com/russian/news-50728840 "США подготовили санкции против российских газопроводов. На что это повлияет?"
#TH41AS (0+8) / @o01eg / 1933 дня назад
Только Американская Оккупация спасёт Беларусь от российской! https://www.belta.by/president/view/lukashenko-ssha-mogli-by-sposobstvovat-uregulirovaniju-konflikta-v-ukraine-362369-2019/ "Лукашенко: США могли бы способствовать урегулированию конфликта в Украине 17 сентября, Минск /Владимир Матвеев - БЕЛТА/. США могли бы способствовать урегулированию конфликта в Украине. Об этом Президент Беларуси Александр Лукашенко заявил сегодня в Минске на встрече с заместителем государственного секретаря США по политическим вопросам Дэвидом Хэйлом, передает корреспондент БЕЛТА. "США могли бы способствовать урегулированию этого конфликта", - подчеркнул глава государства. "Что касается проблем Европы, и особенно Восточной Европы, в частности Украины, я абсолютно убежден на сегодняшний день, что без участия США этот конфликт урегулировать не получится", - отметил Александр Лукашенко." https://www.belta.by/politics/view/ssha-i-belarus-prinjali-reshenie-o-vosstanovlenii-dippredstavitelstva-na-urovne-poslov-362371-2019/ "США и Беларусь приняли решение о восстановлении диппредставительства на уровне послов "Я хотел бы передать привет от госсекретаря, который попросил меня приехать, чтобы присутствовать на важном историческом моменте наших двусторонних отношений. После нашей встречи мы сделаем объявление, что будем обмениваться послами по истечении такого количества лет без послов", - сказал Дэвид Хэйл. "Мы согласны с вами, что то положение вещей неестественно, ненормально. И мы рады, что эта глава оканчивается. Мы закрываем эту главу по причине тех шагов, которые ваша страна и вы лично сделали. Также отмечаем то видение, которые вы приняли на вооружение - большего разнообразия как во внутренних делах, так и в отношениях с внешним миром. Мы очень сильно поддерживаем это видение и сделаем все возможное, чтобы помочь вам на этом пути", - подчеркнул заместитель госсекретаря США."
#R6L1HE (1+8) / @o01eg / 2017 дней назад
"Товарищ_ка феминист_ка, произошла ужасная ошибка" https://stallman.org/articles/genderless-pronouns.html
#IN0SUA (0+8) / @o01eg / 2017 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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