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Хм, встречаю упоминание некоего JIT2: http://forum.simutrans.com/index.php?topic=14191.0 http://forum.simutrans.com/index.php?topic=14645.msg144696#msg144696 Хм, simutrans станет ещё более лучше симулировать экономику?
#2V8GQ7 (0) / @o01eg / 3558 дней назад
http://careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/90236/rust-open-source-software-engineer-maidsafenet "Rust Open Source Software Engineer MaidSafe.net Troon, UK (allows remote) rust Job Description Can you imagine a new decentralised Internet, free from corporations selling your personal details and private information for their profit, where users are in control of their data and all communication is secure, private and anonymous? What if this new network was comprised of the spare computing resources of the world’s Internet users and has years of planning and development behind it. The company implementing the replacement for much of the Internet’s services is called MaidSafe and they plan a public launch of the platform later this year. This new network has generated much interest from the world’s technology press. http://techcrunch.com/2014/07/23/maidsafe/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2014/04/08/beyond-bitcoin-crypto-ownership-companies-hope-youre-ready-to-decentralize-everything-on-the-internet/ As the platform approaches its first public release, MaidSafe are looking to strengthen their team with engineers experienced in producing open source software. MaidSafe are implementing their vision in Rust and knowledge of this new language is an advantage. A background in contributing to open source projects is essential and the successful candidate will also be able to demonstrate knowledge of multiple programming languages. This role provides the opportunity to work for a cutting edge open source company with a big future, as well as the freedom to push your skills to the limit. While an office based developer is preferred, this may be a remote position where for ease of collaboration, the candidate will be required to work between 09:30 and 17:30 UK time (British Summer Time) Monday through Friday. Skills & Requirements Commits have been made to verifiable open source repositories Experience in Rust preferred, but not essential Experience working within an iterative Agile development process A proven track record of submitting quality bug reports to open source issue trackers, preferably with bug fixes. Some links to examples would be great A presence on Stack Overflow, where you have asked or answered hard questions and been recognised by others for your answers Familiarity with revision control and hosted repositories In addition to supplying a CV, a list of URLs (code contributions, stack overflow answers, mailing list posts) containing evidence of why you would be a great hire, is essential. It would be great if you could supply a github.com or sourceforge.net, or equivalent account for MaidSafe to review. About MaidSafe.net MaidSafe is a small and highly innovative open source technology company where your role is likely to be more varied than the highly specialised roles typical in a corporate employer. They are developing a decentralised and global computing platform that has the potential to fundamentally change how the Internet works for millions of users, delivering privacy, security and freedom for everyone. You can view their code repositories and run some of their console apps from here: https://github.com/maidsafe."
#WTUVAN (0) / @o01eg / 3561 день назад
http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=Changelog;hb=release/2.7 > 26 - VP9 high bit-depth and extended colorspaces decoding support Всё, можно кодировать аниме?
#DCH6H7 (0) / @o01eg / 3561 день назад
От известного пользователя Krita и автора пособия по её компиляции для котов: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1627457613/help-print-the-full-color-webcomic-pepper-and-carr "Pepper & Carrot is a full color open source webcomc created by David Revoy. A comedy/humor webcomic suited for everyone, every age. The comic follows the adventures of a young witch named Pepper and her cat Carrot. The pages are already done, but we need your help to bring it to print for the first time. This comic is being edited, published, and printed by an independent publisher, NK Comics. Original Art and story created by David Revoy www.davidrevoy.com. Webcomic, artworks and texts are licensed under a CC-By license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. Website for Pepper and Carrot: http://www.peppercarrot.com/ How does this "Kickstarter" thing work, anyway? See the top right corner of this page, where it says "$500 goal"? We need that much money to produce our "Pepper and Carrot Volume 1" on a timely schedule. If the goal is reached thanks to your pledges, production on the graphic novel and all of the associated rewards begin immediately! But if we don't meet our goal by the end of the 30 days, while we will all be very sad, you will not lose a penny. You will not be charged unless the project reaches its $500 goal before the deadline! The book will be full color 8in x 10in in softcover and Kickstarter exclusive Hardcover. The base amount of pages is 30+. But the more we raise the more story and making of pages will be will be added."
#XCYG5R (0) / @o01eg / 3562 дня назад
#4X1QGM (0) / @o01eg / 3562 дня назад
Krita предлагает выбрать цель для реализации, а я нуб в рисовании. Что делать?
#RMUWCA (2) / @o01eg / 3566 дней назад
Лучшая RTS, IMHO. http://7kfans.com/?p=131 "The latest version of 7KAA is now available. This version is long in the making, but perhaps has the most extensive set of improvements yet. The enet based network code supports up to 7 players, and direct connection via UDP, bringing it on par with the legacy DPlay code in 2.13.2. Those with widescreens may appreciate the higher resolution screen stretching that comes with SDL2. Those building from source please note the dependency changes. Summary of changes in this release ——— Switched to using SDL2. Gained support for full-screen stretching. Gained support for MacOS. Switched to using enet, replacing SDL_net. Audio code improvements. The multiplayer connection code has stablized. New game hotkeys. Migrate population across extended town networks. Added ability to migrate 10 people at a time across between towns. Gettext translation support. Several bug fixes."
#OKBS8T (5) / @o01eg / 3581 день назад
Поиграл в мультиплеер на 300 ходов и 2 игроков и 4 ИИ. ИИ не сложный, а вот чел меня заборол. С флотом я просчитался.
#2PFGY7 (4) / @o01eg / 3586 дней назад
Правильная ориентация на ЦА: https://jp.krita.org/
#S1I3HE (0) / @o01eg / 3592 дня назад
Друзья и коллеги, купил себе vps. Хочу повесить на него анонимайзер и в моей стране даже доступ к сайту openwrt закрыт. Посоветуйте годных opensource решений для этих нужд. VPS на Debian Jessie x86_64.
#BUDXI7 (61+1) / @anonkz / 3595 дней назад
Какая версия собирается релизнуться со сходочками по всему миру? 1.0.0 Какая версия требуется для сборки самого важного, и даже ключевого приложения на rust? 1.1.0 https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/1588 ШТАБИЛЬНОСТЬ!
#IIA7Q1 (0) / @o01eg / 3595 дней назад
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/zemarmot-libre-movie-made-with-free-software "Animation film about a Marmot wandering the world, under CC BY-SA and fully made with Free Software. ZeMarmot is a project of 2D animation movie about wandering and freedom, planned to be released under Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International/Art Libre licenses and fully made with creative Free Software (GIMP, Krita, Blender, Ardour…). The Team The project is being made under the umbrella of the non-profit association LILA with a core team of professional animators, developers and musicians. Music will be composed and played specifically for the movie by a very talented collective of Free Arts artists, AMMD."
#CC4KDH (0) / @o01eg / 3597 дней назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/krita/krita-free-paint-app-lets-make-it-faster-than-phot Ещё одно приложение для анимации. Надеюсь, хоть в нём смогут что-то приличное нарисовать.
#WYWS25 (6) / @o01eg / 3598 дней назад
В freeorion есть настоящий параллельный пошаговый режим, но нет серверов длительной игры. Для freeciv такие сервера есть, но с длиной хода в день игра превращается в RTS. Как же так?
#M4UE1A (0+1) / @o01eg / 3622 дня назад
К свеженачавшемуся сезону аниме: http://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=41972 "После полутора лет разработки представлен выпуск библиотеки libvpx 1.4.0, в рамках которой развиваются эталонные реализации свободных видеокодеков VP8 и VP9. Код libvpx распространяется под лицензией BSD. Компания Google делегировала неограниченному кругу лиц возможность безвозмездного использования всех патентов, касающихся заложенных в VP8 и VP9 технологий, и отказалась от сбора каких либо отчислений (royalty-free). [...] Основные новшества libvpx 1.4.0: [...] а также режимов с 10- и 12-битами на цветовой канал; ..."
#N5UQIT (0) / @o01eg / 3628 дней назад
#ALTLZF (0+1) / @o01eg / 3649 дней назад
Необъяснимая любовь огнелиса к тому, чтобы считать "Новую вкладку" восстановленной версией вкладки, предложенной в восстановлении сессии.
#22HMBO (0+1) / @o01eg / 3672 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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