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https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nophone-usa/the-new-and-unimproved-nophone удобно // кусочек пластика, имитирующий смартфон. тип для избавления от зависимости.

#KQ7I7V (4+1) / @like-all / 3701 день назад
Пришла к успеху: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1841801090/fallen-vol-1-graphic-novel-by-ogawa-burukku http://www.inkblazers.com/manga-and-comics/FaLLEN/detail-page/2409?lang=en http://www.inkblazers.com/blogs/Interview-FaLLEN-by-Ogawa-Burukku/detail-page/7443 https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=104233 > Well, originally I wanted to do storyboarding for Disney’s Feature Animation division, and I was in fact all setup to jump right in after I graduated from SCAD, but I think it was around 2003 when the company dropped their 2D department in favor of doing lousy CG movies. I was not (and still am not) a fan of totally CG animated movies, and since at the time the whole industry was going belly-up as animation studios closed their doors and others quickly tried to master 3D lighting, I decided to go another route. In 2004 I moved to Japan and started attending a school for making manga, because all I wanted to do was tell stories with sequential art. This was just another way to do that without the end result being poopy CG puppets. > When I went to other publishers, people kept telling me I was too old… at 26. Japan likes young artists they can mold, and I have actually found that the better I get, the less interested editors have become. When I was younger and terrible, I had several bites. Now that I’m exponentially better at what I do, people tell me I’m great but don’t seem interested in giving me jobs. The fact that I’m a foreigner doesn’t help. The feedback I’ve gotten from editors (I’d say I’ve been to about 30 since coming to Japan) has always been mixed, but most guys I’ve met with have been pretty young and it doesn’t seem they have any idea what they are talking about. When I asked one guy if there was anything I could work on, he told me “Practice drawing every day.” Clearly, I’m not a beginner. Clearly I’ve been doing this for a while. But he wasn’t equipped to handle more advanced artists, and that was the best advice he could give.
#67YXEJ (0) / @o01eg / 3703 дня назад

http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/10/the-ugly-afterlife-of-crowdfunding-projects-that-never-ship-and-never-end/ А ведь я ещё года 4 назад говорил, что так будет.

#24ZIIS (7+1) / @goren / 3705 дней назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1374838500/japanese-the-game-tokyo-edition-a-language-learnin "Earlier this year, Japanese: The Game had its public debut right here on Kickstarter. Now over 10,000 decks have been printed and thousands of people are learning Japanese by playing a card game. Japanese has a reputation for being difficult to learn because of its differences from English. But when you learn the language from its own perspective, it's relatively simple, logical, and consistent. Japanese: The Game lets that simplicity shine. And it's fun to play! I believe strongly in bringing the world together. With tools like Japanese: The Game, I think we can make a better effort. The Tokyo Edition Core Deck and the Expansion Decks on this page will teach the basics of Japanese grammar and a lot of vocabulary to help students get some serious momentum! They include a lot of concepts we just couldn't cover in the first Kickstarter that will enhance the learning experience of anyone who plays. If you've ever wanted to learn Japanese, or you know someone who does, I invite you to join in the fun!.."
#35JQNI (0) / @o01eg / 3725 дней назад
Ага, русская рулетка: Shipping Method: USPS First Class Mail Intl Tracking Number: Not available
#LYWGCI (0) / @o01eg / 3728 дней назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1287579779/art-of-making-santa-company-a-complete-guide "Art of Making “Santa Company” is a (English) digital guide that will be created by the production team for “Santa Company” so people all over the world can learn more about Japanese animation."
#ORLY8Q (0) / @o01eg / 3733 дня назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1690158752/mangaconnect-manga-creators-and-the-community http://www.mangaconnect.com/ "Mangaconnect aims to be the first in the world crowdfunding platform focused entirely on manga. It will be a great way to support manga projects, empower creators and help fans all over the world get better access to original manga content. The projects on Mangaconnect will be brought to life through the direct support of manga fans like you!"
#HD1SU1 (3+1) / @o01eg / 3751 день назад

2D animation is the heart and soul of all animation. 2D created the animation industry, and without it modern computer-generated animation simply would not exist. And 2D animation is a truly American art form. 2D animation is capable of conveying a truly incredible level of emotion and feeling. It is beautiful and and it is important.
Unfortunately, the film industry has developed the misconception that 2D animation is a dead art form that should be neither preserved nor perpetuated. We believe that they are wrong, and by joining us you can help us prove that people still love and want 2D animation."


#RBR9DB (0) / @o01eg / 3758 дней назад

«Мор. Утопия» — это сюжетная survival adventure с открытым миром, которая выйдет на PC (Windows / MAC / Linux), PS4 и Xbox One
В провинциальном городке, построенном в районе старинных кожевенных промыслов, разражается эпидемия неизвестной болезни. Ее можно узнать по некоторым внешним признакам, но причины и происхождение представляются загадкой. Болезнь заразна и смертельна. Она поражает одновременно нервную и кровеносную системы человека и протекает как в физиологической, так и в психической форме.
Для локализации эпидемии и борьбы с ней власти направляют дипломированного врача, затем следовательницу-инквизитора, а впоследствии — армейского командира. Первому поручено искоренить заразу, второй (в случае провала миссии лекаря) — выяснить природу загадочной эпидемии, а третьему — оценить ситуацию и принять решение о целесообразности тотального уничтожения зараженного города.
Параллельно с первым врачом, Бакалавром, в городе действуют два добровольца. Это Самозванка — экзальтированная девочка, которая полагает, что может исцелять больных наложением рук, и Гаруспик — талантливый хирург-самоучка..."

#6VWD19 (1) / @o01eg / 3758 дней назад

Пронзают небеса, не иначе.

#H006AM (0) / @o01eg / 3758 дней назад

"Мы придумали идею мультсериала, от которой чуть было не отказались. Мы — это Владимир Яковлев, создатель «Коммерсанта» и «Сноба», предприниматель и автор уникального проекта «Возраст счастья», и Линор Горалик — писатель, поэт, художник и автор комиксов про Зайца ПЦ.
Наш сериал называется «Гостиница «Россия», и нам сносит крышу от желания поскорее выпустить его в свет.Мы придумали мир, целиком находящийся внутри гигантской, неописуемой и когда-то реально существовавшей гостиницы «Россия».
В этой гостинице живут на равных люди, звери, инопланетяне, подвальные духи и бог весть кто еще. В ней постоянно бунтуют жители южного флигеля, а шестой этаж вечно мечтает отделиться. Здесь есть директор столовой Иванов И.И., считающий, что мир спасут «соуса», поскольку с их помощью людям можно скормить что угодно. Есть медведь-уборщик Тамерлан — гастарбайтер, отправляющий всю зарплату жене и деткам в далекий Зимний Сад; есть телочка Оля — прелестная и мудрая маленькая коровка-горничная, способная удержать обитателей гостиницы от желания перегрызть друг другу глотку..."

#7ZSY4H (3) / @o01eg / 3760 дней назад

Шикарная вещь: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1517658569/ispy-invisible-tablet
"Innovative tablet that enhances the privacy for you. The screen appears completely white to the naked eye.
What is i-Spy?
i-Spy is an invisible screen for retina of the human eye. You can see the screen normally only by the aid of polarized film. We have initially developed this technology for medical application in ophthalmology in 2011, and have accumulated various experiences at international events such as science workshop, projection mapping and digital signage, since 2012. Now we are going to develop mass production line in our factory to fabricate i-Spy tablets to establish its new market of privacy enhancement for consumers."

#Q149HP (1) / @o01eg / 3767 дней назад

"Видеокурс Blender Level Up
Зачем нужен такой курс? Неужели в сети мало уроков по компьютерной графике? Конечно, их полным-полно! Но это длинный, извилистый путь со множеством препятствий. А с нами можно пролететь его как на реактивном самолёте..."

#I0GLY8 (0) / @o01eg / 3772 дня назад

What are the SHINKUKAN (SK) Androids?:
The Shinkukan Androids are general-purpose or special-purpose feminine robots that contain a spirit!
In a city of the far future, around the year 2000 A.D. a study on the correlation between physics and spirituality was developing (The origin of which came from the research results on electric waves and spiritual states from the Montauk Project). It was noted that spirits have a meaningful physical quality defined as a variable similar to energy. At the time, it become a talking point that the unique geometric layout that electron vacuum states have, had been effective in the conversion and amplification of electromagnetic and spirits.
Coincidentally, the structure of those electron vacuum states matched the structure of the obsolete vacuum tubes, marking a technological regression from the modern semiconductor Vacuum tubes proved effective in the amplification of spirit-born power (oft said to be faith or magic), but using an inverse application they had been used to produce a spirit of electrical intelligence.

#F2WE7C (0) / @o01eg / 3777 дней назад

"An anime science fiction action thriller that will explore what it means to live and die well, testing the limits of all we hold dear"

#AFW3G7 (1) / @o01eg / 3785 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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