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#TPMHF1 (1) / @l29ah / 1949 дней назад
http://www.rovaflex.at/ROVAFLEX-Softties-7x180-green-50Pcs-Double-binding Заебательские мягонькие стяжки для некритичной хуйни.
#0PXMT7 (0) / @kuro / 2099 дней назад
suncalc.net mooncalc.org
#A6C93R (0) / @anonymous / 2148 дней назад
\linespread{value} Value Line spacing 1.0 single spacing 1.3 one-and-a-half spacing 1.6 double spacing
#WZ4QZL (1+2) / @kuro / 2256 дней назад
Уважаемые сотрудники Института, не имеющие карт платежной системы МИР СБЕРБАНКА , владельцы зарплатных карт Альфа-Банка и ВТБ 24! В соответствии с приказом директора Института переходе выплат по заработной плате на карты МИР,выпущенные в ПАО «Сбербанк России» (приказ см. во вложении), необходимо заполнить Заявление на банковское обслуживание (см. во вложении) и сдать его табельщикам подразделений до 26 декабря 2017г.
#B1A6ZC (10) / @kuro / 2327 дней назад
vim юзаешь? ``` $ git status ... Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) src/&#39; ``` Ясно.
#ZSG4VH (0) / @kuzy000 / 2348 дней назад
Deinopidae: Its eyes are able to gather available light more efficiently than the eyes of cats and owls, and are able to do this despite the lack of a tapetum lucidum; instead, each night a large area of light sensitive membrane is manufactured within the eyes, and since arachnid eyes do not have irises, it is rapidly destroyed again at dawn.
#S7LPBI (0) / @kuro / 2365 дней назад
10.1002/anie.201705489 Psilocybin is the psychotropic tryptamine-derived natural product of Psilocybe carpophores, the so-called "magic mushrooms". Although its structure has been known for 60 years, the enzymatic basis of its biosynthesis has remained obscure. We characterized four psilocybin biosynthesis enzymes. These include i) PsiD which represents a new class of fungal l-tryptophan decarboxylases, ii) PsiK, that catalyzes the phosphotransfer step, iii) the methyl transferase PsiM, catalyzing iterative N-methyltransfer as terminal biosynthetic step, and iv) PsiH, a monooxygenase. In a combined PsiD/PsiK/PsiM reaction, psilocybin was synthesized enzymatically in a step-economic route from 4-hydroxy-l-tryptophan. Given the renewed pharmaceutical interest in psilocybin, our results may lay the foundation for its biotechnological production.
#EKYBG8 (0) / @kuro / 2437 дней назад
Чет раньше уже промоутил fityk, но там еще всякое http://www.nieto.pl/
#6R0KZL (0+1) / @kuro / 2457 дней назад
>Your list of proposers doesn&#39;t comply with the ILL 2/3 member country rule. Limited beamtime (less than 5% of the overall available) will be granted to proposals not complying with this rule on the basis of scientific excellence.
#AELX2E (0) / @kuro / 2460 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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