I was going to ask if you have use for some trackpoints...I am sitting on a pile of 100 g81 desko boards with trackpoints, that will most likely end up in the trash.
The problem is that the full keyboards are very heavy, about 2.5kg each. I do not mind shipping them, but that is very expensive. I can also pull out the trackpoints. I would like 5€ for each Trackpoint. Shipping just trackpoints will cost 10€ maximum. Shipping several keyboards will probably cost 40€+.
Суть токова, я точно буду заказывать у него пару трекпоинтов, я заявил что заинтересован в 2-10 трекпоинтах, в зависимости от... Если кого-то интересует то несколько могу отказаться в дс.