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>Группа из 39 иранских парламентариев обратилась в Совбез страны с просьбой разрешить создание ядерного оружия из-за угрозы со стороны Израиля. а шо случилося?))))))
#EE1N03 (2) / @anonymous / 15 дней назад
проблемка: In conclusion, various powerful biases and fallacies, which are treacherous mind traps poisoning reasoning and argumentation, can act as veritable game changers in the Middle East conflict, ultimately – in a stunning reversal of fortunes – transforming Israel’s success in fighting its enemies in many locations at once into spectacular failure. Viewed from a wide time horizon, the blind, blunt, impulsive and almost exclusive desire and obsession of Israel’s ruling coalition to “win,” which has materialized in an aggressive political agenda and flawed criteria for making moral judgments, may not really serve the real interest of the Jewish people, not least because its enemies will equally try to beat their Jewish opponents, resulting in a vicious cycle of violence in which everybody eventually loses. солюшон: To avoid such a lose-lose situation, truly enlightened statesmanship is required, which hinges on great intellectual rigor and human empathy, among other things. This entails thinking critically, systemically, dynamically, dialectically and ethically, including the very rare ability of holding competing views in one’s mind simultaneously and trying to resolve dilemmas by creating win-win-outcomes, all along doing what is right, even if this proves to be unpopular and even might lead to one’s own demise as a leader. ток афтар не учол што имам дело с ебаными обезяноме к релегеозныме фрикоме так што пумздра блоховозам и бибизяна им поможыт)))))
#SJ4NKX (0) / @anonymous / 16 дней назад
>The bodies of 14 dead were recovered from Rafah and the eastern towns of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip after the army's withdrawal. бля прям како я зоказывал! #1D9S0I
#RSGTFL (0) / @anonymous / 86 дней назад
>10 person were killed and wounded in a bombing that targeted the entrance to the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip мало блджад!!!!111раз
#J1BAHL (1+1) / @anonymous / 86 дней назад
>8 dead as a result of the army targeting the city of Khan Yunis since this morning бля мало чот ппц(((( хочу шоб вечеру было 88! и нощью ещо 14! ^_^
#1D9S0I (0) / @anonymous / 87 дней назад
>Правительства Франции, Норвегии, Бельгии, Швеции и Саудовской Аравии призвали своих граждан немедленно покинуть Ливан, пока коммерческие рейсы еще выполняются. ну шо почалося?
#FB82IW (0) / @anonymous / 87 дней назад
Last chance to prevent war with Lebanon – Israel ггггг последнее жыдовское пердупержденее)))д ентересна скока до ентагу жыдодегенерата доходит бут што хуцпала ет едеолохея...
#JS9PN5 (0) / @anonymous / 88 дней назад
фром зе рива ту зе си нетаньяха хуй саси))))
#CBSQBE (0) / @anonymous / 88 дней назад
Israel nearing ‘all-out war’ >Hezbollah “crossed all lines” with a rocket attack that killed ten people, Israel Katz has said ой вей жыдки подохли))))
#RXL7FQ (0) / @anonymous / 89 дней назад
хде можна поцтавит денех на хуцбалу?
#AM3VA9 (0) / @anonymous / 110 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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