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Как государства решают каждую проблему: http://cs310127.vk.me/v310127290/29d4/VW5gUc3nW78.jpg

#V8UH7L (0+2) / @o01eg / 4158 дней назад

Пособие до детекту ватника: http://russophob-ru.livejournal.com/70945.html
"There are tons of guides about every single hero, but there arent that many guides about types of players. We will consider one type of players: russian pricks. These differ from usual pricks, because they are the worst.
Russian talkings, "deliberate" moves, bad microphones, no manners, unpausing games, full damage builds. Tired of that? Here's a short summary of how to avoid your upcoming 40 minutes of hell.
If you see something like: "Я на мид, мне всё пох, раки ебаные, дниве", feel free to report this guy and leave. Don't try to chat with him, it can cause brain desease, really, don't even dare...
Nickname is a main checkpoint in this game. Once the number of silly nicknames reached critical mass, you'll find yourself in one of those games, you'd never like to play.
So now I'll try to show you all types of silly russian nicknames, THEY use to show us how "clever" they are:
Using words "Rak", "Dno"
Using numbers 228, 14, 18, 88, 1337, 666 and any combination of them
Using russian words like "НАГИБАТОР, ЕБАШЕР, ТАЩЕР"
Using their date of birth (russian kids are 1000 times worse than russian olds)
UsInG TiTlE LeTtErS LiKe ThIs
Using lots of brackets ( )))))))))))) ) or lots of symbols like @, <>, * (or both)
You see these words used in chat @ you press report button. Simple as that.
Рак, дно - Noob
Ебал твою мать, твоя мать шлюха- Your mother is a good woman (you know what I mean. Phrase can vary, the only thing that you should know that words "мать, мама, мамаша, матушка" mean mother)
Да поxyй мне! - I dont give a cluck
Буржуй, гук, чурка, америкос, американец - Foreigner
Сука - Beetch
)))))))) - :) Basically this is the one of the main clues that will help you to differ russian player from eu player. Most russians dont use completed smiles like this ":)", they just spam with brackets like that "))))". The more brackets they use- the stupider they are. 1 or 2 is fine though.
Пидор - Fagggot
Бомбануло, напекло, припекло, пригорело - Butthurt"

#DEIGVC (2) / @o01eg / 4175 дней назад

И этот социалист дрочит на интифаду и муслимов: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."
"Hitler's Table Talk 1941-1944", p. 667 translated by N. Cameron. Hitler's confidant Albert Speer reports of a similar statement made by Hitler: "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?", see Albert Speer: Inside the Third Reich: memoirs. Simon and Schuster. pp. 96 et seq. ISBN 978-0-684-82949-4.

#LE4OY5 (0) / @o01eg / 4180 дней назад

Вся суть "социальной справедливости": http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/10132391/Riot-after-Chinese-teachers-try-to-stop-pupils-cheating.html
"We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat."

#YLAP25 (0+2) / @o01eg / 4183 дня назад

"According to an investigation by Media Development Research Institute Inc., a 30 minute episode of a TV anime in 2010 that totaled 11,000,000 yen (about US $145,214 at the current exchange rate) consisted of the following expenses:"

#Q3T9H2 (0) / @o01eg / 4184 дня назад

[Asenshi] Rozen Maiden (2013) OK или не OK?

#L1JA0G (2) / @o01eg / 4188 дней назад

"This organization has been set up for Catgirl fans of all types! Our ever-growing body of catgirl staff and volunteers dedicate their time and energy to the study of every aspect of the Catgirl species. From artistic appreciation of the feline-human form, to the science for making it all possible, our members are kept busy in the CRF libraries and labs every day of the week.
Most of the site here is open to the public, and every department has dedicated some work to introductory reports for your viewing. However, we do ask that all visitors wear their identity badges at all times, and do not disturb the girls conducting the more dangerous experiments in the labs!"
Найдено здесь: http://rotten-k.livejournal.com/1602343.html

#NQOV7J (2+1) / @o01eg / 4192 дня назад

Рассказывают, зачем нужен Official Fan Book:
"First, we didn't really document the production process for Time of EVE. We were scrambling from deadline to deadline, especially after we underestimated the workload and had to delay the release for Episodes 4 from February to May 2009. Those were harrowing days...
So, when it comes to sharing the production process with fans, we are pretty much empty handed. There were lots of interviews published, but they are not ours to share.
For the Official Fan Book (159 pages in the Japanese edition), the Japanese publisher Kotobukiya did a phenomenal job in probing Time of EVE from every angle. They interviewed Yoshiura about the main characters, each episode, the creative process, and his previous works. Plus, they interviewed producer Tom Nagae, composer Tohru Okada, and the main voice cast.
And, they put the entire storyworld in a whole new context with essays by experts in robotics, scifi literature, and cinematography.
In one fell swoop, the fan book takes you behind the scenes, and more -- just like we always wanted to do ... And now, your support has given us that opportunity."

#QU0UIX (0) / @o01eg / 4203 дня назад

"Part of Mitlin’s research is finding ways to use plant waste as feedstocks for commercial materials. He thought he could transform waste from the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa) into a carbon nanomaterial that had similar properties to graphene and with a much smaller price tag. The cannabis plant’s notorious use is for producing marijuana, but people also grow the plant to use its fibrous parts for products such as rope, clothing, oil, and plastics. The plants used for these industrial applications are referred to as hemp, and have lower levels of psychoactive compounds. Hemp is relatively inexpensive, since the plant grows rapidly in a variety of climates without the need for fertilizer and pesticides...
The team built a supercapacitor using the nanosheets as electrodes and an ionic liquid as an electrolyte. The best property of the device, Mitlin says, is its maximum power density, a measure of how much power a given mass of the material can produce. At 60 °C, the material puts out 49 kW/kg; activated carbon used in commercial electrodes supplies 17 kW/kg at that temperature."

#SYG9GA (2) / @o01eg / 4238 дней назад

"Ami: Say, don't you have any money in space?
Chamber: The Galactic Alliance does not allow personal possessions during military service.
Ami: That would put a damper on my motivation.
Redo: Amy. I want to... do my own work.
Ami: Yeah, that's not a bad idea! Let's go for it!
Redo: What kind of work... there is?
Ami: For example, I do deliveries.
Ami: It would be a pain if everyone had to hand-deliver letters and small packages, right?
Ami: So instead, I get paid for carrying them all around and delivering them.
Ami: That's how we support each other."

#XI88ED (0) / @o01eg / 4247 дней назад

Тест распечатанного короткоствола: http://www.theverge.com/2013/5/6/4304164/video-of-defense-distributed-liberator-3d-printed-gun-test
"Forbes reports that one secret behind the gun's structural integrity may be that the barrel has been treated with "a jar of acetone vaporized with a pan of water and a camp stove," which is said to reduce friction by slightly smoothing the bore. The Liberator is made from 16 parts, 15 of which were fabricated with a Stratasys 3D printer, and one non-functional metal part helps the gun comply with the Undetectable Firearms Act."

#DIOEOH (5+2) / @o01eg / 4247 дней назад

У братьев Царнаевых было 3 сообщника... http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/viribusunitis1/50404147/46179/46179_original.jpg

#JZZAAB (1) / @o01eg / 4251 день назад

Ещё один перевод. Уже 6 глав первой книги.
Также Vertical Inc. планирует лицензировать (так что скачиваем, пока не удалили): http://randomc.net/2013/03/05/potential-translation-of-the-shin-sekai-yori-novel/

#2IDBFV (0) / @o01eg / 4292 дня назад

Евросовок против Социалистических Штатов Америки: http://stas.livejournal.com/865690.html
"United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) graded eggs would be illegal if sold the UK, or indeed anywhere in the European Union (EU). It’s all to do with the fact that commercial American eggs are federally required to be washed and sanitized before they reach the consumer. EU egg marketing laws, on the other hand, state that Class A eggs – those found on supermarkets shelves, must not be washed, or cleaned in any way."

#DZWZWL (1+1) / @o01eg / 4309 дней назад

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."
Speech of May 1, 1927 as quoted in John Toland (1976), Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography, p. 306

#J3UPE0 (0) / @o01eg / 4312 дней назад
http://rotten-k.livejournal.com/1367333.html http://www.change.org/petitions/internat.....ami-nebula "International Astronomical Union: Change the official name of nebula NGC 6357 to the "Madokami nebula" It is our belief that NGC 6357 is the physical representation of Madoka Kaname, having ascended to Godhood through her wish that the world be free of the malevolent beings created out of despair known as "witches". We feel that calling her Holiness the "War and Peace" Nebula is a desecration of the trials and hardships she endured in her life before her ascension. Thus, we humbly ask that NGC 6357 be renamed the "Madokami Nebula". Doing so will acknowledge her Holy and transcendentally beautiful visage as she continues to watch over us as we go about our lives in this world she created for us through her selfless sacrifice."
#ZW6XPT (0+1) / @o01eg / 4334 дня назад
http://www.itu.int/net/pressoffice/press.....QRD9Cc0V8E "Companies including ATEME, Broadcom, Cyberlink, Ericsson, Fraunhofer HHI, Mitsubishi and NHK have already showcased implementations of HEVC. The new standard includes a ‘Main’ profile that supports 8-bit 4:2:0 video, a ‘Main 10’ profile with 10-bit support, and a ‘Main Still Picture’ profile for still image coding that employs the same coding tools as a video ‘intra’ picture. The ITU/ISO/IEC Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) (formerly JVT) will continue work on a range of extensions to HEVC, including support for 12-bit video as well as 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 chroma formats." Мужики, всё хорошо будет. Будет не только 10 бит, но и 12!
#REH6MF (0+2) / @o01eg / 4347 дней назад
http://seventhstyle.com/2012/12/22/top-1.....s-of-2012/ Офигеть, какая-то пирсонка обогнала Nisemonogatari.
#T72RH9 (2) / @o01eg / 4382 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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