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http://www.dailywire.com/news/15383/apparently-its-now-racist-expect-people-shown-time-amanda-prestigiacomo# "Apparently It's Now Racist To Expect People To Show Up On Time According to diversity training materials being disseminated at publicly-funded Clemson University, expecting people from other cultures to show up on time is racist. Yup, racist. The university spent nearly $27,000 on diversity training materials from a company called Workplace Answers. Those materials were graciously intended for employees of the school in order to indoctrinate them. I mean, for them to learn from. One of the online slides depicted two groups, which included foreign professors and students, showing up to a scheduled event at 9 a.m.; one group came 15 minutes early and the other came 10 minutes late. The slide made the assertion that it would not be the inclusive thing to do to chastise the group that was late, since people must "recognize cultural differences that may impact the meeting and adjust accordingly.” The Daily Caller reports: One slide features a guy named Alejandro who plans a meeting between two groups. Each group contains foreign professors and students. One group shows up 15 minutes early. The second group shows up 10 minutes late. A question-and-answer section then instructs Clemson’s professors that Alejandro would be insufficiently “inclusive” if he were to “politely ask the second group to apologize.” Alejandro would also be wrong to advise the straggling, late people who aren’t respecting everyone else’s time that “in our country, 9:00 a.m. means 9:00 a.m.” The “inclusive” thing for Alejandro to do, the taxpayer-funded diversity materials instruct Clemson professors, is to “recognize cultural differences that may impact the meeting and adjust accordingly.” Alejandro must understand “that his cultural perspective regarding time is neither more nor less valid than any other.” In other words, some foreigners are incapable of being on time and Americans need to shut up and accept it in the name of diversity, or something. Of course, such low expectations of those from other cultures is truly infantilizing stuff, but this is how the Left views any minority group."
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