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https://animemangastudies.wordpress.com/2015/02/07/annual-bibliography-of-anime-and-manga-studies-2010-ed/ "To the best of my knowledge, 2010 was simply THE high point to date of English-language scholarly interest in anime and manga, with 10 new monographs, 6 essay collections (with a total of well over a hundred chapters), 29 more chapters in other essay collections, and over 60 individual articles in scholarly-peer reviewed journals. ... A number of studies and discussions of particular types of fan activities and practices – such as Ian Condry’s ‘Dark energy: What fansubs reveal about the copyright wars‘ (Mechademia, 5), Mizuko Ito’s Ito’s The rewards of non-commercial production: Distinctions and status in the anime music video scene (First Monday, 15:5), and my own Fighting the fan sub war (Transformative Works and Cultures, 5). ... Aso, Noriko. Revolutionary girls: From Oscar to Utena. In Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto, Eva Tsai & JungBong Choi (Eds.), Television, Japan, and globalization (pp. 151-172). Ann Arbor, MI: Center for Japanese Studies. ... *** OPEN ACCESS *** Bryce, Mio. Cheung, Paul, & Gutierrez, Anna Katrina. Clones, hybrids and organ transplants in manga and anime. International Journal of the Humanities, 8(5),279-290. [Neon Genesis Evangelion, Phoenix] ... Chen, Haiwen, Russell, Richard, Nakayama, Ken, & Livingstone, Margaret. Crossing the ‘uncanny valley': Adaptation to cartoon faces can influence perception of human faces. Perception, 378-386. ... *** OPEN ACCESS *** Koulikov, Mikhail. Fighting the fan sub war: Conflicts between media rights holders and unauthorized creator/distributor networks. Transformative Works and Cultures, 5. ... *** OPEN ACCESS *** Nagaike, Kazumi. The sexual and textual politics of Japanese lesbian comics: Reading romantic and erotic yuri narratives. The Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies, Article 4 in 2010. ..."
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