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Теги: Клубы:

Чоткий sci-rap строго об LHC. На аглицком. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j50ZssEoj.....r_embedded
#J237SL (0+1) / @demetrious / 4536 дней назад
Мы опять впереди (а может позади?) планеты всей: «Narcotics expert Olga Zelenina falsely accused of aiding drug trafficking, say supporters. The Russian chemist stands accused of complicity in organized drug trafficking, and is currently imprisoned in Moscow’s detention centre number 6, where she shares a cell with Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, a member of the prominent activist punk band Pussy Riot. But Zelenina’s supporters say she is the victim of a monstrous miscarriage of justice, and has done nothing more than provide an expert opinion on the opiate content of a consignment of poppy seeds. They are pessimistic that a court hearing scheduled for 24 September will result in her immediate release.» http://www.nature.com/news/outcry-over-j.....st-1.11462
#HM9365 (0+2) / @demetrious / 4571 день назад
Интересную вещь заметил в последнее время: когда читаешь английские тексты написанные одним человеком - скажем Конкиным или Шульманом - они читаются просто влёт; а когда пытаешься читать статью либертарной тематики в Википедии - приходится продираться через один абзац чуть не полчаса. Как объяснить сей феномен - путаницей нитей эгрегора в ноосфере при коллективном творчестве, или просто тупо внесением некоторой бессвязности в текст в результате войны правок?)
#W0OETL (3+2) / @demetrious / 4700 дней назад
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-a.....5030_n.jpg "Моя мама учит английский. Составила фразу: каждое Русское поколение должно принять участие в революции. Участие в революции часть классического русского образования."
#CM9I0C (1+1) / @demetrious / 4862 дня назад
"Without slaves, who would pick the cotton? Is doesn't matter, slavery is wrong. Without the state, who would build the roads? Doesn't matter, statism is wrong. Necessary and evil are mutually exclusive." - Jim Object
#X6C74P (0+1) / @demetrious / 4933 дня назад
"Birds don't need papers to move across borders, and neither do men. None of the government's fucking business who I employ or rent to, and asking for a special set of government papers before you can do business with someone is like living in the Soviet Union. Fuck that noise, free immigration for anyone who is willing to be responsible for themselves."
#20I4BE (1+1) / @demetrious / 4966 дней назад
"Everyone has a different path in life. Especially when starting out, about to graduate high school and trying to decide what you want to do...remember that what worked for you may not work for others. Pieces of paper that say you completed certain classes or training often don't mean nearly as much as a demonstrable skill does."
#BT62FO (4+1) / @demetrious / 4967 дней назад
"In the military? Police? Prison Guard? Public School Teacher? Airport Security? Central bank bureaucrat? Economic regulator? Soulless suckers of Satan's cock, every one of you" (Dave Freedman)
#4QSWRD (0) / @demetrious / 4968 дней назад
И еще немного в ту же тему: http://mr-bateman.livejournal.com/11488.html
#ZVU8UR (0+1) / @demetrious / 5000 дней назад
Первое печатное издание Института Систейдинга от Пэтри Фридмана: http://www.seasteading.org/files/researc.....rategy.pdf
#0KYZTW (0+1) / @demetrious / 5000 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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