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Go lacks pattern matching & abstract data types
Go lacks exceptions, and instead uses error codes everywhere
Actually, Go supports one kind of exception, but calls it a panic. You can catch an exception, but Go calls it recovering. You can write "finally" blocks that run whether the function is exited by an exception or normally, but Go calls them deferred functions, and they run in reverse order from how they're written
The select statement is implemented as about 700 lines of runtime code. You can almost feel the performance decrease every time you use one.
Goroutine leaks, where a goroutine loses all its ways of communicating with others, can leak whole stacks of memory that can't be garbage-collected
Almost nothing in this list can be fixed, because of the Go 1 compatibility promise. Until Go 2.0, that is, but that may never happen

@voker57 всё действительно так плохо? думал, что этот язык идеален для написания асинхронщины, а тут, вон, и горутины текут, и селект, говорят, ебаный

#SXEQ9F (4) / @anonymous / 2044 дня назад
https://twitter.com/pasiphae_goals/status/923820615022399488 наконец-то норм фактотред, а то всё хуйня для хуесосов какая-то.
#TLM4GV (1) / @anonymous / 2687 дней назад
>Although we expected C++ programmers to see Go as an alternative, instead most Go programmers come from languages like Python and Ruby.
#PZI0FQ (6+2) / @anonymous / 2981 день назад
#MFU1K3 (0+3) / @anonymous / 3153 дня назад
How to complain about Go https://medium.com/@divan/how-to-complain-about-go-349013e06d24 > If you come from Haskell, I shouldn’t give you any advice. You already must be a professional in mocking Go. It’s in Haskell 101 course. New Haskell books contain special chapter “How to laugh on Go”, after all. > Even if you intuitively understand that Go is way more practical than Haskell and entry barrier really matters  —  keep insisting that it has “objectively poor design”. Because everyone knows which language has objectively good design.
#TDSNPH (3+4) / @anonymous / 3356 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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