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Make Anime Great Again: https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/07/japanese-politician-taro-yamada-vows-to-fight-against-censorship-of-anime-manga/89235/ "Japanese Politician Taro Yamada Vows To Fight Against Censorship Of Anime, Manga It’s rare that a political official comes out in favor of freedom of expression, and openly condemns censorship, but that appears to be the ticket that Japanese politician Taro Yamada is riding, as he has utilized social media and his outspoken love for freedom of expression to renew the vigor within the anime community in their fight against censorship. J-Cast.com is reporting that the 52-year-old politician has gained a lot of support during the congressional elections within Japan, explaining… “Mr. Yamada advocated against the restriction of expression including cartoons and animations, and has developed political activities using Twitter and video sites.” The article notes that Taro was trending on Twitter recently as the votes were coming in. If you check his Twitter profile he’s definitely very appreciative of the support he received, especially without having the major financial backing and support of some other candidates. He still notes that he’s aimed at pursuing the freedom of expression on the internet."
#TODRJ8 / @o01eg / 2051 день назад

пизда джонни, даже нолег про него уже прочитал на какой то параше
#TODRJ8/1YZ / @voker57 / 2051 день назад

это точно не фейк? Насколько я понимаю, "Таро Ямада" — это японский аналог "Джон Доу".

#TODRJ8/BTB / @goren / 2051 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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