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Очередной сокрушительный удар союза феминисток и LGBTIQAIDDQDXYZ по проклятому патриархату: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/male-rapist-who-identifies-as-female-transfers-to-womens-jail-assaults-fema "Male rapist who identifies as ‘female’ transfers to women’s jail, assaults females WEST YORKSHIRE, September 10, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A biologically male rapist who “identifies” as a woman has been accused of sexually assaulting four female inmates shortly after being transferred to an all-female facility. Stephen Wood is a 52-year-old man and a convicted sex offender and pedophile who now goes by the name "Karen" White. He pled guilty to raping one woman in 2003 and another in 2016. He also adopted the name David Thompson at one point, and is awaiting sentencing for stabbing a neighbor. The exact nature of Wood’s situation is unclear. He reportedly began “identifying” as "female" in 2014, but some of his friends have claimed to the press that he is merely a drag artist and doesn’t truly have gender dysphoria. Others, however, report that he did seek help from a transgender group in Manchester, which referred him to a “gender identity clinic” in Sheffield. Wood has not had so-called sex-change surgery, but because he “identifies” as a woman he was remanded to New Hall Prison, a women’s jail. There, the Daily Mail reports, he used the opportunity to sexually assault four actual women. Specifically, Wood allegedly exposed himself to one inmate, put a second inmate’s hand on his breast and made “inappropriate comments about oral sex,” pushed himself “indecently” against a third prisoner, and kissed a fourth on the neck. Wood has admitted to two of the assaults but denied the others, claiming to suffer from erectile dysfunction and to not be attracted to women. Following the incidents, Wood was transferred to the men’s facility HM Prison Leeds." Хотя в итоге патриархат одержал верх, в следующий раз проклятые цисгендерные угнетатели не смогут помешать тыкать в женщину женским пенисом.
#RK8ED8 / @o01eg / 2363 дня назад

но ведь, если пенис женский, это уже не патриархат, не так ли?

#RK8ED8/1EW / @goren / 2363 дня назад
@goren Так матриархат и добился, чтобы женщина с пенисом попала в женскую тюрьму.
#RK8ED8/FKU / @o01eg --> #RK8ED8/1EW / 2363 дня назад

@o01eg Вообще это может в конце концов привести к тому, что мужские и женские тюрьмы вообще перестанут разделять. Потому что раз мы теперь разделяем не по биологическому полу, а по гендеру, тюрем не напасёшься на все те гендеры, которые мы щас навыдумываем. Я думаю, это в общем и в целом позитивное изменение.

#RK8ED8/CRY / @goren --> #RK8ED8/FKU / 2362 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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