Палите ваши установленные пакетики из package-list-packages:
- ac-geiser Auto-complete backend for geiser
- ac-helm Helm interface for auto-complete
- ace-isearch A seamless bridge between isearch and ace-jump-mode
- ace-jump-buffer fast buffer switching extension to `ace-jump-mode'
- ace-jump-mode a quick cursor location minor mode for emacs
- ace-jump-zap Character zapping,
style - ace-link Quickly follow links using `ace-jump-mode'
- ace-window Quickly switch windows.
- ack-and-a-half Yet another front-end for ack
- apel APEL (A Portable Emacs Library) provides support for portable Emacs Lisp programs
- async Asynchronous processing in Emacs
- auctex Integrated environment for TeX
- auto-complete Auto Completion for GNU Emacs
- bbdb The Insidious Big Brother Database for GNU Emacs
- browse-kill-ring interactively insert items from kill-ring
- color-theme install color themes
- color-theme-san... A version of Chris Kempson's various Tomorrow themes
- dash A modern list library for Emacs
- dired+ Extensions to Dired.
- elscreen Emacs window session manager
- emms The Emacs Multimedia System
- epl Emacs Package Library
- expand-region Increase selected region by semantic units.
- f Modern API for working with files and directories
- faceup Regression test system for font-lock
- flex-isearch Flex matching (like ido) in isearch.
- flim A library to provide basic features about message representation or encoding.
- flx fuzzy matching with good sorting
- flx-ido flx integration for ido
- flx-isearch Fuzzy incremental searching for emacs
- geiser GNU Emacs and Scheme talk to each other
- git-commit-mode Major mode for editing git commit messages
- git-rebase-mode Major mode for editing git rebase files
- graphviz-dot-mode Mode for the dot-language used by graphviz (att).
- helm Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework
- helm-cmd-t cmd-t style completion
- helm-gtags GNU GLOBAL helm interface
- helm-ls-git list git files.
- helm-projectile Helm integration for Projectile
- helm-swoop Efficiently hopping squeezed lines powered by helm interface
- jabber A Jabber client for Emacs.
- ledger-mode Helper code for use with the "ledger" command-line tool
- lua-mode a major-mode for editing Lua scripts
- magit control Git from Emacs
- multi-term Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs.
- multiple-cursors Multiple cursors for Emacs.
- neotree A tree plugin like NerdTree for Vim
- paredit minor mode for editing parentheses
- pkg-info Information about packages
- popup Visual Popup User Interface
- popwin Popup Window Manager.
- projectile Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily
- racket-mode Major mode for Racket language.
- rainbow-delimiters Highlight brackets according to their depth
- rich-minority Clean-up and Beautify the list of minor-modes.
- s The long lost Emacs string manipulation library.
- semi A library to provide MIME features.
- smart-mode-line A color coded smart mode-line.
- smex M-x interface with Ido-style fuzzy matching.
- solarized-theme The Solarized color theme, ported to Emacs.
- twittering-mode Major mode for Twitter
- undo-tree Treat undo history as a tree
- wanderlust Yet Another Message Interface on Emacsen
- win-switch fast, dynamic bindings for window-switching/resizing
@stdcout и как оно?
странно, что не textmate или что там у вас модно
@stdcout > админ
@stdcout удобно
@anonymous this
@heroin умеет ли твоя Idea в твиттер?
@anonymous https://github.com/4DA/emacs-stuff/blob/master/comment.el
@heroin тот кейс когда остальные решения настолько бесят в плане взаимодействия, что ты меняешь юнифорность пользовательского интерфейса на часть фичей.
@heroin там намного более гладкая кривая, сводящееся к чтению короткой справки по режиму.
@kuzy000 придумай мне гуй лучше
(чтобы им можно было юзать без мыши)
@anonymous 3. Нежелание терпеть отсос wimp-интерфейсов
@anonim Чо оно уже работает?
@anonymous Какую репу подключить чтобы поставить?
@anonymous симболикс норм, подплить бы его еще под современные юкзейсы
@soko1 Регулярно где-то 70 процентов. Спрашивай за конкретные модули, поясню
@anonymous Дианон по конфигу емакса