БЕГЕМОТИКОВ МОЖНО! Войти !bnw Сегодня Клубы
> In 1935, an international team tournament was held in Warsaw. Alekhine played top board for France, of which he was a naturalized citizen. However, on this trip he arrived at the Polish border without a passport. When the officials asked him for his papers he replied: "I am Alekhine, chess champion of the world. I have a cat called Chess. I do not need papers.' The matter had to be cleared up by the authorities.
#2D4KSE / @tempest / 1509 дней назад

ферзя тебе вместо страпона
#2D4KSE/IJU / @anonymous / 1509 дней назад
"Я — Алёхин. Я чемпион мира по шахматам. Моего кота зовут Чесс. Мне не нужны бумажки." господи, как же хорошо
#2D4KSE/FW9 / @tempest / 1509 дней назад
@tempest ферзь вместо страпона?
#2D4KSE/B6J / @anonymous --> #2D4KSE/FW9 / 1509 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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