Вот и всё: http://naplesherald.com/2015/05/09/microstate-tax-haven-in-the-balkans-not-that-easy/
"Croatia deployed border police units and patrol boats to prevent repeated attempts by dozens of Liberland organizers and their followers to reach the uninhabited area, whose only building is a run-down abandoned hunter lodge. Serbian police prevented them from crossing the border from their side.
“The police did their job maybe even better than expected,” said Jedlicka, a member of a small libertarian Czech party. “Even the people who wanted to give us the boats were searched and were told that they are not allowed to give us the boats."
"The president of Liberland, Vít Jedlička, has been arrested by the Croatian police. We are seeking help in..."
А я с самого начала говорил, что так будет. Хотите строит Либерленд — делайте это в нормальной стране и/или будьте готовы защищаться.
@l29ah Сент-Киттс и Невис.