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Cyclists truly are the niggers of the 21st century. As cycling increases in popularity and the roads slowly devolve into a mad-max style bloodbath, police continue to turn a blind-eye to the injustices against cyclists. Motorists screech for cyclists to get on the sidewalk, pedestrians screech for cyclists to get on the road. And the best cyclists can wish for is an apartheid-style cycle lane which pedestrians wander through and motorists park in.

Рекомендовали: @autism @minoru
#T04I8Z / @nixer / 3943 дня назад

йоу йоу, вайти который это написал наверное и педалей в жизни не вращал пусть только сунется в наше велосипедное гетто порамсить
#T04I8Z/BMV / @mugiseyebrows / 3943 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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