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Displaying multiple windows at the same time means that screen space isn’t used efficiently, and it means that you don’t get a focused view of what it is that you are interested in. Windows that aren’t maximised also create additional tasks for people. Often you need to adjust their size, or you have to move them around. These are just some of the reasons why GNOME 3 applications have a particular approach to windows. In general, their primary windows will maximise by default, and they will lose their titlebars when they are maximised (smaller utility applications will not be affected by this). This will mean that the screen will be dominated by the window that you are focused on. It will also mean that the maximum amount of screen space will be devoted to useful stuff (like content).
Рекомендовали: @nixer @o01eg @minoru
#ONENNB / @plhk / 4662 дня назад

Откровенно заебали со своим планшетодрочем. Уебки.
#ONENNB/4TA / @vrusha / 4662 дня назад
Всё правильно делают!
#ONENNB/MX1 / @nixer / 4662 дня назад
Звучит как мой конфиг xmonad.
#ONENNB/Q5J / @l29ah / 4662 дня назад
Всё правильно сделали.
#ONENNB/OIQ / @goren / 4662 дня назад
Для нетбуков ок (у меня xmonad именно так настроен), для более крупных машин не ок (одно окно на все 21"? Are you fucking kidding me?!).
#ONENNB/ASB / @minoru / 4661 день назад
@minoru There will be mechanisms put in place that will adjust the behaviour to compensate for large screens. We are currently investigating a number of options here, including not automatically maximising windows on these large screens or adjusting their layout to make best use of the extra space. Everyone involved is well aware of the need to work well with large screens!
#ONENNB/RN6 / @plhk --> #ONENNB/ASB / 4661 день назад
@plhk Тогда молодцы, чо. Надо будет какую-нибудь из будущих убунточек потыкать ☺
#ONENNB/QA0 / @minoru --> #ONENNB/RN6 / 4661 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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