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Ислам - религия мира: "A "Palestinian" father yells and taunts IDF soldiers, demanding that they kill his little 3-year-old child, Muhammad Suroor, so it can be captured on video for propaganda purposes. Instead, the Israeli soldier shakes the young "Palestinian" child's hand and tries to talk with him. The father then ordering his child not to be afraid, to throw rocks at the soldiers and to raise the flag so they will shoot him. "Peace will come when the Arabs will LOVE their children MORE than they hate us." - Golda Meir, Former Israeli P.M"
Рекомендовали: @goren
#J4FJSE / @o01eg / 2475 дней назад

А чего новость про то, как IDF в Секторе Газа часть солнечных панелей спиздила, а часть разбила, не репостнёшь?
#J4FJSE/8DT / @anonymous / 2475 дней назад
@anonymous Потому что не все расхуячили, не за что хвалить.
#J4FJSE/SSI / @telegram --> #J4FJSE/8DT / 2475 дней назад
@anonymous Кто ж, тебе, болезненному, самому мешает это сделать?
#J4FJSE/X0W / @o01eg --> #J4FJSE/8DT / 2474 дня назад
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