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https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/end-the-prosecution-of-victimless-crimes-in-nyc "No More Lives Ruined for Victimless Crimes We’re informing New York City jurors and the NYC public of their historical right and sacred civic responsibility to nullify bad laws in the jury box during the entire month of January 2015. We’re using big, impactful phone kiosk advertising as well as personalized street pamphleting to put the judges and prosecutors in NYC on notice that they can’t continue to railroad people into cages for victimless crimes. Their lucrative, life-destroying racket is coming to an end. Be a part of this historic effort. In 2011, 86% of federal prisoners -- hundreds of thousands of mostly minority Americans -- were in a cage due to victimless crimes. It is the urgent call of our times to stop ruining good people’s lives over victimless crimes such as drug offenses. And we can do it using the rights we already have, in the more than 800-year-old institution of the jury box."
Рекомендовали: @goren
#61XJ9K / @o01eg / 3559 дней назад

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