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For the investigation, the FBI used search warrants directed at various companies such as Amazon and Google. This showed that the personal information of Anton Napolsky could be linked to Z-Library email addresses and domains in several instances. For example, Napolsky’s personal mail.ru address was used to register zlibdoms@gmail.com, Napolsky7@gmail.com, and feedback.bookos@gmail.com. His personal phone number was also linked to Z-Library email addresses. “Google records reflect that a Russian-based telephone number ending in – 2458 (‘Napolsky Phone-1’) was used to register the email Napolsky7@gmail.com as well as the emails donation.zlib@gmail.com, zlibdoms@gmail.com and feedback.bookos@gmail.com,” the complaint reads. https://torrentfreak.com/how-google-and-amazon-helped-the-fbi-identify-z-librarys-operators-221117/
#K8MGJK (1+1) / @voker57 / 845 дней назад
при попытке пройти рекапчу из под тора вылезает вместо капчи окошко с your network is sending too many automated queries
#2VR7K3 (1) / @voker57 / 916 дней назад
https://torrentfreak.com/google-drive-flags-text-files-with-1-or-0-as-copyright-infringements-220125/ > “Hi Dr. Emily Dolson, thank you for letting us know about this issue! The Drive team is very much aware of this now,” the Google Drive team wrote, adding that they’re working on it. > When we checked the 0’s and 1’s we uploaded to Google Drive before publishing this article they were all still flagged.
#EELRAY (0) / @voker57 / 1142 дня назад
циклировай, а то мы ж все равно рано или поздно проебем https://travis-ci.community/t/security-bulletin/12081 According to a received report, a Public repository forked from another one could file a pull request (standard functionality e.g. in GitHub, BitBucket, Assembla) and while doing it, obtain unauthorized access to secret from the original Public repository with a condition of printing some of the flies during the build process. In this scenario secrets are still encrypted in the Travis CI database. <...> As a reminder, cycling your secrets is something that all users should do on a regular basis. If you are unsure how to do this please contact Support.
#PTMHDB (0+3) / @voker57 / 1274 дня назад
> The Tor hidden service is being used to conduct a DDoS attack (2000r/s, bypasses traditional filtering due to lack of an IP address) and will be disabled until I can look into mitigating it. TorSiege pentesting жив
#NVQQJO (0+2) / @voker57 / 1307 дней назад
> The protocol used by Jami to query and register a name is based on an HTTP REST API answering requests with JSON documents and regular HTTP status codes. The public nameserver is hosted at ns.jami.net and uses a blockchain as its backend.
#JD81GM (2+2) / @voker57 / 1324 дня назад
> Click "Allow" if you&#39;re not a bot
#8SM3C5 (0) / @voker57 / 1353 дня назад
https://navalny.com/p/6490/ TL;DR: при увольнении из ФБК вам на память оставляют рабочую почту и все ключи, которыми вы сможете воспользоваться через несколько лет. Также в новостях: предатель спиздил базу!!!111
#K7FW90 (8+3) / @voker57 / 1380 дней назад
> Zoom acquires Keybase to get end-to-end encryption expertise бля пацаны как сделать e2e ну хотите я вам денег дам
#9NWSHX (5+2) / @voker57 / 1769 дней назад
https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/fbhv5t/help_us_fight_discool_and_stop_the_scraping/ памагитя публично доступные данные с наших СЕРВЕРОВ собирают > Looking right now at their site, they are still trying to pull the wool over users&#39; eyes by hosting a fake Request Deletion page. This site directs you to a meme, with a cartoon character instructing you to "Delete your [Discord] account". This can be viewed here. Maybe ignorance really is bliss.
#4MCYJU (3+1) / @voker57 / 1836 дней назад
<tiny_brain> использовать http <normal_brain> дополнительно настроить https <galaxy_brain> настроить https по гайду с секурного сайта, сгенерировать DH-параметры длиною в световой год, включить HSTS, редирект, и пиннинг, и использовать истекший сертификат let&#39;s encrypt со сломанным сертботом
#XC8XMQ (13+4) / @voker57 / 1849 дней назад
> Starting with version 1.15.0 Conversations is trying to find a middle ground between those extremes with a concept called Blind Trust Before Verification. In that mode - which is the default mode - Conversations blindly trusts any device a contact might have and it will also trust new devices that are being created in the future.
#DDTGUJ (0) / @voker57 / 1859 дней назад
Ради чего/кого трехбуквенные сожгли зиродей?
#DTNCR4 (4) / @voker57 / 1881 день назад
https://blog.cloudflare.com/public-keys-are-not-enough-for-ssh-security/ public keys are not enough, надо все зароутить через клаудфлару, там мы в браузере все проверим
#X6IVZ1 (2+3) / @voker57 / 1964 дня назад
приватные ключи от модных впнов постит анон на восьмаче https://web.archive.org/web/20180504001844/https://8ch.net/b/res/7948898.html#7950919
#ZTAQIK (8) / @voker57 / 1968 дней назад
Kismet needs root privileges for some of its functions. However, running it as root ("sudo kismet") is not recommended, since running all of the code with elevated privileges increases the risk of bugs doing system-wide damage. Instead Kismet can be installed with the "setuid" bit set, which will allow it to grant these privileges automatically to the processes that need them, excluding the user interface and packet decoding parts.
#PG68H8 (1) / @voker57 / 2133 дня назад
pub ed25519/0xE84E6DDA7BECC236 2019-01-14 [SC] [expires: 2020-01-14] Key fingerprint = 1B2A 21A5 1C26 1FAA 672D 7530 E84E 6DDA 7BEC C236 my new key -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- owGbwMvMwCX2wi/3VvWbQ2aMp5ckMcTYNMQUlCYpKCikphiZmhpa6htUuFqYuJq5 uDiaO7k6OxsZmykYGRha6hoY6hqaKEQHO8cqRKdWFGQWpRZbAWWMDCAysVwKYOCd WqmQlpmXnlpUUJSZV6Jgq2DoZOSoYGToaKpg6GxkpmDo5uioYGZu5KKgYG5qbKAA sk0BZJ0CyD4FkIVcXLmVCnmp5QrZqZVcHaUsDGJcDLJiiizSWopLZdTkV6XrlhrA fMHKBPRCIQMXpwBMpF2akeHSe2+pwrS18cbH0+cpCvyd8e3vltrsldHdiZPm3yxd cfM3I0O3eYJievsaJoPyj7dCu9bXOn1VnPd3T+qt8zdbn2RfU2UBAA== =553H -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
#1KI6VI (23) / @voker57 / 2249 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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