студент-киновед ищет учеников для подготовки к егэ и огэ (русский, литература, английский) или поступлению во вгик (сценарно-киноведческий, режиссерский факультет).
кто я
меня зовут миша, я учусь на третьем курсе сценарно-киноведческого факультета вгик, имею за спиной обучение в америке в рамках литературной программы и два года репетиторства в москве; я стипендиат школы интерпретации современного искусства "пайдейя" на базе музея нонконформистского искусства в петербурге; мои статьи о кино, книгах, современном искусстве и прочем можно найти в блоге о маргинальной культуре "стенограмма", а также в сообществе moisture по хэштегу mstr_zakharov.
что я умею делать
находить индивидуальный подход к каждому, интегрировать интересы ученика в учебный процесс, вычитывать работы и прививать вкус!
А поясните за Красноярск? Там особая зона?
One day during the weeklong sex ed class, the female instructor made a show of tearing a long piece of tape from a dispenser. She held it for us to see, taut between her fingers, and pointed out how transparent and clean and sticky it was. Then she handed it to the girl in the first row and told her to attach it to her skin and pull it off. "It won't hurt," she promised. The girl did as she was told, and then the piece of tape was passed around for each of us to follow suit. When it got to me, I gingerly stuck it on my left forearm, smoothing it out on my skin. After I peeled it off, I looked at the particles of dirt and dead cells and hair that now clung to the tape. I wrinkled my nose and passed it along.
Once the tape had collected bits of each of us, the instructor took it back and pinched it between her thumb and index finger. "See how dirty this piece of tape is?" she said. "It's basically trash." This tape, she said, could never bond well enough to stick to anything, especially not another dirty piece of tape. She pressed two fresh pieces together and made a show of her inability to separate them.
Неделю назад мы с псом нашли на улице голопузую кроху-козявочку. Не смогли бросить ее на холоде и решили временно приютить у себя.
кто здесь русский?
It's astonishing to me to hear the director of Google apps for education say that he doesn't think students need to learn and understand quadratic equations.
Многострадальные пермяки, гости города и жители остальных населённых пунктов! Магнитно-резонансный критик вилисов высадился в городе культурной пертурбации, чтобы в ближайшие одиннадцать дней рассказывать вам все сплетни с Дягилевского фестиваля. Имейте лояльную интенцию и обратите внимание.
Soon after Ross moved out, Julia had convinced her friend Erica to move from New York City to Austin, renting the spare bedroom in Julia’s studio. Everything was moving along just fine until one evening, while partying, Erica had a bad acid trip from drugs purchased on the Silk Road and ended up in the hospital. When she returned, a fight erupted between her and Julia. Ross, who just happened to be there, tried to break up the brawl. This only exacerbated Erica’s and Julia’s tempers, and the fight grew so raucous that the police were called. Ross, who at first was trying to be helpful, soon lost his patience and pushed Erica out of the apartment. As Erica left in a taxi to the airport to return to New York City, Ross and Julia assumed that was the end of it. Good riddance, Erica; thanks for the story we’ll get to tell our friends tomorrow.
But the next morning, when Ross went back to his apartment, he opened his beloved laptop, and checked the stats on the Silk Road before navigating to his social media accounts. There, in all its terrifying glory, was a new message from Erica posted on his Facebook wall, publicly, for all to see. “I’m sure the authorities would like to know about Ross Ulbricht’s drug website,” she had written, like a giant neon billboard on the Internet.
A dangerous social media phenomenon known as 'Blue Whale' is circulating the web.
The game, created by Philipp Budeikin, directly targets children and encourages them to harm themselves. So far, the game has been linked to the deaths of more than 100 young people around the world. Budeikin has since been arrested and is being held in prison in Russia after pleading guilty to inciting the deaths of 16 teenage girls.
Since it's creation in 2013, Blue Whale has used horrifying videos to lure children into the game before psychologically manipulating them. The majority of children were young girls, who Budeikin says were targeted specifically for their vulnerability.
First there was an absolutely, utterly, nauseatingly terrifying incident that had occurred just before the site was set to open, when Ross, by sheer fate, had almost ended up jail. Austin had been in the middle of a heat wave a few weeks earlier, and somehow there had been a water leak in the apartment housing his secret magic mushroom farm. The landlord had gone into the space to inspect the flood and instead had found Ross’s drug laboratory. Irate, the landlord called Ross to tell him the next phone call was to the local police. Ross tore through the space, trying to get everything out before the cops arrived, and thankfully screeched away just in time. When he returned home that evening, smelling rank from the mushroom residue, he was so shaken up it took Julia hours to calm him. The thought of what would have happened had he been caught was enough to put Ross on the edge of a panic attack.
The day after the Gawker article, Ross got up, groggy and on edge, and was greeted by a total catastrophe. No, the site hadn’t been shut down by law enforcement. Or knocked off-line by hackers. Nothing like that. It was much worse.
While some people had simply come to the Silk Road to window-shop, others were actually buying and selling drugs. And every time someone purchased something, some of Ross’s Bitcoins vanished in the transaction. What the hell is going on? There must be a bug in the code. His personal profits, which were now in the double-digit thousands of dollars, were literally dwindling by hundreds of dollars every few hours. Ross had to figure out how to fix a problem he hadn’t even known existed.
It was sickening.
After digging through his code for hours trying to find the error, Ross realized he had originally built the Silk Road using a standard piece of code called “bitcoind,” which connected his payment system. Now he was discovering that he had created that interface improperly. He just had no idea where the mistake was in his code. All he knew was that he had essentially built a cash register where money fell out of the bottom into the ether whenever he opened it. And right now, as slews of new customers came to the site, that register was opening and closing at a staggering rate.
When he did the math, at the speed with which people were buying drugs on the site, the Silk Road was fast approaching insolvency. He would soon be the first person in history to start an underground drug Web site on the Internet and the first person in history to see it go bankrupt because he had written so much shitty code.
— Когда нам нужны были алюминиевые радиаторы охлаждения, в стране, которая вообще-то производит больше всех алюминия, их просто не было. Так что мы возили железо из Италии, причём, я почти уверен, что алюминий был наш. Потом мы поменяли конструкцию, чтобы обходиться российскими деталями. Хотя остаются комплектующие, которые заменить сложно. Хорошие сенсоры производят гиганты вроде Samsung и Sony, у них нет альтернативы. В 2014 году мы просели в выручке, в том числе на это повлияла экономика — у клиентов просто не стало денег. В этом году несмотря на то, что экономика продолжает стагнировать, мы прибавили 30% к выручке.
— В 2011 году вы стали резидентами «Сколкова». Зачем вам это понадобилось?
— В сотрудничестве с ними есть два плюса. Статус резидента даёт налоговые льготы на фонд оплаты труда, для нас это ощутимая экономия. И в 2011 году мы получили грант на 20 млн рублей, правда, нервов тогда измотали на 40. Заявка на грант «Сколкова» — хорошее упражнение. Пока мы её оформляли, у них менялись правила. Некоторые правила оказывались странными — например, нужно было расписать командировки на три года вперёд с указанием мест и длительности, стоимости билетов и проживания. Но их можно понять: требования предъявляют госорганы, которые их проверяют, так что над ними висит дамоклов меч.
— Будете бороться за участие в тендерах, которые проводят в рамках обеспечения действия «пакета Яровой»?
— Мы начинали с направления хранения аудиозаписей, которое решало одну из задач «пакета Яровой». Если коротко — мы умеем хранить всё, что ходит по проводам. Например, делаем для «Мегафона» систему борьбы с SMS-мошенничеством, там те же технологии. Но всё, что связано с «законом Яровой», очень политическая история, туда посторонних не пустят.
— Вы бы хотели?
— Мы как автомат Калашникова — продаём продукт тем, кому он действительно нужен и кто готов за это платить. А в кого он стреляет, уже не наше дело. Технически задача интересная. Другой вопрос, что закон писали люди, не знакомые с современными технологиями, квалификация этих людей не позволяет им должным образом оценить перспективы и потенциал развития технологий. Они предлагают хранить всё, и в результате искать что-либо будет очень сложно. Информации много, а ценность её крайне низкая. Эффективнее было бы индексировать данные сразу и выкидывать то, что не представляет интереса. Тогда и места это занимало бы меньше, и искать можно было бы намного быстрее.
“In my original draft, Hannah was naked,” says Yorkey. “And one of our consultants said, you know, that actually tends not to happen. When people [cut] their wrists in the bathtub, especially adolescent girls who have been body-shamed, they tend to wear old, ratty clothing. And that’s something I never would have known.”
The use of chlorine gas in 1915 and mustard gas in 1917 led to the provision of 2 million “khaki kits” with safety razors to American troops in 1918 because it was believed that gas masks would be more effective on clean-shaven soldiers. Before the war, shaving brushes were generally made from hair from badgers, horses, or boars, but badger-hair brushes were the most popular because of their ability to hold water. However, with the wartime disruption of commerce, badger hair from Russia—then its main exporter—became difficult to acquire. In response, imitation “badger” brushes made from horsehair from Russia, China, or Japan appeared in the United States. Before the war, bundles of hair used to make shaving brushes were cleaned and disinfected in France or Germany while en route to the United States. During the war, however, the bundles were shipped directly to the United States (11).
Anthrax risk during 1914–1917 seems to have varied by brush color and country of origin. Cases were more likely to be associated with light- than with dark-colored brushes, and brushes from horsehair from Japan were considered to be particularly risky. Public health officials investigating these outbreaks at the time speculated that at least some of these manufacturers used the hair as received, assuming it was already disinfected (2). They also speculated that hightemperature disinfection may have been avoided for brushes made from light-colored hair out of concern that this treatment might diminish their resemblance to badger hair. Thus, light-colored brushes may not have been as effectively disinfected as their dark-colored or darkly dyed counterparts (12).