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#XA32JD (5+3) / @kuro / 3167 дней назад
бнвачеры, уходящие на поинт, повышают средний iq на обеих площадках
#VNO0EL (6+3) / @krkm / 3169 дней назад

I have always treated everyone, regardless of who they are, with respect for their human dignity and human rights. That is something I have lived by all my life. I know that there are people in this world who do not share that moral compass. And there are people who are out and out jerks that don't and won't behave themselves.

But things are not always cut and dry.

For example, there are a lot of quirky people in the IT community. The IT community is filled with people who are neuro-atypical, ranging from dyslexics (very common among the mathematician community) to people with bona fide mental health problems that require ongoing medical care who don't always behave the way everyone else would like them to because they can't - quite literally.

Mental illness (i.e. depression) is common among software developers, as is also autism spectrum disorder. Some of the most brilliant engineers suffer from one or more of these conditions. And unfortunately, that can be a real recipe for disaster when a vague CoC is added to the mix because those would be the people that are the most vulnerable to being ostracized, ousted from a project and maybe even have their present and future employment opportunities destroyed by whatever enforcement actions that might be taken as a result of a complaint alleging a CoC violation.

The end result would be that a vague CoC and lack of uniform and transparent enforcement ends up punishing people for behaviors directly attributable to an "invisible" disability. People with disabilities are a protected class under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Let us be prudent and take great care to not inflict any harm and violate their human and social rights in an effort to uphold the human and social rights for others - because people with disabilities are legally entitled to protection from discrimination, harassment, and retaliatory punishments, too. At least, that's the law here in the US.

#GEHF4V (1) / @postman / 3169 дней назад

A full-stack developer is one who can add technical debt to any layer of the application

#AFNVCF (2+4) / @anonymous / 3170 дней назад


#8VCBWF (0) / @postman / 3170 дней назад
Не хочу ложиться спать чтоб не просыпаться завтра.
#KC66MC (1+1) / @mugi / 3171 день назад


#2XLAVS (0+3) / @anonymous / 3173 дня назад
#KZ4MJ6 (2+7) / @anonymous / 3173 дня назад


#8XGL0L (1+4) / @anonymous / 3182 дня назад
#EAMEDF (2+2) / @figli / 3189 дней назад
#52HGI9 (0+3) / @anonymous / 3191 день назад

Для меня ценность Трампа сводится исключительно к тому, что он, может быть, сломает ту самую политическую корректность, просто тем, что положит на нее с прибором. Вся эта бесноватая сволочь держится на страхе, что они могут человека затравить. Если им кто-то громко и спокойно отвечает, мол, шел бы ты в жопу, если вслед за ним в жопу начнут посылать остальные, довольно скоро выяснится, что "остальных" много. Так много, что сволочь окажется довольно небольшой группой в масштабах страны.

#AJNQMQ (0+1) / @goren / 3191 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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