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Теги: Клубы:

> The BigInt primitive (base number format) in JavaScript allows JavaScript to handle excessively large integers (whole numbers). This primitive is especially useful for specialized scientific applications that need very large yet accurate numbers, but has seen widespread adoption for an as of yet unknown reason as part of web frameworks, causing general web compatibility issues for Pale Moon when scripts expect BigInt support and instead have an error thrown. We have now implemented this primitive for use so we no longer have compatibility issues with these frameworks. It is still unknown why BigInt is in use there and for what. https://www.palemoon.org/releasenotes.shtml
#A1VV3S (0) / @l29ah / 501 день назад
#641HTC (0) / @l29ah / 936 дней назад
js.js:9317: ReferenceError: window is not defined js.js:10255: ReferenceError: document is not defined js.js:10262: TypeError: e.createDocumentFragment is not a function
#7BNES3 (2) / @l29ah / 2879 дней назад
> a = [4, 5, 11, 17] < [4, 5, 11, 17] > a.sort() < [11, 17, 4, 5]
#8A7IO5 (20+2) / @l29ah / 3238 дней назад
Автокомплит по хистори в firefox работает медленнее чем загуглить.
#NDMVMD (6+1) / @l29ah / 3595 дней назад
Проапдейтил cli-костыль к savefrom. Наиболее интересный кусочек добра: sed -e 's/.*eval(unescape(\([^)]*\)).*/print(unescape(\1));/' | js | sed -e 's/.*>\(var[^<]*\)<.*/\1/;s/\;var s=document.*tex/\;/;s/eval(\([^;]*\))\;.*$/\1\;'\''\;print(t);/' | js | sed -e 's#window\['\''\\x65\\x76\\x61\\x6c'\''\](f)#print(f)#' | js | sed -e 's/eval/print/' | js | perl -ne 's#.*?{"url":"([^"]*)".*#\1#g and print' | sed -e 's#\\\/#/#g' Целиком - на http://w3crapcli.tk/
#ADJULS (2+1) / @l29ah / 4892 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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