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Теги: Клубы:

#1BRXMV (11+1) / @l29ah / 1912 дней назад
Где взять свичей для клавиатуры шоб clicky и IP67?
#01VGG5 (2+1) / @l29ah / 2992 дня назад
Почему вдруг на ноутбуках островные клавиатуры ВНЕЗАПНО вытеснили традиционные?
#22HJBI (29+2) / @l29ah / 3199 дней назад
Новый рекорд в режиме Спринт — 538 зн/мин!
#N1311O (0) / @l29ah / 3842 дня назад

450cpm avg на йцукен

#SOXUTH (5) / @l29ah / 3852 дня назад

350cpm avg на qwerty.

#S4GYJ5 (1) / @l29ah / 3903 дня назад
440 CPM AVG! Slugabed - отличная музяка для набора.
#E2CTPR (0) / @l29ah / 4495 дней назад
Bernard Roseman, for example in LSD the Age of Mind, found it behooved him to become involved with the practical endeavor of typing. In detailing his system for becoming an accomplished typist through psychedelics, he emphasized the necessity for knowing the basics of the touch-system. Once this was acquired, with a fair rhythm, he offered the following advice for "drumming in" a conditioned response: Take [the drug] while typing and continue right through the transition period (where one's consciousness changes). Now here is where "will power" comes in, as you will find yourself inventing a thousand reasons why typing is useless and you could not care less about learning it. It would be so pleasant to stop and listen to a little music or just meditate. Well, if you wish to accomplish something with psychedelics that lingers on into your ordinary state, you must exert an act of will. By doing nothing but letting that state direct you, a pleasant time will be had, but little accomplished. Therefore you must continue this regime... if possible up to fourteen hours.... It will feel as if you have been typing for centuries locked in a small enclosure with but one action to perform. When the drug wears off, go to sleep. It is almost guaranteed your mind will still be seeing numbers and letters, and your fingers will jerk as they wish to automatically respond to the actions required of them. Upon awakening, go back to the typewriter. You will be amazed to see your speed and accuracy greatly improved. A force will seem to grab your hands, and your fingers will fight to obey. The typewriter is now a permanent part of you, and the impression made can never be erased.
#IRLBR5 (0) / @l29ah / 4502 дня назад
А почему buckling spring умер? Казалось бы, совмещает профиты кликовой механики с профитами мембранки.
#61UIGQ (1+1) / @l29ah / 4509 дней назад
Этюды Шопена - идеальный бекграунд для клавогонок. 430cpm avg and more!
#T1FCO2 (0) / @l29ah / 4515 дней назад
В природе существуют MIDI-клавы, клавиши которых срабатывают в самом низу хода, за вменяемые деньги?
#4SNC11 (0) / @l29ah / 4519 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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