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He and Neuberg were on their way down the mount when Crowley suddenly was seized with the inspiration to perform a homosexual magic ritual with Neuberg and dedicate it to the Greek god of nature, Pan. They went back to the top of the mount, inscribed in the sand a magic circle protected with names and words of power, and made a crude stone altar. Crowley took the submissive role in the sexual act as a way of eliminating ego. The ritual marked a turning point for him in his view of the importance of sex in magic; he now saw it as a beneficial sacrament.
#VK5SFL / @anonymous / 753 дня назад

русский свинокот гомосексуальный ты))))))))))))
#VK5SFL/4A4 / @anonymous / 753 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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