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одеські шашлики спалили себе самі — Рада Європи: https://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=090000168048851b 122. Cause of the fire in the Trade Union Building. It appears from the authorities’ submissions to the Panel that the report of the forensic examination of the fire in the Trade Union Building, conducted by the Scientific Research and Forensics Centre of the MoI 133Department in Mykolayiv Region, was obtained on 7 July 2014. The report concluded that the building could have caught fire as a result of one or more persons bringing combustible materials and a source of fire into the building. The forensic examination identified five independent fire centres: in the lobby of the building; on the left hand and on the right hand staircases between the ground and first floors; in a room on the first floor; and on the landing between the second and third floors. The fire centres other than in the lobby could only have been started as a result of the actions of persons inside the building. >The fire centres other than in the lobby could only have been started as a result of the actions of persons inside the building
Рекомендовали: @goren
#TZYSVM / @hate-engine / 3354 дня назад

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