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U.S. President Donald Trump made it clear he expects Russia to return Crimea to Ukraine and reduce violence in Ukraine, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Tuesday. "President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to de-escalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea," Spicer said at a daily news briefing. "At the same time, he fully expects to and wants to get along with Russia." http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-ukraine-idUSKBN15T2IY
#REGWGD / @hate-engine / 2966 дней назад

хули он пиздит навальный сказал крымнаш
#REGWGD/OX6 / @komar / 2966 дней назад
мне не понятно только одно: РУБЛЬ ШТО ТЫ ДЕЛАЕШЬ?
#REGWGD/AYH / @anonymous / 2966 дней назад


#REGWGD/AT6 / @goren / 2966 дней назад
@anonymous на 48
#REGWGD/AJ7 / @hate-engine --> #REGWGD/AYH / 2966 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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