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how did you do that?

#K46TYX / @jim / 4349 дней назад

Not sure if trolling... c -m K46TYX message
#K46TYX/T7O / @anonymous / 4349 дней назад
not trolling, just trying to figure out the software
#K46TYX/LXM / @jim / 4349 дней назад
You should definetely use the simplified interface. It's really great and does all the things. Type 'interface simplified' without the quotes.
#K46TYX/SPT / @anonymous / 4349 дней назад
Btw how do you know about bnw?
#K46TYX/G39 / @anonymous / 4349 дней назад
I am using bnw through a jabber client will the interface simplified make any difference?
#K46TYX/7MN / @jim / 4349 дней назад
I am a jabber junky and was looking for a free alternative to juick so I can microblog using xmpp
#K46TYX/5A8 / @jim / 4349 дней назад
@jim Sure. Replying in simplified is just like that: "#K46TYX/7MN oh hai"
#K46TYX/LHB / @anonymous --> #K46TYX/7MN / 4349 дней назад
@jim Simplified interface will act like juick.
#K46TYX/TFH / @anonymous --> #K46TYX/5A8 / 4349 дней назад
#K46TYX/8YF / @238328 / 4349 дней назад
@238328 udvaivayoo
#K46TYX/XRG / @anonymous --> #K46TYX/8YF / 4349 дней назад
@238328 vsem pohui
#K46TYX/A3P / @anonymous --> #K46TYX/8YF / 4349 дней назад
Even if in reality this message was posted by a russian troll, it's not bad to think of adding some internationalization to the web interface. @kagami, would you help?
#K46TYX/UW7 / @stiletto / 4349 дней назад
@stiletto That's definetely must be done. Maybe I will find some time to do it at least in the new web ui later. (Already has expierence in client-side localization so it shouldn't be too hard.)
#K46TYX/84B / @anonymous --> #K46TYX/UW7 / 4349 дней назад
@stiletto No sir, I am not a Russian troll. I am in Texas. I am a free software advocate and for several years I have been interested in a free software alternative to juick. I pretty much live my online life through an XMPP client. I developed a bot for posting from XMPP to a wordpress instance that I have but it eats up too many resources and is only for posting not reading. I want something more.
#K46TYX/12Z / @jim --> #K46TYX/UW7 / 4349 дней назад
@jim Just added a translation for "help" command. As always my english is horrible.
#K46TYX/6IY / @stiletto --> #K46TYX/12Z / 4349 дней назад
@jim you're such a hipster //why on Earth someone is blogging over xmpp whereas there are twitter and other nicely done projects? Have your Putin forbidden you to blog without some kostyli(//)? Also, have you looked at http://identi.ca ? It's powered by open source tools and have jabber suport and it's not written in russian.
#K46TYX/9JH / @238328 --> #K46TYX/12Z / 4349 дней назад
@stiletto Koz we are nebydlo Don't burn godnotu too bydlo Bydlo nebydlo Yobany povidlo
#K46TYX/RR0 / @238328 --> #K46TYX/6IY / 4349 дней назад
@238328 identi.ca is just twitter-like php lame crap. I tried it few years ago and it was completely unusable — just like twitter.
#K46TYX/0X1 / @anonymous --> #K46TYX/9JH / 4349 дней назад
@238328 I ran my own statusnet/identica service for a while and I admin one at http://parlementum.net. Identica is changing over to a new protocol in April which will break federation and pretty much ruin the work they have done. Twitter is pretty much a waste. I use it for some work I do with the weather service but it is mostly spam these days. XMPP has always intrigued me. I think so much can be done with it.
#K46TYX/FOS / @jim --> #K46TYX/9JH / 4349 дней назад
@kagami по-русски-то уже не можешь чтоле пидор? Сало русское ешь, хлеб русский ешь, на бензине русском ездиешь, а толдочит на буржуйском, типа небыдло. Ппц ты тупой, думаешь я тебя не раскусил?
#K46TYX/JQU / @238328 --> #K46TYX/0X1 / 4349 дней назад
@stiletto Cool. I saw the translation. Thanks. This will help. If it is any consolation your English is better than the Google Translator's.
#K46TYX/L16 / @jim --> #K46TYX/6IY / 4349 дней назад
@jim >which will break federation I hope it's about Russian Federation.
#K46TYX/DMW / @muromec --> #K46TYX/FOS / 4349 дней назад
@jim So, you're going to run standalone bnw blogique on your server? //хули ты не немец
#K46TYX/MO5 / @238328 --> #K46TYX/FOS / 4349 дней назад
btw, BnW still has no support for federation. It is planned from the beginning, but still not implemented.
#K46TYX/6K7 / @stiletto / 4349 дней назад
@muromec Hold onto your hat, identica's mess might damage the Russian Federation too. ;-)
#K46TYX/D6N / @jim --> #K46TYX/DMW / 4349 дней назад
@238328 One day I will set-up an instance. If federation isn't here yet I may need to wait a while.
#K46TYX/Z85 / @jim --> #K46TYX/MO5 / 4349 дней назад
@238328 nope, and my German is only slightly better than my Russian. I took a couple of years of it in school.
#K46TYX/MIY / @jim --> #K46TYX/MO5 / 4349 дней назад
What is the english translation of "социоблядь"?
#K46TYX/45O / @238328 / 4349 дней назад
#K46TYX/8IQ / @238328 --> #K46TYX/MIY / 4349 дней назад
@238328 I don't know. Google says "sotsioblyad" which is meaningless in English.
#K46TYX/32V / @jim --> #K46TYX/45O / 4349 дней назад
@238328 Fuck the unfuckable Translate untranslatable Row-Row Fight da Powah!
#K46TYX/FRA / @muromec --> #K46TYX/45O / 4349 дней назад
@jim well... "блядь" means "whore" in Russian and "социо" is the transcription of "socio". meaning is pretty close to "attention whore" but describes the person addicted to social activities, parties, and so on. opposite concept to hikkikomori.
#K46TYX/5W3 / @muromec --> #K46TYX/32V / 4349 дней назад
@muromec I see.
#K46TYX/1DM / @jim --> #K46TYX/5W3 / 4349 дней назад
@238328 Neurotypical.
#K46TYX/UOX / @goren --> #K46TYX/45O / 4349 дней назад
@jim Also, FINALLY a Free Software advocate on bnw! Most people here only mock it.
#K46TYX/D2B / @goren --> #K46TYX/12Z / 4349 дней назад
@goren @goren Truth be told, don't most people everywhere mock us? ;-)
#K46TYX/A3H / @jim --> #K46TYX/D2B / 4349 дней назад
@goren @goren bnw is licensed with the BSD license which is free, it is what drew me to try it out
#K46TYX/P0Q / @jim --> #K46TYX/UOX / 4349 дней назад
@jim Dunno about most people, never met them. But yeah, the concept of Free Software is sincere and idealistic enough to serve as a cheap target for mockery.
#K46TYX/2X4 / @goren --> #K46TYX/A3H / 4349 дней назад
@jim In fact BSD-like licenses not completely free (as in free speech) since they are require you to execute some requirements. meow licensed under the CC0 (except vendor libraries) so you _really_ could you it as you wish.
#K46TYX/UIV / @anonymous --> #K46TYX/P0Q / 4349 дней назад
@kagami could use it*
#K46TYX/S50 / @anonymous --> #K46TYX/UIV / 4349 дней назад
@kagami пиздец не палишься, что ты хохол
#K46TYX/09S / @238328 --> #K46TYX/UIV / 4349 дней назад
@238328 кагамка - пидар, а не хохол, куда ему.
#K46TYX/NSL / @muromec --> #K46TYX/09S / 4349 дней назад
@238328 обосрался
#K46TYX/5PG / @krkm --> #K46TYX/JQU / 4348 дней назад
короч, оп хуй, итт все пидоры и лизали опу, хули вы надеетесь, пидорахи, он вас к себе в первый мир не заберет
#K46TYX/5V2 / @krkm / 4348 дней назад
Look, look, OP! I found funny cat picture: http://i.imgur.com/OYwZa5R.jpg Did you see it? Do you have in your 'merrica funny stuff like this (best russian invention ever)? We take over the world, beet cancer and cured homosexuality. Thanks to funniest russian cats!
#K46TYX/ZS4 / @krkm / 4348 дней назад
@kurkuma спалил быдлу короче, пусть теперь думает, что это русские придумали все лучшее в мире!
#K46TYX/PHO / @krkm --> #K46TYX/ZS4 / 4348 дней назад
@kurkuma ппц у тебя ростовский акцент канеш
#K46TYX/CCJ / @238328 --> #K46TYX/ZS4 / 4347 дней назад
@kurkuma Свекольный рак? Ну ваще пушка.
#K46TYX/LX2 / @goren --> #K46TYX/ZS4 / 4347 дней назад
@goren чо за свекольный
#K46TYX/N09 / @krkm --> #K46TYX/LX2 / 4347 дней назад
@goren и чо
#K46TYX/ETI / @krkm --> #K46TYX/CKW / 4347 дней назад
@kurkuma И всё.
#K46TYX/LRT / @goren --> #K46TYX/ETI / 4347 дней назад
@goren ппц ты пидораха, это был ГЛАГОЛ
#K46TYX/HKF / @krkm --> #K46TYX/LRT / 4347 дней назад
@kurkuma Глагол "свеколить"?
#K46TYX/7VA / @goren --> #K46TYX/HKF / 4347 дней назад
@goren исправлять; чинить; помогать; разложить (костер); поддерживать (огонь)
#K46TYX/28A / @krkm --> #K46TYX/7VA / 4347 дней назад
@kurkuma А разжигание рака не попадает под 282 статью?
#K46TYX/LIP / @goren --> #K46TYX/28A / 4347 дней назад
@goren мы помогли раку выжить. вот какие мы прогрессивные. толерантность во все поля
#K46TYX/1YA / @krkm --> #K46TYX/LIP / 4346 дней назад
@jim Well let's look at , what you wrote )) Seems like you're really a contused , mentally injured imbecile )) I can say this face to face ,how about you come and listen?) All this bullshit that you wrote is just plain simple fucking lies , you indoor rambo)) your life wouldn't get better cuz you wrote a lot)) bullshiting isn't a hard job, lots of fags like you melted in spring )) People say about fags like you: Mom didn't want it, dad didn't even try) Read my message to you closely< and try to analise it and make some conclusions for yourself)
#K46TYX/GLQ / @krkm --> #K46TYX/L16 / 4064 дня назад
@kurkuma пук
#K46TYX/1FP / @238328 --> #K46TYX/GLQ / 4064 дня назад
@kurkuma пук
#K46TYX/CIL / @238328 --> #K46TYX/5PG / 4064 дня назад
@kurkuma Ещё на эсперанто переведи.
#K46TYX/EDW / @goren --> #K46TYX/GLQ / 4064 дня назад
@238328 давно не выхватывал штоле
#K46TYX/UR3 / @krkm --> #K46TYX/1FP / 4064 дня назад
@goren лень потом искать тред где вы там с москвано надрачивали писюки друг другу
#K46TYX/KYU / @krkm --> #K46TYX/EDW / 4064 дня назад
@kurkuma Да пости прямо сюда.
#K46TYX/ZA8 / @goren --> #K46TYX/KYU / 4064 дня назад
@goren глупенький, это не так работает
#K46TYX/3IQ / @krkm --> #K46TYX/ZA8 / 4064 дня назад
@kurkuma Sir, if you please proceed to the combined analysis of your message. I have to admit that it makes it not the most flattering assessment your mental abilities, and you yourself grudge for this life. In no case do not think that I'm trying to somehow denigrate you, hiding behind the paper sheet, I can assure you that I can always talk to you about this letter and in a personal conversation. But be wise, my dear! All your surround epistolary is a lie and utter nonsense, and you, although I recognize unpleasant, holy warrior, does not leave his home. And how would you not spent ink any benefits you can not add it . And believe me , talking so much easier compared to manual labor. Like you, sir, can contemplate during the melting snows of vernal, speaking poetic language. Your father did not show proper perseverance, and even your mother desires, as the proverb says. Therefore, honorable, if you please read into my message and extract the proper lessons . //пидорахи опять не могут в речь
#K46TYX/6F3 / @238328 --> #K46TYX/GLQ / 4063 дня назад
@238328 Граммарнаци удавился от этого текста.
#K46TYX/RIX / @goren --> #K46TYX/6F3 / 4063 дня назад
@goren пруф или я
#K46TYX/UHR / @238328 --> #K46TYX/RIX / 4063 дня назад
@238328 ты вроде ещё дышишь
#K46TYX/5Z4 / @goren --> #K46TYX/UHR / 4063 дня назад
@goren пруф или бот за меня
#K46TYX/SUC / @238328 --> #K46TYX/5Z4 / 4063 дня назад
@goren уже нет
#K46TYX/TOT / @anonymous --> #K46TYX/5Z4 / 3634 дня назад

@anonymous некроманты ёпт

#K46TYX/IR6 / @goren --> #K46TYX/TOT / 3634 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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