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Quick Markdown Syntax Guide

This guide shows you how to use Markdown instead of HTML when
writing posts or comments.

Markdown is way easier to use than HTML. (But you can still use HTML at the
same time if you really want to and you know how.)

Just write in the comment box the same way it's shown in this file, it's
really that simple.

(See bottom for more info about Markdown itself.)


For a URL or email, just write it like this:


To use text for the link, write it like this.

You can add a title (which shows up under the cursor),
like this.

Reference Links

You can also put the link URL below the current paragraph like this.

Here the text "link URL" gets linked to "http://url", and the lines showing
"1: http://url" won't show anything.

Or you can use a shortcut reference, which links the text "shortcut"
to the link named "shortcut" on the next paragraph.


Use * or _ to emphasize things:

this is in italic and so is this

this is in bold and so is this

this is bold and italic and so is this

Just write paragraphs like in a text file and they will display how you would
expect. A blank line separates paragraphs.

So this is a new paragraph. But any text on adjacent lines
will all end up
in the same paragraph.


Use the > character in front of a line, just like in email.
Use it if you're quoting a person, a song or whatever.

You can use italic or lists inside them also.

And just like with other paragraphs,
all of these lines are still
part of the blockquote, even without the > character in front.

To end the blockquote, just put a blank line before the following paragraph.

Preformatted Text

If you want some text to show up exactly as you write it, without Markdown
doing anything to it, just indent every line by at least 4 spaces (or 1 tab).

This line won't *have any markdown* formatting applied.
I can even write <b>HTML</b> and it will show up as text.
This is great for showing program source code, or HTML or even Markdown.
<b>this won't show up as HTML</b> but exactly <i>as you see it in
this text file</i>.

(In a normal paragraph, <b>this will show up in bold</b> just like normal HTML.)

Remember, you have to indent by at least 4 spaces to do it. This paragraph
won't be preformatted.

And if you use [reference][] links, make sure the links are indented
by fewer than 4 spaces.


(woops, that link didn't work, see? It just got displayed as preformatted text.)

As a shortcut you can use backquotes to do the same thing while inside
a normal pargraph. This won't be *italic* or **bold** at all.


  • an asterisk starts an unordered list
  • and this is another item in the list
  • or you can also use the + character
  • or the - character

To start an ordered list, write this:

  1. this starts a list with numbers
  2. this will show as number "2"
  3. this will show as number "3."
  4. any number, +, -, or * will keep the list going.
    • just indent by 4 spaces (or tab) to make a sub-list
      1. keep indenting for more sub lists
    • here i'm back to the second level


This is a huge header

this is a smaller header

Just put 1 or more dashes or equals signs (--- or ===) below the title.

You might use the huge header at the very top of your text for a title or
something (except weblog posts usually already have a title), and use the
smaller header for subtitles or sections.

Horizontal Rule

just put three or more *'s or -'s on a line:

or you can use single spaces between then, like this:


Make sure you have a blank line above the dashes, though, or else:

you will get a header


To include an image, just put a "!" in front of a text link:


The "alternate text" will show up if the browser can't load the image.

You can also use a title if you want, like this:

#IQ3OP2 / @stiletto / 4277 дней назад

в нумерованном списке на 2 и 3 лишние пробелы
#IQ3OP2/PQR / @238328 / 4277 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/V78 / @238328 / 4277 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/W2H / @238328 / 4277 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/IGG / @238328 / 4277 дней назад
ну понятно карочи
#IQ3OP2/82F / @238328 / 4277 дней назад
@238328 * Test * Huest * Huest * Huest * Huest * Huest
#IQ3OP2/75T / @238328 --> #IQ3OP2/82F / 4277 дней назад
* Test * Huest * Huest * Huest * Huest * Huest
#IQ3OP2/Z30 / @238328 / 4277 дней назад
@238328 баг
#IQ3OP2/X1O / @238328 --> #IQ3OP2/75T / 4277 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/6FA / @anonymous / 4277 дней назад
!(💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif 💩.gif)
#IQ3OP2/ECP / @238328 / 4277 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/VKV / @238328 / 4277 дней назад
!(file:///) //macoblyadey sosnoley
#IQ3OP2/ED1 / @238328 / 4277 дней назад
@238328 Бля, ты синтаксис вообще знаешь, лол? `[img](`, ёпт. Просто вместо них только ссылка показывается.
#IQ3OP2/PCC / @anonymous --> #IQ3OP2/VKV / 4277 дней назад
@kagami знаю
#IQ3OP2/OHY / @238328 --> #IQ3OP2/PCC / 4277 дней назад
@kagami если ты не понял, то я обнаружил баг, потому что бнвач всё равно установил класс hasthumbs для #IQ3OP2/VKV
#IQ3OP2/39N / @238328 --> #IQ3OP2/PCC / 4277 дней назад
# <script>alert('test'); </script>
#IQ3OP2/5VP / @stiletto / 4277 дней назад
@238328 Он ставит превьюшки для всех картинок. Хотя это старое поведение, в новом можно добавлять в превьюшки только из тех, где явно указали, да.
#IQ3OP2/HW0 / @anonymous --> #IQ3OP2/39N / 4277 дней назад
> <b>ПЕНИР</b>
#IQ3OP2/WAS / @stiletto / 4276 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/MG4 / @stiletto / 4276 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/M12 / @stiletto / 4276 дней назад
@stiletto Лучше бы в тесты добавлял, бака.
#IQ3OP2/XUH / @anonymous --> #IQ3OP2/M12 / 4276 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/8K2 / @stiletto / 4276 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/P18 / @stiletto / 4276 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/0KE / @stiletto / 4276 дней назад
@kagami я пока тупо играюсь
#IQ3OP2/M52 / @stiletto --> #IQ3OP2/XUH / 4276 дней назад
@stiletto Лол да, вот это уже не оч. Можно сказать чтобы использовал только безопасные протоколы.
#IQ3OP2/BRX / @anonymous --> #IQ3OP2/0KE / 4276 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/DVV / @stiletto / 4276 дней назад
@stiletto Лол, здесь тоже баг. Надо (?:^|\s) в начало регулярки MSG_RE.
#IQ3OP2/EDZ / @anonymous --> #IQ3OP2/DVV / 4276 дней назад
@kagami тест запушил
#IQ3OP2/UEH / @stiletto --> #IQ3OP2/EDZ / 4276 дней назад
@stiletto было на псто и в этом треде
#IQ3OP2/RU8 / @238328 --> #IQ3OP2/0KE / 4276 дней назад
Охуеть: [link](vbscript:msgbox%28%22Hello%20world!%22%29) [link](livescript:alert%28'Hello%20world!'%29) [link](mocha:[code]) [link](jAvAsCrIpT:alert%28'Hello%20world!'%29) [link](ja&#32;vas&#32;cr&#32;ipt:alert%28'Hello%20world!'%29) [link](ja&#00032;vas&#32;cr&#32;ipt:alert%28'Hello%20world!'%29) [link](ja&#x00020;vas&#32;cr&#32;ipt:alert%28'Hello%20world!'%29) [link](ja%09&#x20;%0Avas&#32;cr&#x0a;ipt:alert%28'Hello %20world!'%29) [link](ja%20vas%20cr%20ipt:alert%28'Hello%20world!'%29) [link](live%20script:alert%28'Hello%20world!'%29)
#IQ3OP2/C2D / @anonymous / 4276 дней назад
@kagami Ололо, четвёртвый работает.
#IQ3OP2/6HR / @anonymous --> #IQ3OP2/C2D / 4276 дней назад
@kagami [ХУЙПИЗДА](javascrip%74:alert%28'ПЕНИР'%29)
#IQ3OP2/NQ3 / @238328 --> #IQ3OP2/C2D / 4276 дней назад
разные размеры шрифтов для моноширинного говна это конечно вообще ПУШКА алсо, нажми в вебне на айди поста внизу поста, форма ответа будет внутри /0
#IQ3OP2/IJJ / @238328 / 4276 дней назад
@238328 бамп багу
#IQ3OP2/WVL / @238328 --> #IQ3OP2/IJJ / 4276 дней назад
About --------- This text file shows you how to use [Markdown][] instead of crappy HTML when writing posts or comments. [Markdown]: Markdown is an easier way of making HTML pages from text, rather than having to know HTML. * See this file as it looks when [rendered with Markdown][]. * See the [original text file][]. [rendered with Markdown]: [original text file]:
#IQ3OP2/P8E / @anonymous / 4275 дней назад
@kagami Marked не умеет в отступы после списков в сносках, печалька. Хотя если без отступа, то работает.
#IQ3OP2/XKS / @anonymous --> #IQ3OP2/P8E / 4275 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/N6X / @ulidtko / 4045 дней назад
@ulidtko > тест тест хуест
#IQ3OP2/CRW / @ulidtko --> #IQ3OP2/N6X / 4045 дней назад
@ulidtko > тест хуест заебест
#IQ3OP2/JP2 / @ulidtko --> #IQ3OP2/CRW / 4045 дней назад
@ulidtko о! ништяк
#IQ3OP2/8RA / @ulidtko --> #IQ3OP2/JP2 / 4045 дней назад
@238328 лол, бамп, все еще не пофикшено
#IQ3OP2/FH5 / @238328 --> #IQ3OP2/WVL / 3979 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/JJO / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/BMT / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/46M / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/WEX / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/7BE / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
Normal text <sub><sup>Small text</sup></sub> <sub><sup><sub><sup>Tiny text</sup></sub></sup></sub>
#IQ3OP2/D9A / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/CUF / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/16T / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/W36 / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/XDX / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
#IQ3OP2/51Y / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
asdf --- asdf
#IQ3OP2/TQT / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
Testing <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup> Testing <sub>subscript <sub>subscript level 2</sub></sub> Testing <sup>superscript <sup>superscript level 2</sup></sup>
#IQ3OP2/XTH / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
@anonymous хуле ты тут натоптал блять!
#IQ3OP2/T3L / @anonymous --> #IQ3OP2/XTH / 2527 дней назад
ебать ты хакирь
#IQ3OP2/34A / @anonymous / 2527 дней назад
@anonymous а то
#IQ3OP2/DIR / @anonymous --> #IQ3OP2/34A / 2527 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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