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Няшное интервью с таненбаумом. / LinuxFr.org : Finaly what are your dream for MINIX? Take over the world? Andrew Tanenbaum : I am too modest for that. One thing I would like is that when microkernels take over the world, which I fully expect, is that we at least get a footnote. Many hypervisors are getting more and more functionality over time until they are indistinguishable from a microkernel, only not designed well. With the Android people and Microsoft moving more and more code into user space, we are also moving in that direction. Being ahead of your time is never good. I published a paper in 1978 on something very close to the Java Virtual Machine, but we never got much credit for it although we were years ahead of Sun. Such is life sometimes. / http://linuxfr.org/nodes/88229/comments/1291183
Рекомендовали: @stiletto
#FM7GVW / @ninesigns / 4737 дней назад

@matimatik конечно. кстати, гранты которые он получил - как раз на реализацию и для конечной продажи.
#FM7GVW/WV0 / @ninesigns --> #FM7GVW/89A / 4737 дней назад
> The reason MINIX 3 didn't dominate the world has to do with one mistake I made about 1992. At that time I thought BSD was going to take over the world. It was a mature and stable system. I didn't see any point in competing with it, so I focused MINIX on education. Four of the BSD guys had just formed a company to sell BSD commercially. They even had a nice phone number: 1-800-ITS-UNIX. That phone number did them and me in. AT&T sued them over the phone number and the lawsuit took 3 years to settle. That was precisely the period Linux was launched and BSD was frozen due to the lawsuit. By the time it was settled, Linux had taken off. My mistake was not to realize the lawsuit would take so long and cripple BSD. If AT&T had not brought suit (or better yet, bought BSDI), Linux would never have become popular at all and BSD would dominate the world. Now as we are starting to go commercial, we are realizing the value of the BSD license. Many companies refuse to make major investments in modifying Linux to suit their needs if they have to give the code to their competitors. We think that the BSD license alone will be a great help to us, as well as the small size, reliability, and modularity. Очевидно, он как ничего не понимал в айти-индустрии, так и не понимает.
#FM7GVW/XB6 / @goren / 4737 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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