@romme My personal conclusion out of all this is mostly just that I don't want to have much to do with the worst offenders, and the communities they run. My involvement with the kernel community ended pretty much before it even started, I never post on LKML, and haven't done in years. Also, in our own project we are policying posts. We regularly put a few folks on moderation on the mailing list, and we will continue to do so. Currently, the systemd community is fantastic, and I really hope we can keep it that way.
And that's all about this topic from me. I have no intentions to ever talk about this again on a public forum.
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@lord <<But more importantly, I'd actually put some blame on a certain circle of folks that play a major role in kernel development, and first and foremost Linus Torvalds himself.>>
@tzirechnoy Ты вообще припух, зелень?
Открываешь пасть что бы что-то сказать, будь добр обосновывать свои высеры.
Нечего сказать по делу, будь мужчиной, и признай что ступил в точности деталей. Баба.
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@romme My personal conclusion out of all this is mostly just that I don't want to have much to do with the worst offenders, and the communities they run. My involvement with the kernel community ended pretty much before it even started, I never post on LKML, and haven't done in years. Also, in our own project we are policying posts. We regularly put a few folks on moderation on the mailing list, and we will continue to do so. Currently, the systemd community is fantastic, and I really hope we can keep it that way.
And that's all about this topic from me. I have no intentions to ever talk about this again on a public forum.