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Company-owned marketplaces are wonderful for the 95% of people who never run into problems, and some people such as Blake Ross may wonder why we don’t just retire the publicly regulated markets. What he is missing is that there is no due process on company marketplaces. If you happen to have a streak of bad luck, or you are targeted or discriminated against and you get too many bad ratings, you are kicked off with no appeal process. Uber does not care whether the complaints are legitimate. Similar problems happen to a small fraction of users on Google Adwords, eBay, and other company-owned marketplaces who ultimately care about their own profit instead of justice. As public markets are replaced with private marketplaces, I think the loss of due process is not something that we should give up without some forethought.
Рекомендовали: @polecat
#886W8Q / @krkm / 3717 дней назад

@polecat нужна сильная рука прост, хули они там выебываются
#886W8Q/X00 / @krkm --> #886W8Q/G23 / 3717 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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