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Shinji Mikamo had taken the day off from his work as an apprentice electrician in the army to help his father clear their home, which was soon to be demolished. Months of air raids had caused devastating fires in cities across Japan, so the government had decided to create firebreaks. The Mikamos' house was one of those to be flattened. "It makes no sense," growled Shinji's father, Fukuichi - but orders were orders.
"It makes no sense, but orders were orders."
government had decided to create firebreaks
пришли америкосы и хуйнули атомне бомбу

#7X7T3P / @muromec / 3837 дней назад

ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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