УМННБJ, ЯХВ. Войти !bnw Сегодня Клубы
A novice was learning at the feet of Master Git. At the end of the lesson he looked through his notes and said, “Master, I have a few questions. May I ask them?” Master Git nodded. “How can I view a list of all tags?” “git tag”, replied Master Git. “How can I view a list of all remotes?” “git remote -v”, replied Master Git. “How can I view a list of all branches?” “git branch -a”, replied Master Git. “And how can I view the current branch?” “git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD”, replied Master Git. “How can I delete a remote?” “git remote rm”, replied Master Git. “And how can I delete a branch?” “git branch -d”, replied Master Git. The novice thought for a few moments, then asked: “Surely some of these could be made more consistent, so as to be easier to remember in the heat of coding?” Master Git snapped his fingers. A hobgoblin entered the room and ate the novice alive. In the afterlife, the novice was enlightened. http://stevelosh.com/blog/2013/04/git-koans/
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