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#623IPB / @dan / 3890 дней назад

украинский полущ
#623IPB/6VC / @anonymous / 3890 дней назад
@anonymous Он не компилируется
#623IPB/IKT / @dan --> #623IPB/6VC / 3890 дней назад
@dan >2017 >компилировать
#623IPB/I9J / @anonymous --> #623IPB/IKT / 3890 дней назад
@anonymous >2017 >неверно цитировать ясно
#623IPB/8P5 / @dan --> #623IPB/I9J / 3890 дней назад
- I'm using XXX for 2 years and encountered myself some bugs in compiler, codegen and linker, as well as problems with leaky slow GC etc. However I still love the language and continue using it. I see bugs get fixed with each release, it gets more and more stable. I've learnt to work around remaining problems and now it's my language of choice for most tasks. - XXX is fast and low-level as C (or even lower, with its inline asm) when I need it, it's abstract and high-level as Haskell when I need it, it's simple and convenient as Python or Ruby when I need it. No other language can do it all. - I've used C++ for many years (and still do, it's inevitable in some fields), the pain, the pain. - I've used Perl (it still serves my company web site) but it's really insane. - I've used Ruby and loved it at first (we all were young), but then got tired of slowness and dynamic typing. - I've used C# and it's ok for some fields but not really suitable for others. And CLR is Windows-only while Mono sucked everywhere. - I've used OCaml and loved it (my previous long-time language of choice for most tasks), but got tired of verbosity, bad Windows support and single-threadedness. - I've used Haskell a bit and it's great but sometimes too restricting and not really suitable for low-level stuff. - I've used Haxe and it's fine for its niche but quite limited in others. - I've used ATS and it's great (they made everything **Rust** makers dreamed of before it was cool) but too hard to use in practice. And Windows version required Cygwin too. - I've used Elm a bit but it's obviously a very niche thing. - I've used Idris and I'm using it right now for one project, if you really want to see buggy codegen and libraries, go get Idris. ;) - And I've used XXX. While it has its problems, it's still pretty close to the best offer.
#623IPB/HI6 / @anonymous / 3890 дней назад
#623IPB/FMA / @anonymous / 3890 дней назад
@anonymous джяваскрипт
#623IPB/UY0 / @anonymous --> #623IPB/HI6 / 3890 дней назад
> rust Оптимизацию хвостовой рекурсии там уже осилили, или плюнули, сославшись на черезжопный дизайн языка?
#623IPB/Y16 / @komar / 3890 дней назад
@komar нахуй она нужна в императивном языке? ты как из 1980-х
#623IPB/OZX / @ulidtko --> #623IPB/Y16 / 3882 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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