####The Inherent Nature of Porn Is To Mock You
Now, I know this is a long shot, but bear with me. If you think I'm wrong, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Also, just to be clear, I'm going to be addressing mainstream heterosexual porn in this one.
In my opinion, porn themes and storylines are built to address your social insecurities and fears, which makes the release so strong and identifiable and hence, keeps you coming back for more. To illustrate my point, I'll broadly breakdown a generic porno storyline:
1. **The object of desire** For those of us addicted, one common symptom is our anxiety in social situations with the opposite sex. Especially if it's someone desirable. We somehow believe that these hot women are inaccessible to us for whatever reason. Porn reinterprets this sense of inaccessibility through 'roles' they make their pornstars play: My Wife's Hot Friend My Sister's Best Friend The School Teacher The Maid, etc. All 'inaccessible' in a sense, in context to the plot. The rush, as you'll guess, is in breaking this inaccessibility and claiming the prize. Something we wish we could do in real life, but somehow don't manage.
2. **You** The male characters are usually roles that are irrelevant or not generally held in very high esteem in society. Plumbers, pizza delivery guys, employees, customers, restaurant waiters, salesmen. Why? Coz the makers of porn have a fair idea about your own self worth. There's nothing more rewarding than an underdog story, and in your life, you're perpetually the underdog. A nobody scores the hottest woman in the room? That's arousing.
3. **Making the first move** The makers of porn know we're too chicken to approach women we're attracted to because of our social anxiety. There's nothing more we'd like in the world than have these women want us more than we want them. Which is why in most porno, even before the guy's spoken 5 coherent sentences, the girl's already on her knees unzipping him.
4. **Unleash The Penis!** They know you're insecure about your penis. They know you think your dick is too small, too ugly, too thin, too floppy and so on.
5. **Releasing those pent up emotions** Sex in porn is way more 'aggressive' and in-your-face than it is in real life. That again is solely for you and me. Here we are in front of our screens stroking our dicks like mad, hoping to feel better about all that pent up anxiety and lack of self-worth, believing that we're that dude on the screen and the girl's actually enjoying what we're doing to her. Why? Because we WISH we could be that good.
These stereotypes exist because WE exist. In helping us live out our fantasies through this third person, porn also mocks us for our inability to cope with our own reality. They love giving you the best view from your prison cell window, knowing very well that you won't be able to break out of the cell any time soon. Think about it- If we were all confident people, able to strike up a conversation with anybody we wanted, not insecure about ourselves and what we had, knowing the boundaries of social accessibility and being comfortable with it, knowing how to express ourselves, then would porn storylines stay the same? I'd like to believe not.
The objective behind this long analysis is to try and get all of us to replace our addiction with social activity, even if it makes us uncomfortable at first. And no, not because you want to get laid. Because you need to be comfortable with who you are and like yourself. Till you don't learn and fix these two issues, you'll be the most ripe target audience for most mainstream porno. Coz you can't get out and confront your reality and take control of it. Instead you choose to let tailor-made fantasies run your reality.
**TLDR**: Porn knows your social insecurities and they use that to create content that connects with you. Don't fall for that trap.
не смотрю прон с попытками в сюжет и мужскими актерами, amirite?
@ccahnha Смотрю прон только с мужскими персонажами, amirite?