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Теги: Клубы:

Не прошло и ста лет https://github.com/nc4rrillo/indigo
#4060VN (0+1) / @o01eg / 2359 дней назад
https://twitter.com/sdroege_/status/916357166088511488 "Naively re-implemented some @gstreamer C code in @rustlang for fun & result was ~1.7x faster. Zero-cost abstractions? I'd say negative-cost Now optimizing the C code. There's no reason why it should be slower. But Rust apparently made it easier in this case to write fast code"
#E56948 (1+1) / @o01eg / 2391 день назад
https://blog.rust-lang.org/2017/08/31/Rust-1.20.html "Rust 1.20 adds the ability to define “associated constants” as well: struct Struct; impl Struct { const ID: u32 = 0; } fn main() { println!("the ID of Struct is: {}", Struct::ID); } That is, the constant ID is associated with Struct. Like functions, associated constants work with traits and enums as well. Traits have an extra ability with associated constants that gives them some extra power. With a trait, you can use an associated constant in the same way you’d use an associated type: by declaring it, but not giving it a value. The implementor of the trait then declares its value upon implementation"
#VXV2GO (0) / @o01eg / 2427 дней назад
Красота, через три месяца в релизе: https://play.rust-lang.org/?gist=80cf2488c9daaedf43c73181a9bf2edb&version=nightly
#QXR9RF (0+1) / @o01eg / 2428 дней назад
НИ ЕДИНОГО СЕГФОЛТА!!!! https://habrahabr.ru/company/erlyvideo/blog/334912/ "А чего там про Rust Вот как раз стример у нас ржавый. Целая пачка unsafe кода, автогенеренного из сишного кода SDK с помощью bindgen, подпатченый биндинг к libc (постараемся залить патч в апстрим) и дальше реализация RTSP на tokio. Даже уже есть возможность посмотреть видео с камеры в обычном браузере — это недостижимая роскошь для китайских камер, которые поголовно требуют установку ActiveX. Структура очень непривычна после эрланга: ведь тут нет процессов и сообщений, есть каналы, а с ними всё становится немножко по-другому. Как я уже выше писал, современно написанный код с правильной организацией дает возможность раздавать видео не 2-3 клиентам, а более 50 без какой-либо просадки производительности. Важный момент: за время разработки пока не случилось ни единого сегфолта. Пока есть стойкое ощущение, что Rust заставляет писать так, как в принципе пишут хорошие поседевшие сишники, повидавшие всякого нехорошего. Так что пока всё нравится. В течение августа есть планы закончить работу по базовому сценарию, так что есть вопрос к аудитории, который идет в опросе. Ну и задавайте вопросы, которые возникли."
#NGXQPU (0+1) / @o01eg / 2454 дня назад
https://spb.hh.ru/vacancy/21894554 "Требования Опыт backend-разработки на Rust не менее 2 лет."
#ZH5DRP (0) / @o01eg / 2478 дней назад
У меня одного метод https://docs.rs/tokio-postgres/0.2.3/tokio_postgres/struct.Connection.html#method.execute зависает в реакторе? query в асинхронной версии и execute в синхронной спокойно работают, а этот висит со статусом idle и не завершает свой Future.
#8PD492 (0+1) / @o01eg / 2491 день назад
Хозяйке на заметку: let future_returns_db_connection = ...; let prog = future_returns_db_connection.and_then(|db_connection| { your_stream_wants_to_work_with_db.fold(db_connection, |also_db_connection, value| { also_db_connection.just_another_db_query_moveouts_connection_and_return_a_new_one() }) })
#MBJO51 (1) / @o01eg / 2499 дней назад
Хозяйке на заметку: fn main() { let mut core = Core::new().expect("Can't create Tokio Core"); let handle = core.handle(); // Use only one Ctrl+C signal. let ctrl_c = tokio_signal::ctrl_c(&handle).flatten_stream().take(1).map(|_| false); let interval = Interval::new(Duration::from_secs(1), &handle).expect("Cann't create timer").map(|_| true); // Process each ctrl-c as it comes in let prog = ctrl_c .select(interval) .take_while(|c| Ok(*c)) // stop when Ctrl+C .for_each(|c| { println!("{:?}", c); future::ok(()) }); match core.run(prog) { Ok(o) => println!("Finish: {:?}", o), Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e), }; }
#LC4YX3 (2) / @o01eg / 2501 день назад
https://blog.rust-lang.org/2017/06/08/Rust-1.18.html "What’s in 1.18.0 stable As usual, Rust 1.18.0 is a collection of improvements, cleanups, and new features. One of the largest changes is a long time coming: core team members Carol Nichols and Steve Klabnik have been writing a new edition of “The Rust Programming Language”, the official book about Rust. It’s being written openly on GitHub, and has over a hundred contributors in total. This release includes the first draft of the second edition in our online documentation. 19 out of 20 chapters have a draft; the draft of chapter 20 will land in Rust 1.19. When the book is done, a print version will be made available through No Starch Press, if you’d like a paper copy. We’re still working with the editors at No Starch to improve the text, but we wanted to start getting a wider audience now. The new edition is a complete re-write from the ground up, using the last two years of knowledge we’ve gained from teaching people Rust. You’ll find brand-new explanations for a lot of Rust’s core concepts, new projects to build, and all kinds of other good stuff. Please check it out and let us know what you think! As for the language itself, an old feature has learned some new tricks: the pub keyword has been expanded a bit. Experienced Rustaceans will know that items are private by default in Rust, and you can use the pub keyword to make them public. In Rust 1.18.0, pub has gained a new form: pub(crate) bar; The bit inside of () is a ‘restriction’, which refines the notion of how this is made public. Using the crate keyword like the example above means that bar would be public to the entire crate, but not outside of it. This makes it easier to declare APIs that are “public to your crate”, but not exposed to your users. This was possible with the existing module system, but often very awkward. You can also specify a path, like this: pub(in a::b::c) foo; This means “usable within the hierarchy of a::b::c, but not elsewhere.” This feature was defined in RFC 1422 and is documented in the reference. For our Windows users, Rust 1.18.0 has a new attribute, #![windows_subsystem]. It works like this: #![windows_subsystem(console)] #![windows_subsystem(windows)] These control the /SUBSYSTEM flag in the linker. For now, only console and windows are supported. When is this useful? In the simplest terms, if you’re developing a graphical application, and do not specify windows, a console window would flash up upon your application’s start. With this flag, it won’t. Finally, Rust’s tuples, enum variant fields, and structs (without #[repr]) have always had an undefined layout. We’ve turned on automatic re-ordering, which can result in smaller sizes through reducing padding..."
#2DINCJ (0+1) / @o01eg / 2511 дней назад
#3ABU4N (0+1) / @o01eg / 2556 дней назад
Это просто праздник какой-то: https://www.linux.org.ru/news/opensource/13294011 "Состоялся первый публичный релиз системы управления версиями Pijul 0.3, написанной на языке программирования Rust. Pijul объединяет в себе производительность git и простоту использования darcs. Основанная на модели теории патчей, система Pijul направлена на то, чтобы сделать операции слияния и забора определенных коммитов (cherry-pick) более интуитивным. Pijul можно установить при помощи Cargo (пакетного менеджера для Rust): команда cargo install pijul соберёт самую последнюю версию. Минимальная для сборки версия Rust — 1.15.1."
#786ED6 (4) / @o01eg / 2594 дня назад
Вот и появился скриптовый язык моей мечты: https://github.com/gluon-lang/gluon "Documentation Gluon is a small, statically-typed, functional programming language designed for application embedding. Features Statically typed - Static typing makes it easier to write safe and efficient interfaces between gluon and the host application. Type inference - Type inference ensures that types rarely have to be written explicitly giving all the benefits of static types with none of the typing. Simple embedding - Marshalling values to and from gluon requires next to no boilerplate, allowing functions defined in Rust to be directly passed to gluon. UTF-8 by default - Gluon supports unicode out of the box with utf-8 encoded strings and unicode codepoints as characters. Separate heaps - Gluon is a garbage-collected language but uses a separate heap for each executing gluon thread. This keeps each heap small, reducing the overhead of the garbage collector. Thread safe - Gluon is written in Rust, which guarantees thread safety. Gluon keeps the same guarantees, allowing multiple gluon programs to run in parallel (example)* * Parallel execution of gluon programs is a recent addition and may still have issues such as deadlocks."
#BVKY0B (3+2) / @o01eg / 2595 дней назад
https://blog.rust-lang.org/2017/03/16/Rust-1.16.html "The largest addition to Rust 1.16 is cargo check. This new subcommand should speed up the development workflow in many cases." Мощно: "When slicing a &str, you’ll see better errors. For example, this code: &"abcαβγ"[..4] Is incorrect. It generates this error: thread 'str::test_slice_fail_boundary_1' panicked at 'byte index 4 is not a char boundary; it is inside 'α' (bytes 3..5) of `abcαβγ`' The part after the ; is new."
#OPCW47 (0) / @o01eg / 2595 дней назад
Градостроительный симулятор, который мы заслужили: http://cityboundsim.com/ "The city sim you deserve. Cities are complex and that's why you love them. Experience a true city: millions of interactions between people, companies and neighborhoods. Follow detailed daily lifes, see businesses struggle in the local economy and be mesmerized by the traffic simulation. Each citizen is simulated individually, their behaviour is realistic and adorably human. Think and plan as the urban developer that you are. Prepare changes to your city by creating the perfect plan. Use the most powerful and yet intuitive drawing tools in any city sim ever. Create the craziest roads and intersections, lay out custom parks or even airports. Juggle projects, set priorities and recover from bad situations. Create a city that looks like a city. Let your city grow across a beautiful landscape, without boundaries. Enjoy detailed control over zones that curve along roads. Be surprised by procedural architecture that uniquely adapts to the available space and the local circumstances. What style and flavor will your city have? Humble beginnings, ambitious goal. Anselm Eickhoff builds Citybound. It gained attention as a small prototype, then became his fulltime dream project. Now he is chipping away at the impossibility of the task. Cutting edge tech and latest research. The solid foundation: a custom geometry toolset, high-performance microsimulation framework and economy model - based on and inspired by countless papers and theses. We are getting there - be a part of the process. Citybound is developed completely open source. In addition, I regularly update my community about my progress, we discuss all kinds of aspects and even invent stuff together! My funding model is honest and sustainable: I make every new prototype available to everyone and fans pledge a monthly contribution of their choosing."
#5VCSU0 (2) / @o01eg / 2601 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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