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https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1512547915/pineapple-graphics-for-openttd/description "What is Pineapple Graphics? Pineapple Graphics is a suite of high-resolution base graphics and extra content for OpenTTD (openttd.org), a free and open-source transport game. I'm using a combination of 3d modelling and rendering, procedural drawing, and old-fashioned pixel pushing to generate thousands of highly-detailed trains, planes, automobiles, houses and industries, and posting updates on my progress at http://www.pikkarail.com. What is OpenTTD? OpenTTD is an open-source remake of the 1995 game Transport Tycoon Deluxe. It's a non-violent, educational strategy game, with a depth and enjoyment factor that no other transport simulation has managed to replicate. OpenTTD is free, available on multiple platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux etc), has cross-platform LAN and Internet multiplayer and is still being actively improved by a keen team of developers. There's just one thing holding it back... The graphics..."
#IWQU6Z (1+1) / @o01eg / 3224 дня назад
Установил я себе OpenTTD CargoDist. Запускаю, тыкаю предприятие, а куда надо везти, не говорят. Ну не могли как в simutrans сделать?
#IJYGDN (1+1) / @o01eg / 4385 дней назад
Офигеть, для OpenTTD есть патч, повышающий интеллект пассажиров от тупого стада до целеустремлённых людей. Называется CargoDIst. http://wiki.openttd.org/images/9/99/Carg.....tation.png
#IM9D14 (14+1) / @o01eg / 4386 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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