@lexszero >A proposal has been made by Michael Everson to include the tengwar in the Unicode standard. The codepoints are subject to change; the range U+016080 to U+0160FF in the SMP is tentatively allocated for tengwar according to the current Unicode roadmap.
Tengwar are currently included in the unofficial ConScript Unicode Registry, which assigns codepoints in the Private Use Area. Tengwar are mapped to the range U+E000 to U+E07F;
эльфийский переводчик?
@like-all https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengwar#Unicode
а прыщелис рисует прыщепингвинов: http://dump.bitcheese.net/files/elumyha/2016-01-15-171518_841x122_scrot.png
@l29ah уау обозреватель интернета со вкусом девяностых
@ndtimofeev вторых часов не хватает
@lexszero >A proposal has been made by Michael Everson to include the tengwar in the Unicode standard. The codepoints are subject to change; the range U+016080 to U+0160FF in the SMP is tentatively allocated for tengwar according to the current Unicode roadmap.
Костыли с PUA ненужны, нужен норм диапазон.