Of course he's a Jew. I've been trying to tell people that for years, but no one listens! Almost everyone in the FSF leadership is a Jew. Their goal has always been to artificially force software prices down so that more computer programmers will lose their job. They are scared of the technological advances in Europe and are desperate to slow it down by sabotaging it.
I don't understand why some people like Linux, as there is no point in doing that. It can be compared to those Jewish so-called "supermodels" who use make up, special camera angles and photoshopping to hide their ugliness. In reality, they are hideous, foul smelling, wrinkly and unclean. Architecturally, Linux incorporates just about every possible design flaw one could think of. Everything seems to be built backwards.
Отсюда: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t448325/ Очевидно, не только парашкинским поцреотам типа Карманова рвёт пердаки от опенсорца, евроамериканские расисты не отстают.