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Шикарно, просто шикарно. Трижды выведенные ихтамнеты полезли на США и огребли. "Родина бросит тебя, сынок. Всегда" https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DVtjDkFU8AAIJeA.jpg:orig
#PB13VI (42+2) / @o01eg / 2580 дней назад
Если одно имя Навального способно зашевелить ЖКХ, что ж будет твориться, когда он станет президентом? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DVsK0j1WsAAxWuI.jpg:orig
#C588V6 (4+2) / @o01eg / 2580 дней назад
#ONVY4G (0+1) / @o01eg / 2581 день назад
#S4SOII (0+1) / @o01eg / 2581 день назад
https://twitter.com/iamdevloper/status/961918382034571264 "Elon Musk: I'm putting people on Mars! Developers: Fantastic, more timezones to support."
#HMABG4 (2+1) / @o01eg / 2581 день назад
Коррупция в Америке ещё хуже, чем в РФ. Вы представляете себе, какой откат должен был заплатить Маск, чтобы американские гаишники закрыли глаза на превышение его Теслой второй космической?
#OHN7S3 (1+1) / @o01eg / 2582 дня назад
https://squawker.org/culture-wars/antifa-disrupts-lgbt-parade-claims-gay-people-are-offensive-to-muslims/ "Antifa Disrupts LGBT Parade; Claims Gay People Are Offensive To Muslims Whether we agree with their beliefs or not, Gay Pride Parades (for the most part) are well… gay. Happy. Bright. Enthusiastic and peaceful. They march around with rainbow flags, wear really weird clothing, and tell everybody how proud they are to be gay. Annoying? Most certainly, especially if you feel as though they’re shoving an agenda down your throat. But these marches tend to keep it fairly peaceful. When you start putting Sweden, Muslims, and Antifa into the mix, however, you have a recipe for disaster. Recently in Stockholm Sweden, a Gay pride event was held that caused a bit of controversy. Everything was going great until someone made a wrong turn. Specifically, those participating in the march entered a predominantly Muslim territory. What happened next is a little confusing, to say the least. Antifa (short for Anti-Fascists) hit the scene, and they were not at all pleased with the locations the Gay Pride marchers were choosing. Why? Because it was living proof that Muslims don’t support gays. Instead, in their own countries, they throw them off of bridges and stone them to death. One Sweedish Antifa member (clearly supporting communism) had this to say in an interview promoted by VFN: “It’s a propagation against the Muslim population here. I think it’s a private thing what gays do in the bed.” Yeah, that attire of her’s sure makes me wanna subscribe to Antifa! (That was sarcasm folks.) Antifa began calling out those in the march, saying how they’re “fascist” and “in the wrong”. The reporter who covered the event noted how some people were saying it was “a PR stunt, aimed at dividing communities.” But isn’t Antifa supposed to be pro-gay AND pro-Muslim? It seems that when they finally realized the tension between each community, they got triggered by the idea of having to choose one to side with. Whoever then, was to be the enemy, would have to be labeled as Nazi’s and fascists. So now, according to Antifa, gay people are racist Neo Nazi’s who only march in Muslim areas to be offensive to their opposition. More and more gays are being red pilled so to speak, with Milo Yiannopolos leading the revolution. After this incident, I wouldn’t be surprised if even greater numbers turned away from far left movements and joined the right side of political and social issues. Only time will tell, but we still have enough red pills to go around. "
#J7K5T5 (0+1) / @o01eg / 2582 дня назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bootlin/allwinner-vpu-support-in-the-official-linux-kernel "Developing and upstreaming complete Linux support for the Allwinner VPU, for hardware accelerated video decoding and encoding. The Allwinner ARM processors are very popular in a large number of hobbyists development boards, and more and more widely used in embedded products. Support for those processors was initiated in the official Linux kernel by Bootlin (formerly Free Electrons) engineer Maxime Ripard in 2012, and has since then been improved up to the point where actual Allwinner-based products are being shipped with the official Linux kernel. However, one key feature that is missing from the support in the official Linux kernel is support for the VPU (Video Processing Unit). This unit allows to offload to the hardware the decoding and encoding of video streams, avoiding the need to involve the CPU for such intensive operations. Having VPU support would provide a smoother video decoding/encoding experience, at a much lower CPU consumption. A lot of existing work has already been done around supporting Allwinner’s VPU (including by Bootlin, see below), and the goal of this Kickstarter is to build on top of this work to complete VPU support and have it supported in the official Linux kernel. It is worth mentioning that this goal is listed as one of the High Priority projects of the Free Software Foundation."
#QVFBVT (1+2) / @o01eg / 2587 дней назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/325175510/blossom-detective-holmes-the-animated-mini-series/ "Blossom Detective Holmes is a first of its kind independent animated mini-series filled with suspense, mystery, and action. Not a lot of anime is produced in America, so Blossom is taking the first steps to make that happen! The goal of the show is to introduce a new genre into mainstream American animation that will be based on mature topics such as crime, murder, and serious drama. This genre of animation is very uncommon in animated shows, and you can be a trendsetter by supporting Blossom Detective Holmes and bringing it to market! The first case in the series, Selfie with a Strange Intruder, begins with two teenage detectives, Skylar Holmes and her partner Jamie, as they take on the case of a suspicious robbery from their client, Mr. Edvard. Skylar and Jamie both have unique skills that make them the best in the business. Skylar has the instincts of an expert detective and a heightened sense of smell, almost hound like, that allows her to gather data through scent alone. Jamie, on the other hand, is meticulous and uses visible evidence and logic to uncover the truth. Jamie also carries a special Polaroid camera that can transport them anywhere in the world with a quick snap of the camera. The show is created, produced, and directed by Steve Ahn, a distinguished director and artist known for his work on DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender, Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Legend of Korra, and more. Steve and Team Holmes aim to make a series that will be filled with twists and turns that will leave you craving more! Blossom Detective Holmes is a crime mystery suspense genre made for an audience of young adults and up! "
#BGS5G0 (0+2) / @o01eg / 2587 дней назад
Slow Start 05. Строгая проверка формы одежды: https://i.imgur.com/bIGEadj.png
#SFO0MD (1+2) / @o01eg / 2588 дней назад
#KE9I2P (0+2) / @o01eg / 2588 дней назад
Об псевдовыборах: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqlS4vgdB0M
#NXS5OQ (0+3) / @o01eg / 2590 дней назад
https://twitter.com/StalinGulag/status/958260205376147457 «Вся нечисть с песьими головами восстала против Смерти Сталина потому, что фильм бьёт по самому уязвимому, по безгрешности власти. Режиссёр показывает: страшная, вечная, тирания падёт, что диктатор, нагоняющий ужас лежит обоссанный, жалкий, беспомощный...»
#OK1612 (0+2) / @o01eg / 2591 день назад
Союзнический Трамп-наш решил помочь Путину бороться с олигархической системой, сложившейся в проклятые 90ые, и нанёс удар по 96 олигархам!
#74PRUE (0+2) / @o01eg / 2592 дня назад
https://fee.org/articles/armed-women-empowered-women/ "State Representative Joe Salazar recently drew fire for telling the Colorado legislature that college women should arm themselves with rape whistles rather than guns. “And you don’t know, if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around, or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be,” Salazar said, “that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop a round at somebody.” Salazar’s comments suggest he thinks college-age women are not competent to use guns safely. But they also suggest he isn’t aware of just how many lives are saved by people with guns and the role guns can play in leveling the playing field between women and their assailants. I have firsthand experience. In 2003, while out riding mountain trails on a dirt bike and an ATV, my husband and I were attacked. The crazed man approached with a large rock. After a physical confrontation with my husband, I drew the 9mm on my belt and fired. Only then did the attacker flee. If my six-foot-three, 220-pound husband couldn’t fend off the man, how effective would a 130-pound woman blowing a rape whistle have been in a similar circumstance? That gun probably saved both of our lives that day. Unfortunately, my experience isn’t all that unusual. Gun Owners of America cites a 1997 survey conducted by Kleck & Gertz, which showed, “As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.” A more recent article, “10 Stories That Prove Guns Save Lives,” provides anecdotal evidence. Stories like mine aren’t hard to find. Mary Chastain, writing for Breitbart, relates the story of a woman in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, who was accosted as she was getting into her car by a man brandishing a knife. Luckily, when the perpetrator shoved her across the seat, she was able to retrieve her handgun from the glove compartment, which scared the assailant away. In this case, just having a gun prevented a physical confrontation. In the same piece, Chastain relates the story of a pregnant woman in Roswell, New Mexico, who was doing her laundry with her three-year-old when a man approached her, undressing as he made sexual advances. He shoved her down and struck her before her landlord stopped him with two blasts from a shotgun. After the first blast, the attacker turned on the landlord, forcing him to fire a second time. If it took two shotgun blasts to stop this woman’s attacker, we have to ask again, how much good would a rape whistle have done? Attorney Gayle Trotter, writing in The Washington Times, reminds us that “an armed woman does not need superior strength or the proximity of a hand-to-hand struggle. She can protect her children, elderly relatives, herself or others who are vulnerable to an assailant.” Such statements reinforce the findings of a 1985 survey of felons carried out by the National Institute of Justice, in which a large percentage of felons claim they avoid choosing victims they know are armed. As a woman, I resent any implication that I’m too stupid to wield a gun safely because of my gender. Women have struggled for decades against this type of thinking. But apparently we haven’t come far enough. Yes, the right to keep and bear arms is a women’s issue. I have been a hunter and a gun owner all of my adult life. I know how to handle and operate a firearm. I feel safer in my home knowing I have a gun to protect me and mine. Women in the military fight for our country with automatic weapons and female police officers carry guns in the line of duty to protect citizens every day. Police Magazine relates the story of Sgt. Kristin Shiner, an off-duty sheriff’s sergeant in Collier County, Florida, who apprehended a gunman who had shot and killed one man; before he could injure others, she stopped him without firing her weapon because she thought clearly and acted wisely. There are numerous stories like Shiner’s, of women saving themselves and others by arming themselves."
#RGBOUM (0+1) / @o01eg / 2593 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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