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Очередная победа феминизма: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dpl9_-wUcAALteh.jpg:orig https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2018/10/15/after-a-year-of-metoo-american-opinion-has-shifted-against-victims "After a year of #MeToo, American opinion has shifted against victims"
#41BITR (0+9) / @o01eg / 2258 дней назад
Когда выбросил партбилет негра... Когда поднял брошенный кем-то партбилет... https://pp.userapi.com/c848520/v848520026/959ed/1MKxFq24VRo.jpg
#C3CB02 (1+8) / @o01eg / 2260 дней назад
Об дорогах: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBU6hT6S7sA "1:23 Железные дороги при царе 12:01 Развитие железных дорог в америке 33:09 Самые прибыльные направления в России 39:29 Государство спешит на помощь"
#50J3IU (1+8) / @o01eg / 2260 дней назад
Вау, будущее: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1051389235406598144 "It is time to create a mecha"
#OGV7O5 (1+8) / @o01eg / 2260 дней назад
Когда сдал партбилет негра и теперь угнетающий белый супремасист: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DpP1MYhVAAA4y5A.jpg:orig
#38B75R (1+8) / @o01eg / 2263 дня назад
https://reason.com/reasontv/2018/10/09/stossel-socialism-fails-every-time "Socialism has become cool in America, under the nice name "democratic socialism." Gloria Álvarez ‏knows better, because she's from Latin America and studied socialism there. She says: Watch out! Socialism has a clear track record of wrecking every country that implements it. Cuba tried socialism. Things got so bad that tens of thousands fled the island on dangerous, makeshift rafts. Others paid lots of money to be allowed to leave. Álvarez interviews people who fled. One man told her that in Cuba: "You don't see any future. Everything is stagnated...health care, education, nowadays they're in ruins." Another said: "My father [a doctor] had to sell illegal meats out of his ambulance...because Cuban doctors earn less than 1% of American doctors." Because of his experience with socialism, that man is now running as a libertarian for a Florida State House seat. He adds: "I tell my Venezuelan friends, we warned you guys!" After Cuba, Venezuela became immersed in socialism. For a while, things seemed to work OK thanks to the country's oil wealth; Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, and used to be the richest country in Latin America. Celebrities like Michael Moore and Sean Penn visited Hugo Chavez and praised his socialism. Venezuelans were happy, too. A former mayor in Venezuela's capital city told Álvarez: "People were clapping so hard. They were like, 'Oh, finally there is somebody here making social justice.'" But eventually socialism led to a mismanagement of the economy that was so bad that money started to run out. The government just printed more. So much more that it led to million-percent inflation. Life savings were wiped out. When businesses raised prices to try to keep up with inflation, Chavez and his successor, President Maduro, banned that. When businesses did it anyway, they were seized by the government. This tragic video shows a shopkeeper pleading as his business is taken away. It wasn't a one-time thing; more than 30,000 businesses were confiscated. Now, millions starve. The average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds. More than 2 million people have fled the country. "It's like the apocalypse. It's no food. No medicine," one Venezuelan told Álvarez. But some still defend socialism, saying that what happened there "isn't real socialism." Bernie Sanders says: "when I talk about Socialism I am not looking at Venezuela, I'm not looking at Cuba. I'm looking at countries like Denmark, like Sweden." But Denmark's prime minister says that's a mistake: "Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy," he clarifies."
#EWK24G (1+8) / @o01eg / 2264 дня назад
Шах и мат, феминистки: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Do7pVu3UcAAPXVX.jpg:orig
#TLRAG0 (0+8) / @o01eg / 2265 дней назад
Все женщины, которые поддерживали Трампа и Кавано, — предатели угнетённого женского класса и должны сдать свой женский партбилет: https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/files-gab/image/bb-5bb94f28a5f78.jpeg
#HJ4NKS (0+8) / @o01eg / 2267 дней назад
Liberal Tears are delicious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkmrgnk3RIc
#19FFJS (0+8) / @o01eg / 2267 дней назад
Великие слова великого президента: https://www.cnbc.com/video/2018/09/25/trump-all-nations-of-the-world-should-resist-socialism-and-the-misery-it-brings.html "Virtually everywhere, socialism or communism has been tried, it has produced suffering, corruption, and decay. All nations of the world should resist socialism and the misery that it brings to everyone."
#1LMYIY (1+8) / @o01eg / 2279 дней назад
Вся суть фемнацизма: https://arbat.dreamwidth.org/960843.html " 21. Поскольку у меня нету времени описывать все повороты истории, я сразу расскажу, что произошло. Утверждается: тридцать пять лет назад, когда Кавано было около 17, и он учился в школе, во время какого-то праздника, они с приятелем запихали некоторую девушку Кристину в комнату, против ее воли. Кавано пытался на нее забраться, и пытался ей зажать рот, чтобы она не кричала, пока другой участник хохотал. Потом этот другой участник на них запрыгнул, повалил их на пол, и она сбежала. Где это было, Кристина не помнит. В каком именно году, Кристина не помнит. Кристина никому никогда историю не рассказывала, пока через 30 лет после событий они с мужем пошли к семейному психотерапевту, и там она все вспомнила" Совершенно необяснимым образом она вспомнила об этом, когда Кавано номинируют в судьи
#VY5AJX (2+9) / @o01eg / 2285 дней назад
https://arbat.dreamwidth.org/958726.html "18. На этих выборах "база" Демократической партии выкатила несколько довольно упертых социалистов, причем не просто упертых, но с соответствующим пониманием экономики. Вот прикольная пародия на одну из них, довольно похожая на интервью, которые эта барышня давала. 19. Сама социалистка успел много, чего наговорить, например, защищая цену предложенной социалистической медицины, призвала припомнить цену похорон, за которые приходится платить тем, кто не может позволить себе лечение! 20. Разумеется, опытные социалисты знают, что это только звучит глупо, как будто бы она не понимает, что смерти избежать нельзя. На самом деле, она, конечно, имеет в виду, что при социализме можно избежать не смерти, но расходов на похороны. Имеется огромный опыт. Два слова - братские могилы. 21. Объяснительный журналист из VOX, Matt Yglesias поспешил объяснить, что не надо бояться огромных расходов на социализм: Folks, the federal government has the means to create all the money it needs. https://t.co/PBhGhfrLyT — Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) September 5, 2018 22. Другая социалистка, Julia Salazar, объясняла, что родилась в Колумбии, в еврейской семье, происходящей от евреев, изгнанных из Испании, позиционировала себя как анти-Израильскую, анти-сионистскую еврейку, но потом оказалось, родилась в Майями, и ее брат сказал, что ни их отец не еврей, ни других близких родственников евреев у них нету, и не росли они как евреи. В общем, оказалось, не еврейка, а просто антисемитка."
#KDMO2R (1+8) / @o01eg / 2294 дня назад
Очередная победа женщин над угнетающей лженаукой: https://stas.dreamwidth.org/1129220.html "Двое математиков решают исследовать гипотезу Greater Male Variability - что интеллектуальные качества у мужчин распределены шире, чем у женщин. Разумеется, хунвейбины тут же поднимают скандал. Professor and Chair of the Climate and Diversity Committee и Professor and Associate Head for Diversity and Equity пишут донос в NSF с возмущением - как они посмели финансировать подрывную деятельность. NSF тут же требует у авторов снять благодарность NSF за финансирование (хорошо хоть деньги назад не потребовали). Далее, журнал, согласившийся принять статью, отзывает своё согласие - "the right-wing media may pick this up and hype it internationally” (серьёзно, журнал так и написал). She replied that she had received no criticisms on scientific grounds and that her decision to rescind was entirely about the reaction she feared our paper would elicit. Это состояние академической науки, чтоб вы знали. Партия науки, всё такое. Другой журнал согласился опубликовать статью, и опубликовал - но потом она исчезла, задним числом, а вместо неё в журнале на том же месте оказалась другая, без всякого сообщения и обьяснений. Оказывается, некая Amie Wilkinson, профессор из Чикаго, организовала, вместе с отцом и мужем (членом редколлегии второго журнала) жалобы в оба журнала с требованиями убрать статью. Вопросы автора, что не так в статье методологически или статистически, и что можно исправить, разумеется, остались без какого-либо ответа - ведь не в фактах и логике тут дело. Дело в том, что крамолу печатать нельзя: Half his board, he explained unhappily, had told him that unless he pulled the article, they would all resign and “harass the journal” he had founded 25 years earlier “until it died.” Такая наука - лучше уничтожить журнал, чем допустить публикацию даже одной крамольной статьи. Meanwhile, Professor Wilkinson had now widened her existing social media campaign against the Intelligencer to include attacks on the NYJM and its editorial staff. As recently as April of this year, she was threatening Facebook friends with ‘unfriending’ unless they severed social media ties with Rivin. Даже после того, как крамола была убрана из журнала - крамольника надо травить, чтобы было неповадно. Теперь посмотрим - это уже не первый пример, когда исследования, неудобные хунвейбинам, всячески подавляются, а их авторы, и все, кто посмел с ними сотрудничать, подвергаются травле. Вполне разумно, что многие учёные просто не захотят касаться таких тем, особенно если предвидят выводы, неудобные хунвейбинам. Или заранее сделают так, чтобы возможность прийти к таким выводам была исключена. И даже те безумцы, которые по каким-то причинам что-то смогут сделать вопреки хунвейбинам, не смогут это опубликовать ни в одном уважаемом журнале. В результате чего хунвейбины с удовлетворением будут отмечать - что, сьели, фашисты, нет ни одной научной статьи в peer-reveiwed journal, которая бы подтверждала вашу точку зрения! Потому что мы - партия науки, а вы - тупые мракобесы! "
#YJZBNH (2+9) / @o01eg / 2294 дня назад
Home Alone: 2A. Крававый белый супремасист жестоко расстрелял мирных толерантных диндунаффинов. То ли дело в Великой России, где оружие есть только или у преступников опасных, или в погонах: http://readmeeveryday.com/6-time-felon-killed-shootout/ "6 Time Felon Killed In Shootout By 13 Year Old During ‘Attempted’ Home Invasion A 13-year-old boy fended off two hardened felons who were attempting to break into his house by using his mother’s gun to protect himself while home alone. The boy saw the men breaking into the back of his home, “at which time he feared for his safety”. And grabbed his mother’s gun, the document states. He began firing at them, and the Sheriff’s office reportedthat they returned fire. In a heated shootout, the boy shot Brown three times, and Bennett drove him to the hospital where he later died. The gray Chevy Sonic they were driving had bullet holes in it from the boy chasing them, the affidavit states. Where was the media coverage of this brave young man’s heroic act. How about a Tweet from President Obama commending his bravery. Without the protection of his mothers gun the boy, and his mother, who was due home later that afternoon, would both be dead. According to reports from The Post and Courier, the young boy, who is not being identified.Was home alone when he grew suspicious of a car that pulled up outside around 1:30 p.m. Moments later, the two suspects went to the back of the house and attempted to break in. At such time, the boy, fearing for his safety, grabbed his mother’s handgun. As the suspects tried to break into the back of the house, the boy opened fire. But the suspects reacted by returning fire before fleeing from the scene. The boy chased the suspects out of the home and continued to fire as they fled in their vehicle. The boy, who was uninjured, then called his mother, who instructed him to call the police. Neighbor Debbie Griffin said she called police after hearing about six shots ring out. She added that her son was outside at the time and heard more shots and witnessed the attempted burglary. He told her he saw the suspects’ car parked behind the house. Investigators combed the area around the boy’s home. And discovered a Colt .45 pistol, which was believed to belong to the suspects. A short time later, one of the suspects, who was later identified as Lamar Anthwan Brown, 31, was dropped off outside the emergency room of a nearby hospital. Brown, who was shot three times, died at the medical facility. The second suspect, Ira Bennett, 28, later turned himself in to authorities. He was charged with first-degree burglary and possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime."
#A54OBO (0+10) / @o01eg / 2296 дней назад
Опять люди не помнят, что стало со спонсорами социалистов-демократов в рашке и со спонсорами национал-социалистов в гермашке, а мечтают получить министерские портфели: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2018/08/the-big-money-in-the-democratic-party-is-now-on-the-left.php "Why are democratic socialists performing so well in Democratic primaries including, most recently, in the non-blue state of Florida? The answer resides partly in the ignorance of many Democratic voters, especially young ones. They know little about history and less about economics (or is it the other way around?). But there’s an additional explanation: funding. Benjamin Wallace-Wells of the New Yorker reported: Gillum [the far-leftist who won the Florida primary] recognized that the big money in the Democratic Party—Steyer’s money, George Soros’s money—is now on the left, not the center. Last year, Gillum watched closely as Soros’s cash helped propel progressive candidates to victory in several local elections, including the Philadelphia District Attorney’s race. Gillum was familiar with Soros and his organization, the Open Society Foundation: a few years ago, he helped launch a national network for young progressive elected officials, and the Open Society Foundation was the group’s main donor. He had been in the financier’s New York apartment, addressed his board of directors, and, this spring, dined with him in San Francisco when the two men happened to be in town. Soros committed to back Gillum’s gubernatorial campaign. “If I’m remembering it correctly, it was, ‘We don’t know if you can win, but we would like what it could represent,’ ” Gillum said. “I interpreted it to mean that it would be significant to see a person of color taken seriously in a statewide race.” (Emphasis added) I interpret it to mean that, plus that it would be significant to see a far-left candidate (regardless of race) win the nomination. Wallace-Wells continues: Gillum managed to get a meeting with [Tom] Steyer [the ultra-leftist billionaire], too. “At the beginning, he told me he had a rule around trying to stay out of primaries,” Gillum told me. “As I talked to him about what I believed, I told him, straight up, ‘In your brand of politics, you are never going to have anyone come out of these primaries who shares that belief system if you don’t get involved.’ ” He needed money to beat money. On June 28th, Steyer’s organization, NextGen America, announced it would commit a million dollars to support Gillum’s campaign (Emphasis added) Then, on the Thursday before the election, Gillum received a last-minute windfall of $650,000 — $300,000 from Steyer, $250,000 from Soros, and a $100,000 from anonymous individuals “affiliated” with the two billionaires."
#CE32EQ (0) / @o01eg / 2303 дня назад
Теперь всё стало ясно, зачем Ельцин назначил Путина, почему Демократический обком его одобрил, почему Обама пообещал быть более гибким и закрыл глаза на оккупацию Украины: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dl8145uX4AEPHmj.jpg:orig
#48EPF2 (0+8) / @o01eg / 2304 дня назад
Когда боролся за свободу вьетнамцев от коммунистического рабства: https://twitter.com/FMPhamBinhMinh/status/1033990500980670464 "On behalf of the Vietnamese Government, today I went to the US Embassy to extend condolences over the passing of Senator John McCain, a symbol of the Viet Nam-US reconciliation process"
#4V8RK7 (0+8) / @o01eg / 2307 дней назад
Когда боролся за свободу вьетнамцев от коммунистического рабства: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/john-mccain-vietnam-tributes-us-embassy-hanoi-memorial-pow-north-vietnamese/ "HANOI, Vietnam -- People in Vietnam are paying their respects to U.S. Sen. John McCain who was held as prisoner of war in Vietnam and later was instrumental in bringing the wartime foes together. McCain died of brain cancer Saturday in his home state of Arizona, which he had served over six terms in the U.S. Senate. People paid tribute to McCain at the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi on Monday and also at the monument built where he parachuted from his Navy Skyhawk dive bomber in October 1967 and was taken prisoner of war. He was held more than five years at the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" prison. McCain and former Sen. John Kerry played an important role in the bilateral normalization of relations in 1995. McCain's plane was shot down during a bombing run over North Vietnam, and he parachuted into a lake in what is now a busy part of Hanoi. Already badly injured, he was beaten and taken to a nearby prison called Hoa Lò, which the U.S. POWs nicknamed the Hanoi Hilton. He was refused medical treatment and beaten with a bayonet. Hanoi residents held a memorial at the lake on Sunday, leaving flowers to remember the man who "fought for peace in many countries, including Vietnam," as one onlooker told The Associated Press. While holding him as a prisoner of war, the North Vietnamese tried to exploit the fact that his father was a prominent admiral at the time. They offered McCain an early release. But he refused, adhering to the military code of "first in, first out. McCain was finally freed after five and a half years, two of which he spent in solitary confinement. He limped off the plane that returned him to the U.S. gripping a handrail and with hair that had turned white, according to a New York Times report from 1973 on his release. The injuries he sustained would affect his mobility for the rest of his life. At Truc Bach Lake, which is situated in the middle of modern-day Hanoi, there is a memorial that bears McCain's name. He told C-SPAN in 1992 he "never understood" why the monument is there. "Why they erected it and the significance it has to them, I have never quite figured out," he laughed."
#YFNKZI (1+9) / @o01eg / 2308 дней назад
Но ведь стрелочка не поворачивается: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/19/us/asia-argento-assault-jimmy-bennett.html "The Italian actress and director Asia Argento was among the first women in the movie business to publicly accuse the producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault. She became a leading figure in the #MeToo movement. Her boyfriend, the culinary television star Anthony Bourdain, eagerly joined the fight. But in the months that followed her revelations about Mr. Weinstein last October, Ms. Argento quietly arranged to pay $380,000 to her own accuser: Jimmy Bennett, a young actor and rock musician who said she had sexually assaulted him in a California hotel room years earlier, when he was only two months past his 17th birthday. She was 37. The age of consent in California is 18. That claim and the subsequent arrangement for payments are laid out in documents between lawyers for Ms. Argento and Mr. Bennett, a former child actor who once played her son in a movie. The documents, which were sent to The New York Times through encrypted email by an unidentified party, include a selfie dated May 9, 2013, of the two lying in bed. As part of the agreement, Mr. Bennett, who is now 22, gave the photograph and its copyright to Ms. Argento, now 42. Three people familiar with the case said the documents were authentic."
#68PLH7 (0+8) / @o01eg / 2316 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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