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Наш (на самом деле нет) ответ Banner Saga: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/803274916/legion-1917-rise-of-the-bolsheviks/ "An isometric story-driven turn-based strategy that takes players into the heart of 1917 Russia, when a once mighty empire is crumbling. Fate strikes a terrible blow to one family when a new power is born, forcing them to flee St. Petersburg to save their lives. This new power is the harsh and dangerous Bolshevik state – a state that seems destined to wage permanent civil war against its own citizens in order to create a new type of society. Players will witness radical changes in society as they depart on a journey through the largest country on Earth. You will dive deep into tactical combat with various characters. Use cover, melee combat, or deadly grenades and machine guns. With enough skill, you might even be able to get on a train and make it back home. All of that in our unique hand-drawn graphics with "old school" animations and in distinctive environments powered by Unreal Engine 4. Planned platforms: PC/Windows, Mac, Linux Release date: late 2017 Gametime: 7-10 hours “Maybe you are not interested in war, but war is interested in you”, - Trotsky. Our story follows the journey of two brothers through a country on the brink of collapse. We created fictional characters that provided us with the most opportunity to explore interesting places and to experience the breaking points of the war and the revolution. The year is 1917 and the world war has been raging for three long years. People are starving, the army is disintegrating and radicals from all sides preach the advent of a new era. Earlier in the year, Nicholas II, former Tsar of the Russian Empire and Archduke of Finland, had abdicated, leaving the country to face something never before witnessed in Russia - democracy. The provisional government pushes for reforms and elections for the Constitutional Assembly are coming up. But Russia is still at war. This is a great chance for professional revolutionaries employed by the Germans to topple the government and create a cabinet that would cease hostilities, ending the war on the Eastern front and enabling Germany and Austria-Hungary to move their troops to France and Italy to face the Entente forces. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, also known as Lenin, was dispatched from Switzerland to Saint Petersburg in an armoured train to finish the job. His enemies - liberal democrats and moderate socialists - were facing a crisis, which presented him with the opportunity he needed. People are angry with the provisional government and its ineffective policies, especially in the big industrial cities of Petersburg, Moscow, Tambov and others. On 7 November, the date our game starts, the coup began. We meet Pavel and Vilem, both sons of Czech immigrants, on the streets of the capital. They are about to sell off their family estate and leave St. Petersburg, heading for Kiev where a large minority of Czech and Slovak people reside. "
#VUL7C0 (1) / @o01eg / 2635 дней назад
FreeRimWorld: http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=7321 "The Mars Simulation Project (mars-sim) is an open source Java project aiming at building computer models that characterize important aspects of establishing human settlements on Mars."
#ULU9PE (29) / @o01eg / 2661 день назад
Приоритетные направления разработки Nekopara: https://twitter.com/nekopara_pr/status/823829225140424705
#45IIA5 (0+1) / @o01eg / 2669 дней назад
Выглядит даже суровее Цивилизации: https://boomstarter.ru/projects/332992/serp_-_alternativnaya_istoriya_evropy_na_vashem_stole "Игрокам предстоит взять под контроль одну из фракций в альтернативной истории Европы 20-х годов прошлого века и привести её к богатству и процветанию на зависть соседям! Уникальный герой, огромные механизмы и … крестьяне с серпами станут надежной опорой на пути завоевания. В погоне за властью потребуется исследовать территории, добывать ресурсы, нанимать новых рабочих, строить сооружения и подавляющих размеров механизмы. На этом пути игроков будут ждать внезапные встречи и неожиданные открытия. Главное не забывать: соседние страны тоже ищут пути к победе, и рано или поздно пути пересекутся и победит сильнейший. Мир игры придуман Джейми Стегмайером и художником Якубом Розальски. Джейми известен в настольном мире как автор игр Viticulture (симулятор винодельни) и Euphoria (в которой также обыгрываются утопические сюжеты). Все свои игры он выпускает через собственное издательство Stonemaier Games, а деньги на выпуск собирает через Kickstarter."
#9SOV9N (0) / @o01eg / 2674 дня назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hyperboreangames/feminazi-the-triggering/ "FEMINAZI: The Triggering is a casual adventure game where your goal is to stop straight evil white males from oppressing women and minorities and make them check their privileges! Gameplay The core mechanic of this game is based on picking the right reaction in front of the correct NPC (white male, woman, refugee). Also, there are lot of mini games with different mechanics, and some side stuff you can do. During the game, you can collect various collectable items, that will affect your stats and score, as well as give you some cosmetics. The goal of the game is to get your score as high as possible. You can also play mini games, where you can gain additional score points (Called Feminist points in game). Tolerate or die Once your ‘tolerance’ bar or ‘triggering bar’ goes down, the game is over. Be sure to keep those bars up. The game is inspired by and is a parody of a Third Wave Feminist movement and the SJW/PC culture. Why we're making the game The game does intend to point out to some extremely weird and pointless actions that members of Third Wave Feminism are taking. By making this game, we tried to use as much stereotypes about modern day feminists as possible. Our goal is not to offend or degrade anyone and we're sorry if anyone feels that way after seeing this game. In fact, we want people to stop being offended by ridiculous things on the internet, like this game is for example. Satire of the Feminist movement is the whole point of this game, and we believe that every movement is subject to satire."
#2NSE77 (0) / @o01eg / 2675 дней назад
[x] Ready 1. Dedicated server 2. Auth 3. Reconnect 4. Timeout 5. Ruleset 6. No server i18n 7. Vote
#0NJ8JT (3) / @o01eg / 2676 дней назад
Не дотянулись до них феминистки и SJW: https://dtf.ru/3376-geymdizayner-nier-automata-podderzhal-sozdateley-otkrovennyh-artov-s-geroiney-igry "Геймдизайнер Ёкоо Таро (Taro Yoko), известный по работе над Drakengard и NieR, в своём твиттере попросил игровое сообщество собрать все нарисованные художниками откровенные арты с главной героиней NieR: Automata в один архив. По словам японского геймдизайнера, искать откровенные изображения 2B по одному мучительно, зато архив можно было бы распространять в сети еженедельно. Его просьба была услышана, и создатель популярного блога об играх AllGamesDelta опубликовал сборник откровенных работ. Таро поблагодарил пользователей сети за столь быструю реакцию и отметил, что «интернет прекрасен». [...] На фоне заявлений Таро пользователи Твиттера обратили внимание на разницу в подходах восточных и западных разработчиков. В то время как Blizzard ведёт войну против порно по мотивам Overwatch, Platinum Games поощряет эротические фантазии своих фанатов."
#6E3N4C (18+2) / @o01eg / 2678 дней назад
Armello ничего так, неплохая игра.
#Q8DDBC (0) / @o01eg / 2694 дня назад
От разработчика Казаков и Сталкера: https://www.facebook.com/sergiy.grygorovych/posts/1187673301301431 "Пригласил СПБГУ на форум IT выступить в Питер перед студентами. Написал ответ: "Здравствуйте, ***. Я с удовольствием общаюсь, провожу форумы и вижу в этом смысл и для себя, и для молодых людей. Но Я гражданин Украины, а с РФ у нас война. Отдаю себе отчёт, что в современном мире коллаборационизм норма, а отношение между людьми важнее, чем политика, но придерживаюсь традиционных, консервативных взглядов по этому вопросу. Для меня это, как приехать в Мюнхен по приглашению на форум промышленников в 1941 году, когда оккупант подошёл к Киеву. Поэтому выступить сейчас в России не смогу. Поймите меня правильно. Но с удовольствием приеду, когда установится мир, будут возвращены территории моей Родины и снова заработают договора о мире, не нападении и гарантии территориальной целостности Украины со стороны РФ. С уважением, Сергей Григорович."
#ZOZUYC (5) / @o01eg / 2694 дня назад
А теперь к хорошим новостям: https://bitbucket.org/gopostal/postal-1-open-source
#B5HBDF (2) / @o01eg / 2695 дней назад
1. Ready 2. Vote 3. Auth 4. Dedicated server 5. Reconnect 6. Timeout 7. No server i18n 8. Ruleset
#49PSSW (0) / @o01eg / 2712 дней назад
http://forum.simutrans.com/index.php?topic=15843.msg155972#msg155972 Эпичная история про гонки: "I have been working of late on the multi-threading of the passenger and mail generation in an attempt to make it network safe, and have encountered some complexities on which I should appreciate others' views as to possible solutions, and on the solutions that I propose below. Firstly, I have dealt with the RNG problem by making the random seed and associated variables thread local, and re-initialising them on each thread when the threads are initialised. This will, however, have the effect that a single-threaded build will not stay in sync with a multi-threaded build. I will therefore need to have the option of keeping the multi-threading of passenger generation single threaded in network mode in case anyone wants to connect a single threaded client to a multi-threaded server or vice versa. There will need to be an explanation in the comments to simuconf.tab that disabling multi-threading of the passenger and mail generation will be necessary if single and multi-threaded clients/servers are to be connected together. I have already changed config.template to make enabling multi-threading the default. Secondly, I have also changed the way in which the amount of mail and passengers to generate each step is calculated again to make it network safe. It is somewhat difficult to make this as accurate when done in parallel than when it was single-threaded, but the overall results should be deterministic and scale properly. Again, however, this will make single threaded clients incompatible with multi-threaded servers and vice versa. I do wonder whether it might be worthwhile indicating in the splash screen whether a given build is single-threaded. The further issues are more complex. The next issue relates to the generation of pedestrians and private cars. Both of these are generated during the stepping of mail and passengers when passengers take a private car to their destination (in which case, a city car graphic is created) or when passengers walk either to their destination or to a stop, in which case pedestrian graphics are created. Pedestrians are more straightforward, as, once created, they do not interact with any other objects. They do, however, call simrand() in various places when they are sync-stepped; but am I correct in deducing that, because they will always be sync-stepped from the main thread, simrand() will always be called in the same order even if each individual pedestrian object may be created in a different order (and therefore in the sync list in a different order) on each client? Private cars are more tricky. They have the same issues as pedestrians, but also another issue: they interact with each other and with player vehicles on the roads. A particular problem might occur if one particular building during any one step creates multiple city cars. These would potentially be created in a different order on different clients. When multiple city cars are generated on a single tile in a single step, they form a stack, and the cars drive off the stack one by one, each waiting for the last to leave the next tile before moving, until none remains. I infer that the order in which they leave the stack will depend on the order in which they are inserted into this stack. This will lead to desynchronisations if different cars have different destinations (which will affect the probability with which they turn in any given way at junctions), different maximum speeds and different "time_to_life" durations (which, in experimental, are all based on the actual expected journey time of the particular packet of passengers taking the car rather than being a fixed number)..."
#TLNM0U (2) / @o01eg / 2729 дней назад
Фигасе, dccnitghtmare разморозили.
#N42VCA (0) / @o01eg / 2738 дней назад
#KN9K5K (0) / @o01eg / 2745 дней назад
Новая система сигналов в Experimental? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XLi1tNaG28
#C3TRTZ (3) / @o01eg / 3133 дня назад
Правильным путём идут:http://sunrider-vn.com/sunrider-liberation-day-at-tokyo-game-show/ "We’re excited to finally reveal we are producing Sunrider: Liberation Day simultaneously in both in English and in Japanese. Sunrider: Liberation Day will feature full Japanese voice acting for every single line in the game and dual English and Japanese text. Is Sunrider: Liberation Day being localized into Japanese? We’re actually making it in English and Japanese at the same time, so we’re building it with the assumption that both the English and Japanese assets will work together to create a single experience for English readers. Is Sekai Project handling the Japanese translation. The translation and Japanese voice acting will be done by Love in Space contractors. Sekai Project is the publisher of Sunrider: Liberation Day but has no active role in development. Can I swap the voice acting between Japanese and English Sunrider: Liberation Day will only have Japanese voice acting, so you can’t swap to an English voice track. Which seiyuu will be cast for my waifu We’re actually still working on the cast list. But because we’re pulling talent from the Japanese eroge industry, we will not be revealing the real identities of any of the seiyuu anyways. (Everyone works under an alias for 18+ games.) What’s going to be voiced Every line of dialogue in the VN segments, excluding Kayto, as well as all the unit acknowledgments during the battle segments. Can you please tell us when the game will be out, etc Eh trust me, we’d like the game to be out too. But I don’t think it’ll be a very good game if we just release things half baked… We’ll have a release date for Liberation Day further down the line. It’s still only been a few months since Sunrider Academy came out, and we can’t make these games in a flash…"
#HFL38V (0) / @o01eg / 3160 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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