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This song is a dialogue between a guy and a girl. And this song is about an interesting traditional phenomenon of this Georgian region that you’ll not meet anywhere else. This phenomenon is called “Scorperoba” («сцорпероба»), which in a literal translation means “Equals In Colour” («ровные по цвету»).
A young male can pick a girl as his equal in his village—if the girl agrees, of course. This means that they will be allowed to have romantic relations, he can be presenting her gifts, for example, she can be knitting clothes for him and so on. They can be physically touching each other if they wish so—they can be even kissing and sleeping together, but only clothed. The male is forbidden to have any form of sexual intercourse with her, and she’s forbidden to allow it too. When they are sleeping together, their legs and bellies are not allowed to touch—they can touch only with their chests and faces. Generally such pairs are in a platonic relationship, and they can spend their evenings and nights in discussions about Wonderful aspects of life. When morning approaches, they drift into sleep either facing in opposite directions or in a position where the male is lying on his back and the female rests her head on his chest. After waking up there’s a rule for the girl to give to her “equal” a horn of vodka (in this mountainous region there are no vineyards and thus no Vine culture that is so common in the valley regions of Georgia) and some food, while he accepts the offer and thanks for it before starting on with his daily activities. The equals can not marry or build a family, they must keep their relations clean and strictly romantic.
In this song there’s a dialogue between equals, and as the morning approaches, he leaves with the leaving moon.


#1TIZI0 (5+1) / @goren / 3724 дня назад


По книге Киплинга Багира — самец, но в классических русском и польском переводах «Маугли», а также в советском мультфильме «Маугли», Багира — женского пола. Багира-женщина очень элегантна, изящна, насмешлива, красива. Багира — воплощение женской красоты, гармонии, характера, души джунглей.
Аналогичное же превращение в русской культуре произошло с другим персонажем Киплинга — «Котом, который гулял сам по себе».

Пидорахи ёбаные матриархатчики, как всегда. Страна рабов и пиздолизов, чего ещё ждать.

#9Q9OAO (23+3) / @goren / 3847 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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