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>WASHINGTON — President Obama took the rare step of canceling a state of national emergency Tuesday, revoking an executive order that provided for payments for Russian uranium under the "Megatons to Megawatts" program. >In doing so, he closed the books on a 1993 agreement that allowed Russia to sell 500 megatons of enriched uranium — the equivalent of about 20,000 nuclear warheads. The program converted the uranium for use in commercial nuclear power plants and, more importantly, ensured that the weapons-grade material stayed out of the hands of terrorists. >But civil lawsuits against Russia had threatened to tie up the sales, leading Presidents Clinton and Obama to invoke the National Emergencies Act to block Russian assets and shield them from creditors. http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2015/05/26/obama-russia-non-proliferation-executive-order/27973753/ рашці пізда, знову
#H3CQFX (0) / @hate-engine / 3573 дня назад
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