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Fuck the US Government and its troops. Go ahead and be fucking slaves to the Government and waste your lives over nothing when the heads of the government should give a fucking try in fighting troops peoples fights and see how far they go. I hope that they die trying. I could keep going on and on about how horrible our government is with the war on drugs which is never going to work and they intended to not make it work so they can get make money for themselves. And also all the fucking shit that they put in our food which will probably shorten our lives. And with the fucking tobacco products and alcohol which is so bad for you, tobacco is pure death and alcohol makes people do stupid shit which is what the government wants us to use instead of the best plant and medicine known as marijuana. There main focus on the War on fucking Drugs is the best substance known to man because they don't want us to be happy and peaceful people but they want us to be happy enough so that we won't rebel and start making fucking riots that the government is slowly killing us all. I believe that marijuana and other great substances such as some hallucinogens which is also illegal are reserved for the wealthy and the Illuminati. Fuck you United States Government rise my fellow rebels and start a protest slash riot! Fuck you US you can come get me!

#YR1G5H / @goren / 4133 дня назад

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