Имбирь - твой спиритический овощ. Войти !bnw Сегодня Клубы
Как-то так: !club *tag blah-blah-blah - post a message with tag “tag” to club “club” #number blah-blah-blah - answer to message #numer #number/id blah-blah-blah - answer to reply #number/id ! #number Look at this idiot! - recommend a message with comment (could be blank) PM @user - send personal message to user D - delete: message - D #number, comment - D #number/id, last post - D L # - show last messages !club - show last messages from club “club” *tag - show last messages with tag “tag” #number - show message without comments #number+ - show message with comments #number/id - show reply #number/id S - subscribe to: user - S @user, tag - S *tag, club - S !club, message - S #number U - unsubscribe from: user - U @user, tag - U *tag, club - U !club, message - U #number BL + - add to blacklist: user - BL +@user, tag - BL +*tag, club - BL +!club BL - - remove from blacklist: user - BL -@user, tag - BL -*tag, club - BL -!club ? string - search for message that contains “string” PING (ПИНГ, ЗШТП) - Ping. INTERFACE - choose mode (redeye - console-like, simplified - juick-like) VCARD - update user VCARD USERLIST [page] - list of all members, 50 per page
Рекомендовали: @stiletto
#Q8ZIFB / @vrusha / 4973 дня назад

уняня :3 чуть попозже добавлю
#Q8ZIFB/WJG / @stiletto / 4973 дня назад
#Q8ZIFB/R37 / @l29ah / 4973 дня назад
Тьфу, забыл LOGIN
#Q8ZIFB/CSQ / @vrusha / 4972 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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