УМННБJ, ЯХВ. Войти !bnw Сегодня Клубы
It's my contention that Marxism and libertarianism are two sides of the same liberal coin. The point that libertarianism is Jewish in origin has already been discussed extensively before, and I won't rehash that here. Needless to say, ethnic minorities who occupy White countries (like the Jews) do not adopt a libertarian ethic, but quite the opposite. Ethnic favoritism is at the core of their success. Ultimately, the state is a tool. Whether it is good or bad depends on who is using it and for what purpose. The American government isn't evil because it's big and bloated. Imagine what this monstrously large institution could do in the hands of good men who care about the future of White people. Practically all of our ills could be cured in record time. http://therightstuff.biz/2015/11/05/libertarianism-and-marxism-two-sides-of-the-same-coin/
Рекомендовали: @goren @krkm
#OG8UDZ / @anonim / 3408 дней назад

ле третий путь

#OG8UDZ/EI4 / @goren / 3408 дней назад
> Anti-Intellectualism Is Good Because Intellectuals Are Fags
#OG8UDZ/COC / @windowsadmin / 3408 дней назад
> мам, можн я немножко поцентрализую власть > нельзя сынок, хуёво будет > ну я аккуратно
#OG8UDZ/B1T / @mugiseyebrows / 3408 дней назад

@mugiseyebrows Лойс

#OG8UDZ/WLN / @xenomorph --> #OG8UDZ/B1T / 3408 дней назад
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